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Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • smh = iwie (irgendwie)

    How r u = wg (wie geht's)

    somebody = jmd (jemand)

    Shut up = hdf (Halt die Fresse)

    probs = wsl (wahrscheinlich)

    idk = kp (kein Plan)

    kp could also be "kein Problem" (no problem) which is why I personally prefer idk / np over kp / kp

  • first post on lemmy, just following the rule
  • Made me throw up, thanks :')

  • doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • Ah, thx for the explanation :)

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • Flatpak was designed to be decentralised, Flathub is just the main repository offering flatpaks and yes, probably 99% of all Flatpak applications are downloaded via the main repo but it is technically possible to just launch your own if you are unhappy with the main repo. The Flatpak team literally has this info page for hosting a repository

    I for example, am taking AAGL from their own flatpak repo because they are not offering their launcher via the main one (even tho they also tell you to link the main repo - I guess for dependency reasons - but theoretically you could open your own repo and throw all dependency related packages in there or am I getting something wrong here)

  • What the kids sound like to us old rules
  • Sussy baka Ă’wĂ“

  • Anon befriends a Japanese girl
  • kinda unhinged, genshin player, and have suicidal thoughts ocasionally, cute tho

    I don't know anyone of the Genshin community who doesn't fit that description :')

  • EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones
  • Positive news: at least Germany will reject it, let's hope more members follow their lead

    According to [German Federal Minister of the Interior] Nancy Faeser, it is appropriate to "hold online platforms accountable so that depictions of abuse are discovered, deleted and the perpetrators prosecuted". However, if the current proposal remains, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany would have to vote no, said the SPD politician. "Because we must take targeted action and maintain the balance of the rule of law. Encrypted private communications of millions of people must not be monitored without cause.

  • You control the children you created (the sims)
  • Game developer removes the logout button & makes his hardware literally kill people and calls both a feature

  • Not you
  • Something with a high amount of copium (fuck, I need this stuff too)

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule
  • How do you think who is going to win big in the elections? - Sadly, probably the conservatives and far right due to overemotionalization & polarization thanks to social media and baity articles who create negative emotions to spark any sort of interaction and publicity for the single cause of profit.

    (Interviewer clearly didn't expect nor like that answer) So the FPĂ– (alt right) seems to be on their way to dominate this year, what do you think about that? - Well the FPĂ– wants to present itself as party for the plebs when they're effectively helping the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer with their neoliberal policies and even worse they're destroying decades of work of unions & social democratic policies. And the millionaires who are profiting the most are those who have large shares in tabloid newspapers convincing the masses to vote for what essentially harms them and suits the millionaires.

    AAAND DAMN they didn't like that answer (because they are one of the media bootlicking the FPĂ– because their owners like that)...

    And guess what... Seems they cut me out... And I thought they were "truly objective, truly critical and truly free"

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule
  • Respect for sacrificing your Sunday for the election <3

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule
  • Chad KPĂ– voter vs virgin FPĂ– horse deworming medication enjoyer

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule
  • I got interviewed by tabloid media so whilst I appreciate it I'd rather visit the chocolate factory :')

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule
  • A Dutchie :3

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule
  • silly me \(^w^)/

  • Vote 🇪🇺 rule

    Last election day my fellow UwUpeans :3

    I am genuinely confused by hexbear's opinion on the Ukraine war
  • Ngl the US would react quite pissed just like it reacted during the Cuba crisis.

    Placing nuclear warheads in range of enemy cities is OK, but when the enemy wants to place their nuclear warheads in range of my cities as a reaction it's a cause for nuclear war.

    And the US has overthrown quite a lot of governments for their own interests (starting with the banana wars and later extending to anti-communism and oil), so toppling the Mexican / Canadian government to get them back on track actually isn't far fetched.

    But I agree with your last point. Even tho I don't like the US I'd never make opposing the US at all cost even if I have to side with literal fascists & mass murders my main purpose of life. Out of China, Russia, Iran and the US, the US is the lesser evil (at least for now... Idk what MAGA is up to)

  • He came with receipts
  • gambling professional investments with likely Apartheid well earned family money

    Oh oh, and stock market manipulation (multiple times)

  • Remembering the legend
  • * unzips pants

  • How is MX Linux reigning #1 on Distrowatch?

    Please don't get me wrong, this is not meant to be rude slander. MX Linux is not a bad Distro at all (even tho I've always opted for Debian instead) and peops are free to use what suits them best.

    But compared to other Distros (like Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian or Mint) there doesn't seem to be much excitement about it. I hardly see articles about MX and I have barely seen people outing themselves as MX users which makes me wonder:

    Are MX users just low key quiet, am I escaping their presence or is there a different reason for MX' high HPD score?

    Btw: feel free to take a shot every time I write MX :p

    temperatrule timeline

    cross-posted from:


    What are you saying the season is over? We witnessed a battle for P1 between Charles, Checo, Carlos &amp; George...

    Disclaimer: This is just kidding and in no way meant offensively against Max or Red Bull.

    Max & Red Bull are once again in another league and you gotta respect their achievement whether you like it or not.

    I found Scara in the map

    I tried my best with my limited drawing skills :')

    We rule in a society

    You can search for "Sucrose" on any search engine, go to Images and watch the civil war unfold

    I need MORE

    btw, I wanted to add Pantheon (Elementary OS' Desktop) too but upon dependency issues I decided not to

    Einer der neuen X-Wagen is jetzt schon im Oasch

    War grad auf da Landstraße und die U-Bahn is nd weitergefahren und auf einmal kam die Durchsage "Liebe Fahrgäste, die U-Bahn auf Gleis 1 ist defekt! Dear passengers, the train on platform 1 is broken!" Läuft bei den Wiener Linien! :')

    Google Ads Rule

    Could be meant for bdsm purposes but I am lacking a partner for that. And I may be desperate but I am far from being THAT desperate. đź’€

    Does watching videos on Piped contribute to watch time / view statistics on YouTube?

    I know that my impact alone is close to zero when it comes to these statistics and since it is just a frontend I'd imagine it will but I'd like to be sure.

    It is often claimed that these statistics - as well as leaving a comment and pressing like - contribute to a video being pushed by the algorithm but I guess no one except the YT devs knows for sure (and sometimes I'm not sure if they know either).

    HOI players are built different

    [Disclaimer:] do not take this too serious ;)

    money rule

    Things are going to be a lot different from now on!

    Is there a difference between "Presentation Mode" and "Manually block sleep and screen locking" in Plasma DE?

    I have been curious for some time now if there is any difference between them besides one being located in "Display Configuration" and the other in "Power Management". They seem a bit redundant to me so as if the folks from the Plasma team weren't sure where to put and how to name it, lol. >.&lt;

    zyratoxx Zyratoxx

    I'm just here for the funzies lul :D

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