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And another
  • This looks like a simple mistake. They were originally gonna say whoever gets the most copper but then switched it to gives

  • Makeshift Anarchist militia armored car, Spanish Civil War, 1936
  • Thought the flag said "FAT CUNT" at first and didn't even question it.

  • Good morning I choose creative forms of transportation.
  • These people will do anything but exercise

  • What's the best "fuck you world" song of all time?
  • White Knuckles by Five Finger Death Punch

  • Self-Regulation
  • Alex Jones has entered the chat

  • American Ninja Warrior winner Drew Dreschel sentenced to 10 years for child sex crimes
  • I have a legitimate question.

    Is this shit genetic?

    Is there some line of fucking code in the brain that's just waiting for a certain level of popularity/wealth to kick in and make you wanna fuck children?

    I'm legitimately curious because it happens so often and it just makes me think about how many simply haven't been caught.

  • Self-Regulation
  • Sues you and wins but it only costs the company 5% of their normal monthly profits

  • Hammer and firing pin
  • No barrel means no compression means bullet no move very fast

  • Live your best life
  • Turns 360 degrees and walks away

  • Words for the great outdoors
  • I think this is the first time these have helped me.

    I first heard the word firmament in a Rammstein song and when I translated it it was the same in English so I looked it up the only definition I could find was just "the sky".

  • Least inaccurate chinese rifle test
  • Cave Johnson voice

    "Plus, we fire the whole bullet. That's 65% more bullet per bullet."

  • Doing great sweetie...
  • What?

  • Challenge accpted.
  • I wonder if it could be argued like the whole welcome mat thing.

    I don't remember where it was but someone got their house broken into and the burglar got away with it in court because the homeowner had a welcome mat and that was used as justification for entering.

    This planet desperately needs purged.

  • i still think of you, jim henson
  • "R-r-rubber ducky y-y-you're th-the one..."

  • Locked
    I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • What most people misunderstand about mental illness diagnoses is that most people have most of these symptoms. It's only when these symptoms overlap and disrupt your ability to *healthily function as an individual that they require a diagnosis and medication/therapy.

    Edit: Added healthily as that's the real distinction.

  • โ€˜I Know Iโ€™m Not a Young Manโ€™: Biden Confronts Doubts During Forceful Rally
  • Studies have shown younger generations have basically said "fuck it we're going out in style" and are choosing to spend money on luxuries outside of their means because they don't see a future.

  • a cool guide for tattoo pain from least to most
  • Take these kind of charts with a grain of salt.

    As someone who has several tattoos it's different for each person. Personally the worst pain I felt was on a specific part of my wrist and I have tattoos in my armpits.

    A friend of mine says their worst tattoo was the one on their ass and another friend says the worst was her thigh.

    It's generally accurate but everyone's different.

    Scarring is also a factor. Scar tissue reacts differently than normal skin. Sometimes it can be less sensitive and other times they can be more sensitive.

  • facts
  • Is that supposed to be Michael Myers in the background?

  • Even wealthy Americans are struggling to make ends meet
  • Why are you buying a $1m house when cheaper houses exist?

    These people aren't poor they're just stupid with their money.

  • That face isn't showing an ounce of remorse
  • As soon as I saw the post I knew what I had to do ๐Ÿซก

  • It's not that serious.

    Inspired by a recent post about fork types. Stuff always seemed unnecessarily complicated.

    What do you do with Nazi memorabilia?

    I own a long dagger/short sword. The hilt is in the design of the German eagle with its wings spread out as the hand guard and in the middle of the hand guard is a swastika. The scabbard is also adorned with swastikas on the top, mid section, and bottom.

    I don't want to own this piece as I don't want to be seen as a Nazi sympathizer or anything of the sort, but I don't want to sell it to someone who actually is a Nazi sympathizer or something like that.

    What do I do with it besides trash it? I don't want to trash it because it's decent quality. It's not historic in any way (which disturbs me to think about) but it's well made.

    What can I do with it?

    *The item in question is not historical

    Me to myself everyday.

    I hate waking up and immediately jumping up to do shit

    Borger ๐Ÿ˜

    It's a bit out of focus but still clear enough to see.

    I made myself a BBQ burger. BBQ sauce, ketchup, lettuce, red onion, bacon, with cheddar cheese.

    Life uh uh uh... finds a way.

    I don't even think there's dirt in there. It's an old birdbath with the top removed.

    I was reminded of this after my phone autocorrected "honestly" into Throckmorton.

    And before anyone complains about the ifunny watermark this picture was taken from Google.

    Does Lemmy have a bump system?

    By bump system I mean someone interacting with a post causing that post to move higher in the main feed.

    If so what are the specifics? Is it just upvotes? Just comments? What about if someone archives your post?

    Also what's to stop someone from trying to manipulate their own post by adding new comments to try to raise the post in the feed to get more interaction?

    Political Memes ThatWeirdGuy1001
    Me whenever someone brings up futuristic dystopias.

    Seriously, it doesn't get much more dystopian than this.

    Me every time someone brings up possible futuristic dystopias.

    Seriously, it doesn't get much more dystopian than what we already have.

    A salad my friend made at work for some photographers at our new restaurant.

    I work at a newly opened restaurant and we had photographers come in to take pictures of the food. My friend is in charge of our salad station and created this masterpiece.

    Would you drink breast milk if it was commercially available?

    This question popped into my head after an ADHD moment of deconstructing the concept that humans willingly drink cow milk on an industrial scale. Would you drink milk if it was human women pumping the milk themselves?

    Newest edition

    The eye is a little fucked up but I'm getting it fixed once it all heals.

    Just enjoying my jup of jea

    Inspired by recent trends

    Edit: I just noticed this thing is a pipe/mug in one

    Are humans the only animal that wipes things off?

    I know the title is poorly worded but I can't really think of how exactly to word the question.

    I was watching a cat try to find a place to sit that wasn't covered in snow and it made me think about how humans wipe off snow covered seats or just dirty seats in general.

    Is that a uniquely human thing or are there other animals that exhibit similar behaviors?

    How do I stop hating children?

    Almost all my life I've absolutely despised children. Pretty much from the moment I stopped being a child I've hated being around children.

    It doesn't even matter what the child is doing. Whether they're laughing and having fun or screaming and throwing a tantrum. The sound of a child being loud activates an almost primal rage that I can barely contain.

    I've had to leave social gatherings/restaurants/grocery stores all because if I'd stayed I'd have made a complete ass of myself by screaming at a child just for existing.

    It's even worse with infants which makes me feel horrible because I know they can't help it. I know the kids don't know any better and it's our job as adults to get them through childhood, but my blood boils when they get loud or demand attention.

    Has anyone else dealt with something like this? Is there anything I can do to stop from getting so angry?

    ThatWeirdGuy1001 ThatWeirdGuy1001

    Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

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