Why does it feel like evil is winning globally?
Why does it feel like evil is winning globally?
Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?
Why does it feel like evil is winning globally?
Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?
Class solidarity among the rich. Rich people want willing servants. They want people to fear disobeying them.
Hate drives engagement and can have multiple intersections with opposing view points. Take our algorithmic methods of serving content and you get silos of positivity with oceans of hate in between that fuel metrics of user engagement and view time. Drive your share price by those metrics and run the economy on those share prices. Viola hate becomes the new most important resource to generate and those who can spread it most effectively or direct that hate become those with the most power. If we want to break that grasp on power we need to break the cycle of engagement being tied to hate, find a way to drive engagement through positive action and understanding. I talk like I know how to do that but in reality that's one of the most difficult problems humanity has in general. Like greed is terrible but if you could figure out how to make positivity and mutual understanding more profitable than spewing hate and divisiveness you could channel those at the tops greed into positive feedback loops. Once you have more understanding, and equity in individuals understanding each other we can them finally work as a collective to start eliminating things like bigotry, poverty, etc.
Fascism is rising because the bourgeoisie is funding it to keep out Communism, Socialism, Marxism, and other things that explain why most people globally cannot afford a house, or why England pays such low wages, or why groceries are so expensive in America, or why Germany is undergoing an economic collapse. Once you understand Marxism even simply, these quotes will start to make sense.
P.S. If you're going to say that fascism is rising in power, please just say that. I know that things are shitty because fascism is rising, but I hate when people are vague.
We are losing the class war.
because theyve been laying groundwork and slowly infiltrating every corner of our society for over 50 years.
The slow burn was for purpose, to keep people from noticing, and so that anyone that did notice and point it out would look like a crackpot.
and, imho, I think they didnt expect the opportunity trump presented globally, in his first term, but they chose to come out of the shadows and try to exploit it regardless, which is why they've had the stumbling blocks they have had that has given opportunity to fight it.
Because Evil is winning globally.
I think the same but feel a bit better when I go to protests to meet people, working out, reading.
Im taking this time to improve myself and meditate. System is designed to keep the rich without any checks and balances. But we cannot lose our faith in each other, stay close and make tribes. Join clubs. Stick together.
We got this.
Well. Lots of people drank the kool aid. As long as some people getting a feeling of Power (like shitting on minorities), they will take the blow from the ruling class.
The last time that shit worked started WWII.
But yeah. What will we do about it. There are days where I think we will make it through. But other days I just feel weak and powerless and think we're doomed.
Fuck greed, eat the rich.
People are scared and angry and want action without thinking about the long-term gains only the short term. Creating fear is fascism 101 and how many rise to power
Neuroscience says that the scared brain has a lower IQ, which is good for giving in to survival instincts in an acute threat situation, but really bad to make any longterm decisions. Populists try to scare us for this very reason. Scared people are easier to manipulate. It's working, and it's fucking scary how effective it is. But I am not scared in the way that lowers my critical reflection. So I hope someone brings out the guillotines before more poor people (our people) die.
Sorry this just doesn't make any sense.
Why would people vote for candidates that make them feel "scared"?
because those candidates also sell easy answers to their fears. they make it seem like they can fix things, definitely. the fears are specific, simple, and aimed at selling specific solutions. people don't vote to be scared, they're scared into voting for a perceived authoritative saviour.
I think this is an oversimplification, but still makes sense.
Evil has always been there. People have a tendency to turn a blind eye when it isn't directed at them. Recently it's very much been directed at Europe and North America. It brings the problems of the world into sharp focus.
This is very much it.
I'm not trying to dismiss OP either. I'm glad they finally notice. But for a huge population of the world, it's ALWAYS been there. There's been a lot of evil shit. It's just it was never on their doorstep until now.
But this isn't a "The world is all doom and gloom".
There is a significant amount of positive upswings. Looking in the past 10,000 years, we are absolutely in a better era. We can make jokes and shit post about it, but the average person's quality of life back then no where matched what we are doing today. We tend to be relatively safe. We can get a variety of food anywhere.
Humans unfortunately only have a small window of time and don't see it, but there's a lot of good in the past hundred years.
We need more violent good guys
Everytime we talk about violence being the only way to create change, limp-dick liberals bitch about how peaceful protests are the only way.
Liberalism helped build this hell, and it's determined to maintain it.
Leftist need to get guns. Now.
Liberals have good intentions at times, but they are ultimately toothless because they are pussies. I just have to roll my eyes at the people who you tell you to contact your representatives, but has never spent a minute at the range.
Do you know how you get people to listen to you? Let them know that you and people with similar views know how to operate a rifle.
We need more reasonable people who don't believe in delusional nonsense like "bad guys" and "violent good guys".
That only works if the other side decides to not use violence
More milquetoast pussy-aased doormatterie
Because evil people control all the media
Because evil is loud and self-important, and people doing good have learned to be mycelial, underground, quietly building the new world in the shell of the old.
Evil also tends to be wealthy. And wealthy people suck up all the oxygen in whatever room their in.
I really like this, and I think this is exactly what Jesus meant with the oft-misunderstood "The meek shall inherit the Earth."
There's so much loud roaring nonsense going on, but we're quietly just building our own layer of alternative society to exist on, for people, hoping it can stand on its own when the power hungry institutions collapse in on themselves under the weight of their own backbiting, infighting, and greedful self-sabotage.
It's kinda like Lemmy or Mastodon or Linux as a tech example, or mutual aid, intentional communties, and unions. We're here quietly trying to do what good we can, and when the power goes out, our light will be seen all the brighter.
We have a global economic system that encourages and rewards evil. More and more countries have political systems that do the same. Good people would rather help others and make the world a better place, and this prevents them from attaining power. It would probably require doing some evil to remove the evil people from power.
Because people say stupid shit like "but they have laser-guided drones and you have a rifle!"
Fucking idiots do not understand how revolution works and dont know that the US military has failed every invasion.
Yes! Please! Louder for those in the back!
Maybe some (feels disingenuous to say all) 'pubicans actually fantasize about some Phantom Menace toe-to-toe phalanx of pickup trucks and pre-assault-weapons-ban collectibles vs. the might of an empire.
But that lazy "they have drones tho" excuse is really used to wave off any responsibility, I think. One can be the most bleeding-heart socialist and still believe in defending themselves and their neighbors.
It's scary to think about, and it sucks. I just wanted to make videogames and occasionally shoot for fun as a hobby, not contemplate if I'm ready to defend myself against tyranny within a collapsing former world superpower. But I think we ignore the possibilities at our extreme peril.
Also, a large amount of the U.S military would probably side with us, for upholding the Constitution if not for their families' sake.
It really wouldn't be pretty. We don't want it to come to that, and I honestly don't think it will, but they're not a bunch of brainless stormtroopers.
The rightoids are busy being insufferable and getting uninvited from all their families' Thanksgivings, so maybe their cynical individualism will reduce their threat potential lol.
While times seem bad, and they are worse than they used to be, especially with the election of Donald Trump, imagine what it was like during WW2. Nazi Germany invaded France, Czechoslovakia, and half of Poland (with the Soviet Union the other half); Britain stood alone. Spain was under fascist dictatorship. Now Russia barely controls 1/5 of Ukraine, and has suffered many thousands of losses in tanks and armoured vehicles. Modern Russia is now weaker than the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany was (for their time period).
I do wish people would stop with the "Britian stood alone." stuff. Even before Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, there were Allies fighting all over the world, resistance movements in every single continental European country, famously France, but also the Nederlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Norway, Denmark, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The entire British Empire was at war, either based in Britain, as saboteurs on the continent, on fronts from east Asia to the Sahara -- Canada, Newfoundland, Nepal, Australia, New Zealand -- India alone lost 2 million fighters (look it up!), Burma, Malta, South Africa, Egypt, and southern Rhodesia. China did not just surrender blindly: before 1941, both Mao and Sun Yat-sen had armies fighting the Japanese which kept them from attacking the Soviet Union after Hitler turned. Mongolia and Korea never stopped fighting, either. Britain endured the Blitz, it is true, and Churchill certainly made some great speeches about 'standing alone' while he was sacrificing literally millions of 'colonials' to preserve his European troops. But it was, and is, propaganda.
evil people have always been there, but we're in an era of many crisis's, it was easier to ignore it when it didn't personally effect you. Now i imagine in the next 10-20 years it'll start effecting everyone in ways we've yet to imagine. But I don't think its the end of the world or anything just that its probably time we start considering what we want our futures to look like and start making plans to survive or fight.
Because it always has been. It's called capitalism. This system will literally destroy the planet and enslave all live for the profits of a few ultra privileged man babies.
Plenty of evil has been done under the name of communism and socialism too. It's not capitalism's fault, that's just the tool that's being used in these cases by evil people to achieve their ends.
Evil has been winning, just the mask slipped off and now it's capitalism in decay, fascism.
Good people are still around still doing good, it's just not any rich person or anyone in a government like this. And they won't be televised.
One aspect is that mass media is overall owned by those people and is propaganda. If you don't have ways of seeing what's happening on the ground, you miss a lot of the good news. Even your twitter/bs/mastodon feeds won't give you the full story, you have to (where possible) get involved in a real community organization.
Bad news sells.
Because people have become comfortable enough (can't remember the downside) to flirt with populism.
Once they get the short sharp shock of what it actually means to be governed by these people we might recover from it... Maybe
There's no "populism" under the state. It's called fascism.
Cause it's unfortunately a fact of life. Evil people assume positions of power most often.
That is the eventual conclusion of capitalism, the way it is currently set to play out.
The only forces that could act against it depend on the distribution of critical information.... And those are owned by the same private interests.. Soooooo. We'll see. Doesn't bode well at all.
Capitalism is dying because of unchecked greed and people are turning to socialism. The wealthy choose fascism. Until we have class unity. Once we bring out the guillotines, They will retreat to spending the rest of their lives in the bunkers they have built with their stolen wealth.
people are turning to socialism
Feels like they're turning more to fascism
I also feel like there is always a constant portion of people who worship power and think they can squeeze a decent life out of siding with the powerful. So if there ever is any war, it definitely won't be a clear cut class war. And the billionaires will do everything in their power to make sure the war happens within the classes first.
"Once we bring out the guillotines"
Depends where you live.
I hear the hardcore revolutionary libs in the US have found a much more powerful way to defeat fascism... buy nothing for 1 day.
The US has a really serious problem on their hands which is that their trade war won't achieve anything. The US doesn't make anything, it famously doesn't make anything, the only reason that they trade with Canada is because Canada is close. Even then it's mostly just food stuffs which Canada can make themselves.
But they have virtually nothing to offer internationally hence the trade deficit, that trump is so upset about, in the first place
And who you going to put on the guillotines? You own! People are getting so blind with anger
Speak for yourself
Can I reccomend for you Vlad Vexler on utube. He is a polital philosopher in the UK, whp spends most of his time dealing with this topic. He has some wonderul content which is both educated and humane.
To summarize: democracy is waning, and we have some rough times ahead, but there will be wins mixed in with the losses.
@Mee it just seems like that. In reality, everything in the world has been just someone's interests - because that's how the world was built. In fact, good and evil are just subjective terms. What may be good for you, it might be bad for somebody else. Your evil might be someone else's good and vice-versa.
I think you should think the things into more of what you care the most, what your values are, what is important for you overall. And then you'll see the bigger picture: people are just having different values than you, they think that the values you believe in are not theirs. And I am somewhat in the same situation as you - let me give you an example:
Among the values I care the most are democracy, personal freedoms, the ability to voice out (politely) your own opinion; you'd think I am a normal person, that no sane person would be thinking otherwise. Well, what if I told you, you're wrong! There was a poll last year in my country where 40% of the people said they would agree with my country returning under a dictatorship. Forty freaking percent!!! This is mind-boggling, right? That's what I also think.
What would be the solution to a problem like this be like? Well, you could join the crowd, that would be the most obvious, right? Be one with the majority, mindlessly agree on what they say, do what they do. But I bet you would never see your place in there. Instead, I think you should keep staying true to your own values and beliefs and look for people that share these. Speak to them, understand them yourself as well and who knows, maybe you can do something about it. 😁
/my 2c
Because now it is affecting you personally. Before it was in the middle east or some random aftican nation where people dont speak english, and media make sure it is not in the front page. Reading some history of any conflict will show the root starting a while back but no one cares.
What you're saying is true, but we must also remember that construction is always slower than destruction. What this means is that slow, steady improvements are not newsworthy - and thus gets no airtime - compared to destruction which happens over night and is thus newsworthy.
So there is also a lot of slow, steady improvements going on in the world that we never hear about. There's not enough of it, I don't think, to offset the big evils of greed, climate change, and fake news. But it is there, and we must not forget it.
Media bias. Trump is outrage and outrage moves views and views are profit. Trump is the greatest thing to happen to the media - regardless of side. We're also more connected today than we ever were before so this media gets to everyone in an instant.
Are evil people really winning globally more than they were in the past? Well.. no. We've seen more shit in the second half of the 20th century than we are now. There's still 25 years to catch up though. Heres some shit thats gone down fro 1950-2000.
A lot of these have been resolved.
Must include that if you're here on Lemmy you were probably on Reddit before, and the latter has been a campaign for doom and gloom for close to a decade at this point. When you surround yourself in folks suggesting the sky is falling, you start to believe the sky is falling.
Virtually all of your examples involve US hegemony instigating and winning, the same group doing the current stuff. Why does a war ending count as becoming less evil if it's always by the same instigator and they keep winning, jumping from conflict to conflict? Have you considered that the evil keeps winning and suppressing the good through compliance or murder?
What is we compare the most intense 25 years of the 20th to the current 25 and label the instigators?
Virtually all of your examples involve US hegemony instigating and winning
Hmm, I disagree. There are some but I purposely wanted to include the ones where the US was not in change in order to show its been a shitshow everywhere. They obviously had a hand everywhere, since they are considered a superpower but them leading the show every time? That's a stretch.
Ive also given examples I personally thought were extreme that happened in that century to paint a picture that it's been pretty bad for a while now and you can draw your own opinion on whether is better now or not. I don't wish to compare these events to today's but I can acknowledge they were there and that they were also, pretty fucking bad.
I think the issue in America, is that the Constitution only addressed political power, but failed to account for fiscal strength. Money is inherently a thing that manipulates the fates of individuals, companies, and nations alike. By not setting down rules, limitations, and expectations regarding economics, the Founding Fathers allowed a key form of power go unaddressed.
The vast majority of Project 2025's major backers are wealthy people, who have far beyond what any normal person can ever hope to possess. This imbalance means that workers have to sacrifice much time, money, and energy to be barely heard on a single issue, while a rich person can just hire experts to massage every aspect of their many messages and to deliver it everywhere with a mighty voice.
IMO, we will need a Constitution v2.0 that fixes not only assorted political flaws like the voting system, but also prevents wealth from being a microphone that only a few can afford.
It's not some accident or overlook that a bunch of slavers made a pact to violently enforce their privilege. That was always the point.
Another constitution sounds good until you realize it's going to be same kind of people making it. And the state will still be an involuntary system of violent coercion.
The constitution isn't some Holy Document that has the power to shape reality. You can write in as many legal clauses as you like, but so long as you're allowing a small class of oligarchs to control capital, they will use that power to influence policy.
I don't have the source, but I am almost certain the constitution, per the founders, was meant to be rewritten every few years...or at least edited.
Evil is not winning. Greed is. If it was evil, it would be worse
Good times create weak people. Weak people create bad times. Bad times create strong people. Strong people create good times.
Otherwise - because you are being absolutely nuke-blasted by negative news all around the world. If you wen't offline for a month, you wouldn't see any issue at all.
Good times create weak people. Weak people create bad times. Bad times create strong people. Strong people create good times.
Isn't that like textbook alt-right propaganda?
It is, but it kind of applies here too. Let's reclaim it and ruin their stupid slogan.
The issues would not stop existing just because you turn off your feed.
Yes, indeed. But it can definitely help improving mental-health non-the-less...
Because they are.
The internet. It led to the following:
I would just like to push back and say that the Internet was an open public project, and it has helped countless people across the world. Every single problematic tech that people are pointing to at the moment are closed-source commercial projects.
That is Capitalism at work.
Because we have been taking the high road. Time to play on their level. Have no shame!
Because most people are either stupid, evil, or stupid and evil.
I don't know what the solution is, I can only hope its mostly just the "extreme ignorance" type of stupidity and not evil or "willing ignorance" stupidity and after experiencing the suffering they've enabled for themselves that they put 2 and 2 together and things maybe recover partially or enough to prevent the end of human civilization as we know it.
And what makes you so much smarter and better than everyone else exactly?
What's your angle? Insecurity or propaganda? Trying to guilt trip me for having a negative evaluation of the average person?
Maybe you aren't part of the majority of people I think of as moronic, I don't know you in particular, but the question you are asking sounds like maybe you are worried that you would be. TBH, you probably aren't significantly worse than average by the mere metric of being able to read and write, depressing knowing how many functionally illiterate people there are.
Of course, go ahead and think I'm actually the stupid one if it makes you feel better, I literally don't care about that. I care about becoming smarter and more correct perhaps, not what you think of my intellect now.
It depends on perspective. If you look at the news, online on new sites or shareable news articles, it seems to rampant. If you avoid the news and look towards your community you’ll be far less likely to believe it. It’s the interconnectedness that leads this but at the same time you aren’t being educated and helping said evil. So it’s there, it’s not a populous as people think but definitely is there. Evil isn’t global, it’s the few. It’s the people outside that you interact with daily that aren’t evil.
Because you don't look at the news doesn't mean it isn't happening. Your perspective is deliberately limited if you ignore outside information. This is exactly what conservatives do when they willfully ignore scientific or objective facts in favor of what their echo chamber "community" anecdotal evidence tells them.
Two answers.
Thomas Picketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine
Even reading a brief summary of the main points of both books gets you to a decent explanation.
Because good natured people don't want conflict so they avoid it.
Bad natured people actively seek conflict and engage with it whenever possible.
Evil never sleeps. Peace does.
That's, ironically, how the white supremacists felt all these years lol
Why would they feel that way? Not enough privilege, racism, genocide, etc? I don't think that's how regular people are feeling.
If you're genuinely curious you could experience what Fox News offers (or here in Canada, Rebel News) - for many years these platforms have placed a concerted effort into stoking either rage or fear about the most ridiculous topics. The kind of rage and fear that make white supremacists feel like their "evil" is "winning".
Propaganda is a powerful tool, and it's wielded unceasingly by those with resources. Entire industries have come to rely on the sweet-sweet injection of Propaganda $$$, including the completely unregulated "Influencer" industry.
Throw religion into the mix and... it can be real easy to label pretty much anything as "evil"
Well, I'd say it's because they don't even hide it anymore. They know they can do whatever they want, and get away with it.
Enshitification is a real thing, and companies and evil people are being blatant about it, because they know they don't have to hide it because they know they can't be stopped.
It sucks. I hate it. I wish we could do something about it.
Sure does feel that way 😔
I felt so evil this morning that I drove my car. Fuck you Nature, I'm taking climate back
Depend on what evil is.
Trump and Musk certainly is...
Because class war is being raged but most of the global north working class don't have any class consciousness. Capitalism is working on doing what it has done to the global South for decades but this time to the global North. Fascism is Imperialism turned inward. Welcome to the rest of our lives.
What has capitalism done to the global south?
Is that just a metaphor, or are you literally talking about Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America and Antarctica?
Sorry, I'm just a little confused about what you mean.
Global South basically just means underdeveloped/developing nations.
Capitalism results in the rich, mostly in developed countries, extracting resources for low prices and exploiting desperate workers for low wages in developing countries. The developing countries get little in return. Some of these countries have been able to muster some protectionism to mitigate so much transfer of wealth out if their country (such as China). Developed nations have purposely kept some developing nations destabilised to maximize exploitation.
The world has been in a gigantic psychological experiment.
Unpopular opinion, but in the west particularly, folk have mistaken writing on the internet for action.
Tweeting resistance rather than performing it.
A lapse into inaction framed as radical rest and self care.
Online they are fierce warriors of justice, offline they go to work in Starbucks, use their apple devices to talk to their families and enjoy the treadmill of streaming services.
And this isn't to blame them. This is the point of consumerist capitalism. To trap you in a gilded cage.
I've noticed no one actually wants to change their habits. I know so many people who will spout off about the environment, then think nothing of flying thousands of miles multiple times per year on the flimsiest of pretexts. Think nothing of eating meat with every meal. Will look at you with horror when you suggest public transport.
When it comes down to it the vast majority of people are selfish af. They'll justify whatever their greedy little hearts desire, then tell themselves they're the hero of the story.
This is why I've stopped reading much of the content I had been reading before. Unless an article is about what someone is doing to stop what is happening, what is the point in reading it? I don't care so much about the bad, rather in how the rest of us are preventing it.
For all the people complaining, I haven't seen many talking about what steps they are taking to change the momentum. I get why I've may not want to announce what protests they are attending, but I haven't noticed much new talk about mutual aid or volunteering efforts. I know the recent political climate globally is motivating me to be involved in both.
I'm waiting to hear back in a volunteer position helping local wildlife, and once I get that schedule worked out, I've already started looking into local food aid opportunities as well.
If our society is leaving gaps unfilled, as you said, it's up to us to fill them ourselves before we all fall through.
I used to go to protests, from USA to Australia to NZ and UK... I'm not going to another protest until we start occupying gated communities. I'm sick of standing around looking pathetic occupying some sidewalk and politely leaving when told to by police. And to think that's the best the so-called "leftists" can do, then I remember to back when things were bad - how the police and FBI would raid groups, murder them, drop bombs on them, and assassinate their leadership - and realize that leftism was defeated long ago. I want to keep it peaceful, and start picketing in places that matter like outside mansions and gated communities. Just stand outside the homes of billionaires to tell them we know where they live, we out number them, I think would be enough to shake things up a bit because they're cowards too. However, in my heartest of hearts, I believe anything short of an armed overthrow of one dozen billionaires will never be enough. Fuck tinkering and pushing the needle slightly. Loud and armed leftist groups are needed now more than ever and there's zero of them to be found.
Exactly I budget and limit my time online to get specific kinds of information.
What kinds of information?
Where and when. I will make time to be there.
It’s time for good people to do some association too.
That would make sense except when you realize this is new media and is exactly how the right is warping minds. Elon didn't buy Twitter because he was bored. We cannot concede all social media to the right and until there is a platform that can't be bought the people won't ever have a voice.
Well observed. People pour a lot of energy into political actions. The question is what that energy gets used on.
I saw a chart that globally, the incumbent parties have lost more in these elections than before.
https://www.ft.com/content/e8ac09ea-c300-4249-af7d-109003afb893I'd guess this is because things are going badly economically, so people wanted change.
The common version of the phrase...
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
The actual version of the phrase...
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
A favourite of mine on that theme is from Boondock Saints (1999)
Now we must all fear evil men.
But there is another kind of evil.
Which we must fear. Most.
And that is the indifference of good men.
Change requires a massive push, and apparently people need to suffer much much more, to inspire that momentum.
Because westerners are obsessed with good vs. Evil for absolutely no reason.
Blame Mani