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Captain America
  • Voters:

    Both sides are not the same

  • Micron: U.S. Fabs Will Start Operating in 2026 - 2029
  • with worker's rights eroding combined with stagnating wages and pro police states the US is poised to become the next China

  • Will Biden's green jobs policy help him win votes?
  • yes please give us more low paying not enough to cover housing and food factory jobs

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • the country is less progressive now then when Biden was in office with Obama

    on that note US citizens enjoy less rights than their counterparts living in the 60s

    fucking sad Americans are willingly ready to suck Biden or Trump depending on your favorite color

    all voters could just protest by voting someone else if the top two choices suck but hey the democrats wouldn't like that because that would be a vote for Trump

  • Letters: Debate was a disaster for Biden and Trump is still unhinged. Now what, America?
  • singular choice between one senile Demopublican or the other one

    one has a D and likes blue the other has an R and likes red

    the next four years will have the same result either way unless the citizens unite and vote some other party in

    on that note yes it is next to impossible already agree

    remember when Obama and Biden had a third party candidate chained to a chair for eight hours

    if the people reject the two party system and quit supporting it yes it will fail same as any business people quit shopping at

    it is already the end of the Republic if you have gotten a politician to force to you to vote for them

    coerced vote because of threats is not an autonomous one born of rational thinking

    Biden and Trump want the same thing even if the route looks different

  • Should Democrats stay the course or replace Biden? | Robert Reich
  • like the people voting the same over and over again expecting different results

  • Letters: Debate was a disaster for Biden and Trump is still unhinged. Now what, America?
  • wait until they make up or change a law or policy that makes people like you their target like they keep doing

    will you still be singing the same tired old tune then?

  • Letters: Debate was a disaster for Biden and Trump is still unhinged. Now what, America?
  • Have you had to care for someone Biden's age? He would be about 86 if got through another term in office. Think Trump would be about 82.

    Watching the debate was like watching two of my grandfather, who take of, on stage. Love that man and respect him but would not put him in charge of something that important.

  • Letters: Debate was a disaster for Biden and Trump is still unhinged. Now what, America?
  • no please we do not need a prosecutor for a president

    the police problem is bad enough thanks to politicians like Biden and Harris

  • Descendants Push for Monument at Tulsa Race Massacre Site
  • stay in Tulsa and without knowing where to look hard to find the area not really marked or anything

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • 86 years old if he get reelected and makes the full four year and Trump would have 82 years on him by the end of his term if he won the election


  • Biden, Trump battle for blue-collar voters as steel merger looms
  • after election night we will still be in the retirement home waiting to die

    Democrats and Republicans should have added new blood into the mix

  • Removed
    CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump
  • atrophy against fascism is just as bad as active fascism

    both sides are definitely not the same

    Trump is actively campaigning for fascist views while Biden is a typical Democrat acting like it is a lazy river

  • Police checking identification after the Hazel's Inn Raid, a persecution of a gay bar, USA, 1956
  • amazing we are back to this timeline but now in full color

  • Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

    Biden did not put forth a progressive or convincing counterweight to Trump’s xenophobic and authoritarian tirades.

    Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

    Donald Trump's overarching narrative for the debate was that Joe Biden has diminished U.S. power by opening the border and allowing millions of "Illegal immigrants" released "From prisons, jails and mental institutions" to come into the country to "Take our jobs," overwhelm our health care and Social Security systems, and rape and kill us.

    Rather than pointing out Trump's utter lack of concern for people's well-being, Biden's rebuttal fell into the trap of trying to respond to Trump's tirades, allowing the former president to control the agenda and tone of the debate.

    Trump used this as an opportunity to point out how little progress has been made under Biden and that Biden helped drive these disparities through his embrace of the "Superpredator" myth in the 1990s.

    While many in the Biden administration and its key constituencies favor dialing back criminalization, they feel that it is politically impossible to state that clearly and openly, leaving the president to quietly support some good programs, while publicly leaning into a police-centered crime control strategy that will never be able to compete with Trump's undiluted authoritarianism.

    Biden's weak policies and incoherent responses during the debate may give us another four years of Trump and his drive to turn the U.S. into a despotic kleptocracy.

    Should Democrats stay the course or replace Biden? | Robert Reich
  • how we get shitty choices

    people bend over to take it without even asking for their hair to be pulled or some lube or foreplay and beg for more while their ass gapes and bleeds

    neither Trump nor Biden have any business in this race and it goes to show that US voting is nothing more than bread and circuses

    when has any actual progress happened?

    women's right's, worker's rights including living wages, healthcare, environmental policies, police reform, tax reform, education reform

    none of this happened the whole of Biden term in office nor in Obama's or any democrat before that so why would they do anything different now

    if all people care about are letters and colors why even have an election we can all just go back to kindergarten while the country burns

  • "Terrifying and dystopian": the dark realities of the Supreme Court's homelessness decision
  • and without the minimum wage going up housing costs are more than $7.25 an hour will cover not to mention food costs

    starting wages such as Walmart's since covid have dropped significantly and no longer pay a living wage sometimes $13 an hour or lower

    not sure if this was even talked about during the debate by either candidate

  • Sonia Sotomayor Is Trying to Warn Us About the Supreme Court’s Dirtiest Open Secret
  • and that is what your parents were told by their parents who were told by their parents

    same things your kids will tell your grandchildren who will then go on to tell your great grandchildren

    "Kept voting the same party in and the outcome was always the same because of that damn other party! and that same other party is making sure my party can't do anything!"

    doing something over and over without changing any variables but expecting a different result than the one you keep getting is insanity not voting

  • Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    In response to the hemorrhaging of support for Joe Biden due to his blatant role in facilitating Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians, the Democrats are seeking to suppress all political parties outside the framework of the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    The Democratic Party is launching an "all-out war" to block third parties from appearing on the 2024 US election ballot. This is in response to declining support for President Biden and the Democratic Party. The World Socialist Web Site has published articles exposing these anti-democratic efforts, which have received widespread attention and support on social media. Third party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West have condemned the Democratic Party's actions as an assault on democratic rights and voter choice. The Socialist Equality Party has also voiced support for the right of independent and third party candidates to access the ballot, connecting this to the broader fight against the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs.

    Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    The Military Budget Underwrites War — and Genocide

    The deal includes $886 billion for the military, but that will most likely grow. War funding for the current year wasn’t included in the current deal, but President Joe Biden has requested $106 billion, of which $65 billion is for military purposes .

    The Losers: All of Us

    All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs.

    Flipping the Script

    The clear answer to this is a budget that flips the script, providing more for human needs, climate, and diplomacy while providing less for war and militarism. The path to get there is fraught, but there are signs of hope.

    Night Train to Terror (1985)

    God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes. One involves an insane asylums with some very interesting treatment plans. Another involves a 'death club'. The final story shows us the adventures of a server of Satan.

    Mitchell (1975)

    A tough, slobby, honest cop tries to simultaneously take down heroin dealers and a corrupt businessman who murdered a burglar, even if it costs him his life.

    verdantbanana Verdant Banana

    Still a very green banana.

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