My Dangerous Walk to School in the USA
My Dangerous Walk to School in the USA
Despite living just 1 mile from my elementary school, I never walked or biked once - let me show you why.
My Dangerous Walk to School in the USA
Despite living just 1 mile from my elementary school, I never walked or biked once - let me show you why.
Crikey!? That sux :-/ I don't recall ever encountering a road in any town or city where I've lived that didn't have at least one footpath per road, and usually there's one down each side of every single street until you get past the last house before hitting the countryside.
Dangerous? Looked downright pleasant (besides the no crosswalk bit). Go into even slightly more rural parts of this country, no sidewalk for literal miles. Good luck walking on the shoulder, when there is no shoulder. Our walking/biking infrastructure is abysmal in a lot of places
What a depressing place to live in!
Start of walk after 3.5 minutes of fluff and ads