rockhard @ rockhard Posts 0Comments 25Joined 1 wk. ago
The fact that you couldn't see that Trump would be inarguably worse and/or didn't care is why Palestine is going to wiped off the map and be but a footnote in history.
When people were actively arguing that Dems would be worse than Trump on Gaza they were either stupid or accelerationists. Especially considering these are self proclaimed "leftists" who apparently think Trump will usher in a tankie uprising. Not them of course, social media is full on revolutionary activism so they won't be doing anything.
I mostly agree though I didn't really like Beauty and the Beast enough to watch it more than once. I think Cinderella was the better of the live action remakes that they've made. I also didn't see the appeal of the LA Jungle Book.
Yes, it was a big thing with public health officials and doctors saying that measles were not like chickenpox but that's how people in Marin were treating it.
Article from 2015 that was updated in 2018.
MAGA don't even like EV's to begin with.
I had conversations with many an accelerationist who supported Trump over Harris on Gaza. Pretty sure they were just full of shit and spreading misinformation.
If I'm not mistaken parts of the SF Bay Area had measles parties like 10-15 years ago when the anti-vaxx thing was really becoming trendy. Parents would take their kids to try to get them infected. It's as stupid today as it was before. Fuck these people.
I think I read that about 20% of USian adults are borderline illiterate. They probably cancel each other out.
Keep it going.
Did he get a new jawline in addition to hair-plugs and what looks like artificial abs?
I want to scream now that you just reminded me of that. Saw an interview with GOP politician in some red tornado state complain about how they got rid of NOAA and imploring the admin to bring it back because they provide a vital service. Didn't have that on my bingo card.
That's why you have to keep asking them questions. Antifa did it? Why'd they get pardoned by Trump? They'll usually disengage or start hurling insults.
Probably a combination of factors. Consider that pedophilia and sexual predation are anti-social behaviors and that people who enter into higher/high level politics or business have anti-social tendencies as well. You can't run a district, company, city, state, country, etc. that require you to sacrifice for the imperatives you're seeking. You can't get bogged down by caring for people. You see them as a means to an end. Objects with utility.
Oh well. These people entered government willingly. They are the deep state.
I love that for every bozo who bought one in Florida now the we're about to enter hurricane season in a few months.
"Boo hoo have empathy for me" - Elom
Idk if I've ever encountered anyone who had a larger prosecution complex than this twat. MF was born on, not on third base, but on home plate FFS and he's still a fucking a loser. Pathetic.
Yes and it also raises visibility for the very real issues that people have raised concerns about. It's one thing to detain and/or deport people without proper documentation. It's another to act as though people with the proper documentation who are abiding the laws are also being detained and/or deported. Say nothing for the US citizens who are also being detained and/or deported.
I've noticed that more and more seniors are entering the labor force after retirement and it doesn't have to do with keeping busy. One of my local grocery stores had a woman who would work a few days a week but she quit during Covid. Ran into her on another occasion. She said she quit because she was just doing it to keep busy and she wasn't going to work if she didn't have to. I don't see that anymore. If I make a comment about "keeping busy" to anyone who says they're retired they admit they can't keep up with insurance or property tax increases without working. We're going to see more and more of this as social security dwindles and prices continue to increase.
Many subs already are.
I've pondered this. They'd have to go. There can only be one.