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What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

For me, anything 25 FPS or higher is 100% fine and I'll be enjoying my time. I never play competitive online shooter games ever, though. All single player ones like GOW and the likes. I game on a 60 Hz 4k monitor. GPU is AMD RX 6600 alongside Ryzen 7 5700G and 32GB RAM. My games are set to meduim most of the time at 4k. Demanding titles are on low. Surprisingly, GOW and GOW Ragnarok are both set to ultra and I still get around 40ish FPS.

  • Depends on the game. If it's not really demanding on reaction time, and the game is locked framerate I'm fine with 30, like Okami. However if the game is not locked FPS and I still can't hit 60 FPS at least on my 1440p monitor I'd probably just play something else (because I know I could have better experience is I could run it).

    However for shooter and reaction heavy games I always aim to max out my 144 Hz monitor, even 60 FPS can feel sluggish for me

  • Well, I first played Dragon Age Origins with the framerate fluctuating between 10 and 20 FPS. Wasn't the most fun I've ever had, but ever since 30 - 60 felt like luxury. So yeah, anywhere from 10 to 30 is fine for me, but the more active a game is the closer to 30 minimum with a target of 60

  • The average frame rate isn't nearly as important as the stability. I'll gladly take 30FPS over 60 + frame drops.

  • Anything realtime needs to be at least 60 fps, the closer to my monitor 144Hz the better. Something like a city builder or turn based strategy or non-time-critical relaxed co-op stuff is fine to be 30+.

    I'd never want to play any shooter at lower than 60, no RTS, no racing game and so on.

  • So long as the game doesn't lag enough that I have input lag, I'll gladly play through a game at prettyich any FPS.

  • I too grew up on machines that were mid-low range and was constantly asking more of them than they could handle, so I learned to stomach pretty miserable FPS. In the end though it's highly context sensitive - the less movement (and in particular camera movement) the game has the lower the frame rate you can get away with.

    As a general rule I would say 25 FPS is the absolute lower limit, but around 40 is probably more in line with your "this is fine and I'm going to have a great time" definition. However, for something like a fast paced shooter it's more like 60 FPS minimum.

  • If it's a fast-paced action game, 60 is a must. If it's turn-based, or otherwise just slow enough to not matter, I'll sometimes accept a stable 30 - but only if it's truly stable, any dips below that are not okay.

  • Depends on your tv a bit. 30fps is fine on my steam deck, but on my LG OLED the response rate is too damn fast and 30fps looks choppy and terrible.

  • When I play it's usually solo games, and I never had an issue with 20fps+ . If performance drops below that, I'm visually ok with 16fps, but usually at that range my system is struggling with game mechanics and that's the deal breaker for me

    • I feel like 20 FPS would be OK for me if I had absolutely no ability to get at least a 25. But 15? 16? That's like very jittery. I remember that happening on Alan wake 2 and it was playable, but to be honest I was kind of annoyed with it.

  • Depends on what I'm playing.

    I can comfortably play some games down to 12fps ±3ish, if it isn't something that's fast paced.

    I have yet to play anything where I'm skilled enough for higher than 30fps to matter response-wise, and while I can notice the difference between 60fps and 240fps on my monitor, I gotta say it doesn't do much for me.

    Maybe I just don't know what to look for, what I'm missing, or how to set up my laptop right, but who knows. My eyes could be stuck on 720p for all I know.

  • Around maybe 40 or so I start to notice it. 50 and higher I'm content. My monitor only supports 60 Hz. Around 20 or less I'm annoyed. It's tolerable for turn based games though. Not enjoyable, just tolerable.

  • Highly depends on the type of game. For First person shooters, 120+ fps is a must. I skipped the more recent CoDs because I couldn't get them to run at that target consistently enough on my PC without turning them into blurry DLSS smear.

    Racing games, where motion is typically always going in one direction with only smooth direction changes, a lower framerate is fine (like 60 to 80), although the added smoothness from high framerate is obviously still nice.

    Slower paced or turn based games I'm fine with going as low as 40 FPS, as long as it's consistent without drops and frame pacing issues.

  • If it's not 60 or higher, I can't stand it. But it has to be consistent. Even constant fluctuations between 120-140 are felt even if not necessarily seen. I generally just try to get 60 since my display is 60hz. What's annoying is that I could be doing 1440p at 60 with my specs, but for some reason setting the display to that specific resolution locks it to 30hz.

    The display is 4k, and has 60hz available at 4k and every other resolution. My PC can't handle 4k @ 60 for most things, though.

  • Weirdly enough, I actually care more about framerate on "pancake" (non-vr) games than I do on VR games. I can deal with 10fps in vrchat in a crowded instance. I need more like 20~30 for non-vr games.

    That said, I get mentally exhausted when the framerate is <30 for an extended period of time in VRChat.

    • I can't do VR. It scares the shit out of me having a screen 2" away from my eyes.

  • There's a reason I only upgraded to a 2k monitor and not 4k, I'm not willing to sacrifice that much performance to just play at a higher resolution, 25 fps is way too low for me. 108 fps is what I play Fallout New Vegas at (to avoid physics behaving too weirdly) and I think that's fine. I think I've gone down to 90 and been somewhat ok with that, but anything below that is no bueno.
    Non-fps games I'll cap lower, like 72 fps for a civilization game is perfectly fine.
    But if you want beautiful games like God of War (or do you mean gears of war?) and are fine with a lower framerate, that makes sense to me.

    • I like how us humans have totally different likes and dislikes. I 100% understand you and will never judge you. You like what you like and that's very good. I mean God of war, yes. It's freaking gorgeous.

      • Maybe it's because I grew up with 60hz CRT monitors in the 90s, the ones that'd give you a headache if you sat in front of them for too long 😅 Or maybe you just get so used to 144 fps once you make the switch that it's impossible to go back.
        GOW running at 40'ish fps as you say even at ultra must mean they cared to make a good game. I ought to give it a go just for the "Boy" meme.

  • For the longest time I thought 30fps is good, but now I always want 60 fps - 50 is my minimum. Id rather drop some shadows, clouds, lighting.

    • Man, people kill for those clouds and shadows and I'll never understand that. I guess I'm just too old school 😂

  • I don't really obsess about framerates myself and I've never had the kind of budget to have the latest and greatest parts but from what I've seen, somewhere around 30fps is fine.

    And even though you didn't ask, the last setting that I ever sacrifice is draw distance. I'll turn down textures and shadows and reflections and everything else before I sacrifice draw distance. I don't need realistic graphics to be able to immerse myself and have a good time. But things popping in and out of existence in front of your eyes are the ultimate immersion breaker for me.

  • My personal minimum is a stable 40/s, which is roughly where I start noticing the lower framerate without paying attention to it.
    With 30/s I need to get used to it, and I usually underclock (or, rather, power-limit) my GPU to hit an average 50 unless the game in question is either highly unstable (e.g. Helldivers 2) or the game is so light I don't have to care (e.g. Selaco).

  • I think I'd feel like a millionaire if I ever got 90 on a high refresh monitor. Lol. I like me poor and not too spoiled.

  • I started playing on a PC in the 90s so as long as it’s above 40 with consistent frame pacing it’s fine. Those VRR displays and games targeting 40 are a game changer for me and why I play on Xbox with a modern LG OLED.

  • For shooters, especially competitive ones, as high as possible up to my monitor's refresh rate (165Hz). Everything else 60 FPS is fine. Even 30 FPS can be fine, especially if I'm playing something on Switch.

  • Am I the only one who just plays games and doesn't know what FPS he's getting? If it plays, I'm good.

    Or,... maybe I am missing out on something? Lol

    • I used to be that and I have no idea how and when I started caring. But you know, I'm turning that shit off as of now and will now look at it.

    • i am 100% with you. there must be something to it if it's that important to so many people but i genuinely can't tell the difference as long as it's stable

      and if it does make a difference, for competitive games wouldn't you want it to be consistent between all players instead of "better" based on whoever has more horsepower? it all makes no sense to me

  • @penquin does it have to be first person? If third person is allowed I'd say Warframe. If not, classic Doom with mods

    • Shit, I knew a comment like this would come up. I was asking specifically about refresh rate not, first person shooter game. Let me fix the title 😁

      • @penquin oh! Well in that case I used to be a 1080p 60Hz monitor kinda guy, and about a year ago I had to upgrade to dual 1440p 165Hz monitors.

        While I can definitely feel the difference, 60 FPS is barely noticeable, and even 30 FPS is acceptable.

        I grew up with slower machines so sub-30 was fairly normal, even older consoles targeted 30 and faltered below that, so at this point I'll take anything above what's acceptable for film