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OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • I stopped using the word "alternative" as it implies it maybe be less good. I just say "open source" now.

    In reality, open source software almost always is a better product as it's designed by people wanting it, not by a bunch of managers wanting more money directing a bunch of developers who just want their salary.

    Also: a lot of the mainstream software has Linux clients, if you look for them

    I've been on Linux desktop and server for over 20 years now, reaching 25. Never looked back, never will

  • OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • I do exactly that, yes. Unfortunately I my company we have to use the msoffice shit, so I use the online version which is as hilariously bad as one would expect. Same for teams which is just a sad shitshow

    Say about Google what you want, but at least the google drive tools work well.

    In any case, what is your point?

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Same here, I was a super user back in the days, posted multiple posts and dozens of comments every day at the minimum. With the API fiascos I deleted all my posts, all my comments. Fuck reddit.

    I don't care about toxicity, it's the same everywhere, you wade through that. Toxic users is a thing, toxic management and platform is a whole other thing.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Toxic users are everywhere, that's not why I left reddit. I left reddit because management was toxic (since forever, but with the API it was too much) and they were actively making things worse.bibwas forbidden from using my RIF mobile app, so fuck reddit

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Yes.

    There is a VERY specific reason why Germany is doing this, whilst staying out of other issues. If I have to point out that reason then I think that maybe you should pick up a history book.

    Also they aren't saying that Germany is recognizing Jewish lives and Jewish communities, it says the state of Israel, you know, that appareheids state currently working hard to commit genocide.

    Anyone bringing but this issue with either Israel or Palestine being good and the other side being evil is just downright lying for whatever reason. Germany pushing this for Israel really REALLY begs the question: okay, cool, Israel has a right to exist. What about Palestine, and Palestinians in general? Should we just off all of them? Eradicate all of them, men, women and children alike, no matter what country?

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • You're right, but I meant it more sarcastically. Russia started the conflict and is escalating it at every turn that it can, hoping the west will back down and too ma y times we have. I'm pretty sure that the backing down is just about over by now, though

  • Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months
  • Holy crap, where to begin.

    Where I'm from, mental illness is treated for free, and quite well. I'm currently living in Canada, where mental illness is not treated for free, and fuck, It shows. Even in Mexico we take better care of those wil mental illness and again, it shows.

    I'm 100% in favor of free (mental, dental, eye, brain, whatever, everything) healthcare for everyone world wide, it would fix so so much shit. It would cost a penny and save us all a pound, next to it being the right thing to do.

    Having said that. You want more guns, thinking it will fix the too many guns issue. You think guns in the classroom is a good idea.

    Are you crazy?

    It's a serious question. You, like many extremists in the US, have lost perspective. Let me give you an alternative country. At those point it doesn't matter which, because any country literally will do as the US is very alone with this particular problem

    In this other country, we don't give guns to anyone nilly willy. Actually, we don't give guns to anyone but police and a few people that are at very well registered and regulated sports shooting clubs. Moet types of guns are simply outlawed. AR15? Not even for the police, and the military will use something better.

    Those that do get guns get VERY long and intensive training beforenthey are allowed to even touch guns, let alone shoot them, let alone take them on the streets.

    Howuch gun crime do we have? Pretty much zero. How many mass shootings? In the past 2 decades: One and that is because the police severely fucked up with background checks on one of those sports shooting clubs. People don't want these gun laws to change, nobody does. Why not?

    Because we see what happens when you let people play with guns. The US is the perfect example of how NOT to do guns

    You have mass shootings DAILY. like WTF, how even.... Kids get taught what to do in an "active shooter situation" because obviously the US being the US, they have to make tragedies sound cool.

    And you think arming teachers will fix this? You actually believe this? You know, teachers, those severely underpaid people who are there to relay knowledge to kids? They're supposed to be Rambo now too? Those same teachers who already "accidentally discharged a firearm" (that is cool sounding US bull for "fucked up and shot a gun") at schools? Those teachers that can half the time not control truly classes and sometimes go off and hit students?

    Yeah, that is a recipe for a fucking bloodbath, not to mention... Why?

    Just ban all guns. At this point it's proven a million times over, thousands over thousands of Children have died showing you the point: people (and Americans in particular) cannot be trusted with dangerous toys. Take away the toys, fix the problem.

    All that sanctimonious "but muy rights" bullshit is nonsense. No, the founding fathers (uuuugghhh) did not envision everyone having 5 AR15's and teachers having anti air installed, as none of that shit existed. Had they known what was coming, they would NOT have allowed everyone bear arms, they would have allowed no-one but police to bear arms. Hell, even police didn't exist back then

    Guns are cool and dangerous toys, that's it. Americans love anything that's "cool" so they love guns. Dear God, at least admit that part. While at it, admit you love guns so much that you don't mind kids killed because that's what happens.


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ READ THAT ^^^^^^^^^^

    Get rid of guns, get rid of the problem. Mexico is half way a fucking ear zone and I feel safer there every single time that any time I'm in the US.

    You teach little children what to do in case a gunman comes in to murder them all, why are we even having this ridiculous discussion? AAAHHHH!

  • To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board
  • Yeah I don't get why Democrats let Joe Biden run as he WILL pass away before this term is over (not wishful thinking and I'd wish him another 50 years more, but the guy just really doesn't look like he'll be around for another 4 more years), but ignoring that...

    Why are they focussing on Joe's issues with Trump? Focus on the dictatorship part, perhaps? On the sheer incompetece? On the insanity? The crimes? The fucking insurrection? There are a million sun blazing red flags they could wave about trump, yet they try to.focus on things where Joe actually failed himself?

    Yeah, poor Joe is senile, I get it, and people should still vote for him cuz they're living in the greatest country where they have the choice between an evil clown dictator and a senile dying grandpa. It sucks, but those are the choices. Destroy the world, or effectively vote for Joe's running mate, as that person will be in charge soon.

    Dear god joe, please don't die right before the elections, that would be baaaaadddd

  • having issues with Vivaldi stuttering
  • I recall reading a few weeks ago that Nvidia released new driver updates that would fix stuttering issues, iirc specifically with Wayland. I got no specifics for you, but maybe a few searches will shed light

  • it's a big deal jack
  • Just.... Why? Why make it avait everywhere EXCEPT Canada, UK, Australia, NZ.... I hate regional blocking, fuck everything about it. Yeah, yeah, VPN might fix that, but why do I need to fuck arout to get the same as everyone else?

  • [article] Japan is inventing trains
  • pictured using generative tools

    So now it's not just "bad CGI idea", it's "bad CGI idea generated by AI".

    Next up: people investing billions in said cool looking bad CGI project only to find out none of it works and after wasting half a decade, they'll come to the conclusion that they'll need to invent a large transportation system with metal wheels that will run on a specialized track where you can add or remove carts as needed.

    It's so bad that we don't have any of this yet!

    Seriously, fuck Elon Musk for getting these scams popularized

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • So does that mean that NATO can also start deploying troops there? I mean, so far we've kept out to not escalate this, but if actual foreign troops will set foot on that front line, you can only wait so long for the other side to do the same...

  • so I'm back with Netflix and Amazon...

    So I'm back with Netflix and Amazon. I'm kind of done with jellyfin at this point. I've been recommending it to everyone and honestly I'm not sure that I still would.

    Jellyfin as a product simply doesn't work. There, I said it.

    For a media system I'd hope for the basics to be able to play a movie or show with subtitles, selecting audio channels, and scrubbing and it to remember where I was left. I wouldn't even need posters and all that, I'd get my own subtitles, etc.

    I have multiple TVs, but let's go with the old one with a chrome cast. I use my Android phone to cast a show episode. Scrubbing sometimes works. it works better than before because before it would just break everything to the point of the app requiring a reinstall. At least that's fixed now but scrubbing still is SLOW, 10 seconds ahead takes 20-30 seconds to do. Worse though, it borks up subtitles by leaving the subtitles that were there when you started scrubbing, and places the new ones on top of that. The only way out is to exit casting completely, kill the app, restart all from scratch. Obviously JF doesn't continue where I stopped (seriously, requests on that timeframe were made, it can't be that hard to register that, can it?) and so I need to scrub again which, you know, borks up subtitles. So I'll start just from the beginning, I can rewatch the same 5 minutes twice but it annoys the hell out of my wife.

    Then, subtitles is a mess. The above, but also switching subtitles will cause similar issues. Don't touch anything when having subtitles!

    Then: it's slow. It's godunholy slow. I have a 16 core and Rhyzen 5 cpu, 64gb men @3200mhz, 1tb M2 Samsung Evo 989 pro, and ~60tb over 3 exos drives. An AMD rx7800 XT finishes up the config. It's not the best of the best, but my system, u believe, ranks in the higher ranks of jellyfin installations

    Jellyfin cannot play a movie or show without stuttering at least a few times, flat out freezing for minutes during shows, especially in the second episode for that day... If I run transmission in parallel, it just freezes up so much that it's undoable.

    Logs don't indicate any major issue, I saw a freeze and had all logs on tail and literally saw no messages whatsoever during that freeze. System utilization was near zero.

    Wife isnt tolerating jellyfin anymore and now I have Netflix and Amazon accounts again.

    I understand it's open source software, you do what you can, but right now it simply isn't a system that is for the general public. It can be used by nerds like me who have the patience to deal with all the issues.

    Edit: Really? 17 downvotes? I'm trying to tell you that the thing doesn't work and that I've spent plenty of time trying to fix it, reading docs, posting questions, nothing has fixed anything so far but can't have people talk about that, or what's wrong?

    Babushka Dogs phoenixz
    Babushka cookie!
    Welcome back!

    Happy to see that fuckcars is one of the first Reddit communities to appear on Lemmy for me!

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