If you could change one thing about the TV show you're watching now, what would it be?
If you could change one thing about the TV show you're watching now, what would it be?
If you could change one thing about the TV show you're watching now, what would it be?
That it didn't get cancelled and was still in production, cuz it's Firefly.
I've come to accept that Firefly is never coming back. But I have a few moments when I think about how it would have gone if HBO or some other related cable channel picked up the torch and ran with it. It would have been great to get a minimum of 3 seasons out of that show. It seemed like they had enough content and character building to show.
Same, it's been too many years. But if I had a wish I could alter time and it never would have been cancelled.
Better Off Ted needed another season.
The News: where should I start?
Severance. End it in 2 (or 3) seasons. You can only stall and extend a mystery for so long before it starts to drag.
Are they going to go more than 2-3? I think I'd be good with 3.
I actually stopped watching, I couldn’t take it any more as it is.
Ted Lasso. Moar Ted Lasso!
I loved this show for the first couple of seasons, but it's gotten a bit too sappy for me. Some of the quick hit humor seems to have left and been replaced by constant tugging of the heart strings which I've become bored with.
Stargate Atlantis, the thing I would change is to make it as good as I remember it being, cause while it's fine and entertaining and all, I just remember thinking more highly of it when it aired and on previous rewatches.
I still love Atlantis, but it's one of those shows with episodes you definitely skip.
Daredevil: Born Again. I’d have liked Karen to be a regular character.
She great. I’ll miss her
Edit: she has come a very long way since her premier on true blood, although she was pretty great in that, too.
That the Wheel of Time actually followed the books.
I for one am so glad that they're not. I don't need 14 seasons with basically nothing happening from season 6 to 10.
I agree that it couldn’t be a 1-1 adaptation, but I wish the general high level points were the same. It feels a little like they took the characters names and some of the themes and are making something entirely new. I’m not against new things, in fact I wish Hollywood took more risks with new content. But don’t call it something that people know and love and then change it so much.
I came to say this. Don't watch it. Don't support that garbage.
Walking Dead - People should get shot accidentally.
Everyone carries all the time. There are guns everywhere. I get it. Zombies. But where all the accidental shootings? That many guns around, someone has to be shooting themselves in the leg or accidentally blasting their spouse through the kitchen wall. But that stuff never happens in the entire series.
It's not realistic.
Don’t want to paint guns in a bad light after all. They’re life saving weapons don’t you know?
I am loving The Expanse but I wish James Holden felt more like an inhabitant of the System he's supposed to be saving. Sometimes it feels like he gets dragged along by the plot. And I'm halfway through season 3, I think I get that it's not entirely coincidence that he's always tied up in the shit, but sometimes it feels like the Hand Of God moves him into position just for the sake of the plot.
From what I remember, in the books he's more the type to go put his nose into things and get involved.
2nd half of s3 that changes.
4 is kind of odd for that, 5 probably feels better, 6 might be just for you.
I just rewatched Dexter and am moving on to new blood and subsequently original sin. I love me some true crime, I love me some fantasy, I love me some weird dexter. What I would change: Nothing really aside from more seasons. I am also intermittently watching Modern Family again. Its an easy show to watch with dinner. What I would change: more Cam, more Gloria both for different reasons
Travelers - more seasons
Stargate Atlantis - more seasons
The Voice - more episodes per season. Add about 4 episodes. Maybe 5.
The Equalizer - that they casted someone who could run and actually fight. You can see how it is filmed that half the stuff is cut shots. I don't expect actual blood or broken bones but make the fight sequence look real. Also cut way back on the side stories. I'm considering cutting the show.
Lego Masters - cut the main host. He is not funny and makes the show hard to watch at times.
The star wars series on Disney plus - put them on physical media. Let me buy them.
Try Lego Masters from other regions. I'm guessing you are watching the USA version and I know my kids have enjoyed the Australian version way more. All a matter of taste of course in what works for you especially in terms of something like a show host.
See if I can find it
RE: Lego Masters - It's the writing. Will Arnett is an incredibly funny comedian with decades of success under his belt. But the writing for him on LM is too stiff and not funny. In some of the one on one interactions though you can tell when he's going off script and suddenly things are more natural feeling and so much funnier!
Never watched anything else worth him in it. Haven't seen any of his stand up comedy bits so nothing else to judge on. On this show I've not seen anything from him that's funny. There was some pieces that were less painful to watch.Just nothing that I'd call funny.
Stargate Universe, too?
It was really starting to pick up towards the end of the second season
Yeah let's add that to the mix
that Mike tyson had one last good murder rage in him and caved Jake Paul's skull in.
Chapelwaite - I wish it wasn’t canceled after just one season. Kinda bummer when you start something and realize it’s gonna end without finishing the story.
Both arms should be bionic.
I'd remove the sex scenes. All of them.
Seriously, there are so many unnecessary cringey sex scenes in everything.
That it's a dub and not a sub.
Quinn Hughes would score five goals and Jimmy Pattison would finally have to pay someone a million dollars....