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  • Robotaxis will fail and kill people because this ketamine addict thinks that anything he thinks of will work flawlessly and will not admit to defeat or failure. Can't wait until the fallout begins between him and the bigger asshole drumpf. If your kids hate you that is the ultimate proof you're a fucking loser as a human being.

  • it would be hilarious if motherfuckers shitposted elon down from his throne. it would be my favorite timeline.

  • It's like launching a nuke at someone while claiming "I didn't kill anyone, I just pushed the button".

  • lmao @ having to qualify "I've never hurt anyone" with "physically"

    Just means you're a privileged coward.

  • You almost did buy happiness with money, Elon, then you just had to get into politics. I see why he and Trump get along.

  • My philosophy is that it isn't wrong to hate the hater. If you are a miserable bastard who's sole tenant in life is to be a hateful bully then you deserve to be called out on it and you don't deserve one iota of respect. My two go to questions in life with hateful people are 1. What is your fucking hang up? 2. Are you a baby? Most hateful people are so ill informed and trapped in their echo chambers with the blinders on that they've never asked themselves those questions. Force them to self reflect.

  • Spoken like a true narcissist coming down off...whatever he's doing in Trump's lap at the white house. Ketamine mixed with Nitrous and spray-tan poisoned cum?