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Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • Rather than arguing that Stein's goals were unrealistic, or that she's a mere spoiler, or that she's an unwitting tool of Russia, Ocasio-Cortez made a different charge: That the Green Party candidate is simply bad at politics.

    Sets aside all the obvious criticisms that everyone is aware of by now and simply goes for the jugular. Attagirl AOC 😍

  • Riding in the car with the windows rolled up and them smoking away.
  • Your parents didn't just stuff you in the back window?

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • So now you presume to know what people say. Easier to answer the hypothetical imo. Weird choice. Your tap-dancing to avoid answering yes or no tells me my point is starting to sink in so I'll leave it there.

    We're off topic and I'm done relitigating this. It's really not that difficult a concept to understand. Read that wiki article I linked you about the Principle of Charity. It will really help you in the future.

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • If Maya Angelou said 'she became black' would you still say it was racist?

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Your seeming inability to comprehend the tenets of basic rational argumentation and outright refusal to accept what anyone says to you that you disagree with, supported or not, are glaring flaws in someone whose job it is to evaluate what people are saying in their forums and arbitrate fairly.

    Did I not expressly agree that Trump is racist? Show me where I "excuse racism". All I have done is simply (to some) state that "racism accusations are an unnecessary complication to successfully counter Trumps core argument". As I've said already: if someone like MLK jr, or Al Sharpton, or Maya Angelou said "Kamala was pandering to her heritage" your 'that person is racist!' counter would be laughed at. It is besides the point. Nobody disagrees that Trump is racist. Let it go as it doesn't matter for the best counter-argument.

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Are you trying to argue that in the forums you actually moderate you suddenly smarten up and start thinking rationally? What changes in you from one link to another that performs this miraculous change?

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Again, you're a mod. Do better. Nowhere did I even imply 'when I feel like it'.

    You argue against the best version of the opponent's argument. My argument transcends any accusations of racism, but does not preclude them which makes it the better form. You refusing to get that is sea-lioning at this point. Figureidout or let it go.

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Based on your whole ‘principle of charity’ idea, isn’t it your duty to believe him?

    No. The duty is to argue against the best version of his argument. For example: "Uttering the N-word in a racist manner is evidence I am a racist, I didn't say the N-word, so this is not evidence I am a racist" fairly (side note: this may not be the best version of the argument so if someone concocts a better one I would attack that instead).

    In this example I would (and already did elsewhere) say "I listened to the tape and heard a hard-N so the premise 'I didn't say the N-word' is false" so the rest of the argument collapses and the argument concludes "he said the N-word, so this IS evidence he is racist".

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Declaring it an accident actually makes the argument 'dude is racist' stronger. If the N-word is used so often in your speech you utter it on camera by accident... yeah, that's racist. I cannot see a charitable version implying the argument 'dude is not racist for uttering the N-word, accidentally or not', but I would entertain attempts in the interest of rational argumentation.

  • Kamala Harris helped shut down Sex workers are still feeling the fallout.
  • let the actual offenders roam free

    One of them got 5 years for fraud so not everyone got off with a warning.

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Yeah I have Threads in my uBlock filters. Watched the clip and, yeah, that's a hard N if I've ever heard one.

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Having it clearly explained to you but still not letting it go. Clearly the example Lemmy mods should be aspiring to.

    Edit: The point is that a resurrected MLK jr. could have said the same thing Trump said about Kamala and still had it refuted. Racism is besides the point and requires a whole bunch of supporting evidence regarding past statements, policies, and associations for any undecideds that haven't already made up their mind.

  • Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • I don't see it. Is it the Threads link I have blocked?

  • Israel’s siege now blocks 83% of food aid reaching Gaza, new data reveals
  • So Hamas still haven't released the hostages. Got it. Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of As The Stomach Churns.

  • AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • Ssssshhhh... You're interrupting my socratic argument to shut this f'ing guy up.

  • U.S. firms warn against Draghi report’s ‘European preference’, risks for defence sector
  • It's also important for EU security. Defense spending where the 3rd party demands compliance with usage restrictions limits EU's ability to forward its agenda. Case in point the Ukraine-russia war. Several EU nations long ago approved long range strikes into ru but the US said 'no' and they had to comply due to previous usage restriction agreements between the US and EU.

  • Ukraine invites UN and ICRC to Russia's Kursk region

    cross-posted from:

    > Ukraine said on Monday it had asked the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to join humanitarian efforts in Russia's Kursk region following a cross-border incursion by Ukrainian forces. > > Ukraine's army remains in the Kursk region more than a month after launching the assault, in which President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says Kyiv has taken control of about 100 settlements. Russia's Defence Ministry said on Monday its forces had regained control of two more villages. > > "Ukraine is ready to facilitate their work and prove its adherence to international humanitarian law," (Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii) Sybiha said on X after visiting the Sumy region, from where Ukrainian forces launched the cross-borer attack.

    Disappointing Systems in Ukraine - From imprecise precision munitions to explosive IFVs

    We've spent a lot of time in the past talking about systems that have been called 'game changers' or arguably overperformed in Ukraine, relative to either expectations, costs, or both.

    Today, we look at some of the opposite - systems that may not be having the expected impact, and which might prompt some thinking in planners observing the Ukrainian experience.

    Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal

    Ukrainian president says Brasília-Beijing initiative shows “lack of respect” toward Kyiv’s position.

    Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal

    cross-posted from:

    > Ukrainian president says Brasília-Beijing initiative shows “lack of respect” toward Kyiv’s position. > > Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused Brazil of being pro-Russia in the Kremlin’s war on Ukraine and lambasted a joint peace proposal drawn up by Brasília and Beijing. > > “The Chinese-Brazilian proposal is also destructive, it’s just a political statement,” Zelenskyy said during an interview with Brazilian news site Metrópoles on Wednesday evening. > > Brazil and China signed a joint statement in May calling for peace talks involving both Russia and Ukraine. However, according to the Ukrainian president, the two countries consulted Moscow but not Kyiv. > > “We are not stupid,” Zelenskyy said during the interview. “How can you offer ‘here is our initiative’ without asking anything from us?” He added, “This is a lack of respect toward Ukraine.”

    Recipe Help for Dabbler

    Simply put, I'm looking to increase my overall vegetable intake and would like advice on best starter foods / recipes or recipe sources to help make the change more encouraging.

    I distrust crowdsourced recipe websites (allrecipes for example) because 95% of the time the recipe is plain bad so, if I may be so bold, I would prefer 'reputable' sources.

    Thanks in advance!

    The other 9/11 investigation: ANALYSIS The other 9/11 investigation: ANALYSIS

    While investigators worked to identify and apprehend the 9/11 perpetrators, Osama bin Laden was committed to assassinating the U.S. president.

    The other 9/11 investigation: ANALYSIS
    Russian oligarchs and financial firm lose court challenge against EU sanctions

    BRUSSELS, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Two Russian oligarchs and the country's National Settlement Depository company on Wednesday lost legal challenges against European Union sanctions imposed on them after Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

    UK sanctions 10 vessels from Russia's 'shadow fleet'

    LONDON, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Britain has sanctioned 10 ships in Russia's "shadow fleet" of vessels which it says use illicit practices to avoid Western embargoes on Russian oil.

    Russia's Kursk region puts damage from Ukraine attack at nearly $1 billion

    MOSCOW, Sept 11 (Reuters) - The economic damage from Ukraine's attack on Russia's mainly agricultural Kursk region is estimated at almost $1 billion, with more than 150,000 people evacuated since the start of the incursion, the regional governor said on Wednesday.

    IMF, Ukraine reach deal that would give it access to $1.1 billion

    WASHINGTON, Sept 10 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday it had reached a preliminary agreement with Ukraine that would give the war-torn country access to about $1.1 billion in financial assistance. The agreement follows what Kyiv said on Tuesday were "difficult" talks and is subject to approval by the fund's executive board, which the IMF said in a statement is expected to happen in coming weeks.

    Blinken, UK's Lammy visit Ukraine in show of support at key juncture in war


    • Blinken and Lammy in Kyiv in show of support for Ukraine
    • Ukraine to request more weapons, right to fire into Russia
    • Russia advancing in east, putting pressure on Ukraine
    • Zelenskiy travels to US soon to push plan on ending war
    At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars

    cross-posted from:

    > Reuters documented at least 600 previously unreported workplace injuries at Musk’s rocket company: crushed limbs, amputations, electrocutions, head and eye wounds and one death. SpaceX employees say they’re paying the price for the billionaire’s push to colonize space at breakneck speed. > > >Through interviews and government records, Reuters documented at least 600 injuries of SpaceX workers since 2014. Many were serious or disabling. The records included reports of more than 100 workers suffering cuts or lacerations, 29 with broken bones or dislocations, 17 whose hands or fingers were “crushed,” and nine with head injuries, including one skull fracture, four concussions and one traumatic brain injury. The cases also included five burns, five electrocutions, eight accidents that led to amputations, 12 injuries involving multiple unspecified body parts, and seven workers with eye injuries. > > >SpaceX, founded by Musk more than two decades ago, takes the stance that workers are responsible for protecting themselves, according to more than a dozen current and former employees, including a former senior executive. > > >Musk himself at times appeared cavalier about safety on visits to SpaceX sites: Four employees said he sometimes played with a novelty flamethrower and discouraged workers from wearing safety yellow because he dislikes bright colors.

    At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars

    cross-posted from:

    > Reuters documented at least 600 previously unreported workplace injuries at Musk’s rocket company: crushed limbs, amputations, electrocutions, head and eye wounds and one death. SpaceX employees say they’re paying the price for the billionaire’s push to colonize space at breakneck speed. > > >Through interviews and government records, Reuters documented at least 600 injuries of SpaceX workers since 2014. Many were serious or disabling. The records included reports of more than 100 workers suffering cuts or lacerations, 29 with broken bones or dislocations, 17 whose hands or fingers were “crushed,” and nine with head injuries, including one skull fracture, four concussions and one traumatic brain injury. The cases also included five burns, five electrocutions, eight accidents that led to amputations, 12 injuries involving multiple unspecified body parts, and seven workers with eye injuries. > > >SpaceX, founded by Musk more than two decades ago, takes the stance that workers are responsible for protecting themselves, according to more than a dozen current and former employees, including a former senior executive. > > >Musk himself at times appeared cavalier about safety on visits to SpaceX sites: Four employees said he sometimes played with a novelty flamethrower and discouraged workers from wearing safety yellow because he dislikes bright colors.

    [Video] My Dangerous Walk to School in the USA

    Despite living just 1 mile from my elementary school, I never walked or biked once - let me show you why.

    The Russian Economy at War (2024) - Sanctions, growth, inflation & mounting risks

    Invidious link

    Since 2022, there have been wildly divergent predictions made about the way the Russian economy would hold up under pressure.

    Now, deep into Q3 2024 I want to have a closer look at the Russian economy, sanctions, and the risks it faces. And for a change in perspective, we will do it primarily using Russian data.
