passepartout @ passepartout Posts 14Comments 115Joined 9 mo. ago

"news that will get you banished from society if you try to explain it to anyone who doesn't live on the internet"
That would only be stupid if you can't live without ray tracing or you profit of NVIDIA-optimized software. The frame per dollar ratio has always been better on AMD since only the rasterization performace is key here. I have had only AMD cards in the past, currently being on a 6700xt, and never had any problems.
Kann den originalen tweet nicht finden, aber dafür schon 15 Artikel von irgendwelchen Nachrichtenstricher-Portalen die clicks abstauben wollen.
Bin bei der Gelegenheit bisschen durch ihren feed gescrollt, die Frau hat auf jeden Fall Humor.
Recently tried to make a printer scan a file to an exFAT formatted thumb drive, didn't go well. Then tried moving a file from a windows to a linux machine using another exFAT formatted thumb drive, still no luck lol.
Vorne rechts ist glaube ich noch Frank Nopper, CDU Oberbürgermeister von Stuttgart, also ist Bawü als bayrisches Nachbarland auch vertreten 🎉
Edit: wohl doch nicht haha
I have been to a Trigema outlet last year and couldn't find anything i would like to wear. Sure they had shirts in every imaginable color, but only one form factor. The whole lineup seems to be catered to people 60+ years of age. The quality seems to be very good though.
Also, the founder Wolfgang Grupp is kind of cringe and very conservative, probably as well as his children who run the company now. Since he stepped down as CEO he regularly visits talkshows to display his antiquated world views.
I'm in danger
And people for the other 1/3.
Just checked and i guess you're right! Time to do some distro hopping again lol.
Der neue PCIe5 Stromstecker (12VHPWR) war damals schon quatsch und das PCI Konsortium hat versprochen da nachzubessern. Dazu kam es dann wohl doch nicht.
Für nen modernen gaming PC braucht niemand eine 5090 btw (sofern du nicht Cyberpunk auf 8K mit 500fps spielen willst).
Not the heroes we deserve, but the ones we need.
Would be great to see some major distros shipping with KDE by default. Fedora e.g. had this idea a little while ago.
Hier gehen wir erneut
BITTE NICHT mit shred
oder dd
versuchen die Platte zu überschreiben, das schadet mehr als es hilft. Durch die Funktionsweise der SSD kann es sein, dass in einem Durchlauf der selbe Block 1000 mal und andere dafür garnicht überschrieben werden (sog. wear leveling).
Für nvme Karten gibt es nvme-cli
. Siehe bspw. erste Antwort hier:
Für SATA SSDs gibt es hdparm
, siehe
Viele vor allem aktive Nutzys sind, auch in der Zeit wo nicht mehr so gut lief, auf andere Instanzen umgezogen.
There are some Raspi competitors offering SBCs with RISC-V chips, there is even a RISC-V Mainboard for the framework laptops, but the last time I checked they sadly didn't reach the performance levels of comparable ARM chips.
Switched from a raspberry pi 3 to a second hand x86 thin client (lenovo thinkcentre m920q) because raspberry pi 4 were not available at the time. Made me learn proxmox and a bunch of other cool stuff my raspi couldn't handle.
I'm rooting for ARM / RISC-V to become more popular in desktop computing / servers though.
I have thought so as well for a long time, but i think at this point we would benefit more from contributions to existing clients like heroic, enabling achievements or further work / native reimplementation of the savegame syncing.
I have a suspicion that this isn't even about culture or revenue anymore. It's about control.