Trump’s policies are endangering the economy; it might cost Republicans in the 2026 midterms.
Trump’s policies are endangering the economy; it might cost Republicans in the 2026 midterms.

Will Trump's economy backfire for the GOP in 2026?

Trump’s policies are endangering the economy; it might cost Republicans in the 2026 midterms.
Will Trump's economy backfire for the GOP in 2026?
What makes you think the midterms will be free and fair elections?
I'm more amused that they think the country will survive long enough to get to midterms.
Still living in ignorance. There will be no real elections any more, as they have told multiple times
Because they're run by the states, and blue states are still capable of having those. Red states, though? Nah, the won't be.
Don't worry. There will be no midterms due to (random excuse). Signed: Emporer Donald Trump
More likely there will be rigged elections, to give the pretense of legitimacy. Just like in Russia.
Midterms, Might cost Republicans... Might???? I should hope I the upcoming midterms fucking decimate the the idiots....
We're still pretending he's not gonna skip them with a declaration of war in Canada, Panama, or Greenland?
Elections are run by the states including for federal office. They are not run by the federal government
Nor are there is no provision anywhere to cancel elections due to war. They still happened during the US Civil war
Hell even if in a hypothetical that it was just blue states that held elections, that would be enough to potentially flip the house. California and New York have enough potential and realistic house flips to change the US from red to blue
Declaring that they won't happen just plays into Trump's hands. It makes people more cynical and less inclined to fight back
You do realize this dream scenario, should it spring into reality, only puts Schummer in charge again?
You speak sensibly.
Trump is without sense and will act without sense.
Good thing the majority of state Governors are not Republican and would not welcome interventions from a fascist federal government. Oh wait...
Why do you think flipping the house matters? We're living in a dictatorship.
Elections are run by the states including for federal office. They are not run by the federal government
This sounds like someone who doesn't live in a red state...
I'm waiting for Missouri to just go ahead and decide that we don't need to vote. They've just overturned votes we passed.
There'll be a war before the midterms, martial law will be declared and elections will be suspended. That's what I suspect he'll do.
During all the wars the US has ever been in, elections have never been suspended.
Have you been watching what this clown is doing? There's always a first time with him.
Yea, I’m no doomer. But, I read a lot of history. Trump getting inaugurated and Elon throwing a seig heil twice solidified my belief that there will be no 2028 presidential election.
Trump will manufacture a “Reichstag Fire” moment which will be used to blame “antifa”, “leftists”, “trans”, “immigrants”, etc. and then martial law will be implemented. However, this will only come after Trump feels satisfied that the military has been purged of any high ranking officials that may dissent.
Once martial law is enforced, they will continue to purge anti-Trump dissenters and any marginalized groups.
Trump could very well pull all of this off by 2026 midterms let alone 3 years from now before the next presidential election.
Did you see that article about the “Trump derangement syndrome” bill written by the Minnesota state politician who has a side gig as a child predator?
They’re gonna ignore that last bit and make it a doubleplus ungood thoughtcrime to openly object in any way, shape, or form to the fascists taking over. The bill makes provisions for non-consensually institutionalizing political opponents. That is not an exaggeration. That bill is a test that they’re running in Minnesota to see if they can pass and implement this sort of thing.
This bill will be used as a pattern. Expect this to show up in Texas and Florida at some point soon. After that, expect it then to make its debut on the national stage.
He is old and getting older. Hopefully he doesn't make it to 2026, naturally or not.
Doesn't even have to be an actual war - this government showed that they can redefine words to mean whatever they want (see them invoking a wartime law recently), so they might as well define drag queens as an invasive species, declare war on them and implement martial law/suspend elections because who's gonna stop them?
Exactly, war isn’t necessary, all he needs us a large protest. He'll send in goons to instigate violence, then send in authorities to break it up. After some nasty violence, probably some deaths, he will have the justification to impose martial law. Then he can suspend elections until peace is restored, and since he controls the peace, that will never happen.
He needs to keep his congressional majorities, to give him credibility and to keep investigative commitees under Republican control. He will never allow free elections unless he is confident that MuskRat's/ Russia's/ China's hackers have the election system fully rigged.
Are we still pretending we’ll have anymore real elections?
we had real elections before?
It can always get much worse
but Trump promised to get rid of elections
Elon Musk will just manipulate the outcome of the elections, just like he did in 2024. It no longer matters who you vote for; it matters only who Elon Musk sponsors.
The elections? It should cost some of them their lives.
Guys, the economy slaughters children in Gaza might be a bit sends US citizens to death camps unstable rn raids private institutions with police compliance idk if I should strips citizens of all rights vote for these guys ignores all court orders stating their actions are illegal rn
Eh. Just give American hamster brains a few years and we'll be back to voting for rapist felon traitor fascists because the TV told us to.
Idk why anyone thinks 2026 isn't already for all intents and purposes over. Watch even this year, Virginia is going to go deep red, free and fair elections in the United States are done. You want republicans out of Congress, you work to get 20 million or so Americans on the national mall. Anything else at this point is just performative nonsense.
Like bro already said all blue states would disappear next year in a "big surprise."
2026 isn't over. But relying on free and fair elections is foolish when Trump is in control of the process.
The system is fucked. We can't rely on the system to save us. We'd better be making other plans.
We've had multiple special elections already this year. Dems have had some massive overperformances in some of them.
For instance, Iowa saw a Trump+21 district state senate distict flip
Virginia had special elections earlier in January where dems had a couple of point overperformance compared to harris
Stop doing Musk's and Trump's work for him and claim things are over before they're over. All this does is create cynicism and apathy that play straight into his power
Join on the streets too and vote in every damn election. They want you doing neither, so do both
We’ve had multiple special elections already this year. Dems have had some massive overperformances in some of them.
And how much has that swung control to the Democrats? Because if it matters, the outcome might be different.
Agreed. Some combination Musk, Putin, Thiel, and Vance hacked the last election. If they have another one, it will be hacked as well.
All we have to do to get the house back is stop robbing state parties via the "victory fund" so it can be used in down ballot races.
The last three elections they've been giving the max state donations to the DNC and chosen presidential candidate, putting all our eggs in the same neoliberal baskets for a position the last Dem president spent four years telling us didn't even matter and was effectively powerless.
I really expected the new DNC chair to come out against the program, there's still plenty of time, but I wanted a day 1 announcement
cost Republicans in the 2026 midterms.
So back to the people that helped create the environment we are in?
Not if the spineless Democrats have anything to say about it!
I mean given how the Democrats passed their temporary budget that will give away billions to the wealthy and cuts social security and Medicare/aid with the Republicans help, it's really the Democrats fault the economy tanks.
You know how that's going to be played it in the media and the Republicans and Democratic leadership will be too incompetent to ineffectively push back.