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8 mo. ago

  • Just checked and i guess you're right! Time to do some distro hopping again lol.

  • Der neue PCIe5 Stromstecker (12VHPWR) war damals schon quatsch und das PCI Konsortium hat versprochen da nachzubessern. Dazu kam es dann wohl doch nicht.

    Für nen modernen gaming PC braucht niemand eine 5090 btw (sofern du nicht Cyberpunk auf 8K mit 500fps spielen willst).

  • Not the heroes we deserve, but the ones we need.

    Would be great to see some major distros shipping with KDE by default. Fedora e.g. had this idea a little while ago.

  • BITTE NICHT mit shred oder dd versuchen die Platte zu überschreiben, das schadet mehr als es hilft. Durch die Funktionsweise der SSD kann es sein, dass in einem Durchlauf der selbe Block 1000 mal und andere dafür garnicht überschrieben werden (sog. wear leveling).

    Für nvme Karten gibt es nvme-cli. Siehe bspw. erste Antwort hier:

    Für SATA SSDs gibt es hdparm, siehe

  • User-Entwicklung von und dem nachfolgenden seit Existenz von bis heute

  • Viele vor allem aktive Nutzys sind, auch in der Zeit wo nicht mehr so gut lief, auf andere Instanzen umgezogen.

  • There are some Raspi competitors offering SBCs with RISC-V chips, there is even a RISC-V Mainboard for the framework laptops, but the last time I checked they sadly didn't reach the performance levels of comparable ARM chips.

  • Switched from a raspberry pi 3 to a second hand x86 thin client (lenovo thinkcentre m920q) because raspberry pi 4 were not available at the time. Made me learn proxmox and a bunch of other cool stuff my raspi couldn't handle.

    I'm rooting for ARM / RISC-V to become more popular in desktop computing / servers though.

  • I have thought so as well for a long time, but i think at this point we would benefit more from contributions to existing clients like heroic, enabling achievements or further work / native reimplementation of the savegame syncing.

  • I have a suspicion that this isn't even about culture or revenue anymore. It's about control.

  • Ohno, read that as "teased by mall security" first.

  • There's a cliché about lesbian women taking forever in bed to pleasure each other when dating, sometimes all day, compared to men taking 5 minutes of piv to cum and thus leaving women unsatisfied.

    I'm a heterosexual man though, so take that knowledge with a grain of salt lol.

  • Motivation is high when asked, but no action is taken because of convenience, so the upper left corner is my guess. This phenomenon is called privacy paradox.

  • I have the same setup, you have to add the line Environment="HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0" for that specific GPU to the ollama.service file

  • I was just trying to say that i hope that the creators of custom roms will still be able to do their work, which i don't take for granted. Google doesn't make their money with the phones themselves but with the data they get from the os thats running on them.

  • I wonder what this will mean for custom roms. Mediatek are among the only chipsets with available microcode and therefor e.g. supported by OpenWRT, which gives me hope.

  • NFS Unbound wasn't taken too well by the community. I recently replayed NFS Heat (which was the release before unbound) and it is still a great modern NFS game!

  • If you are using android you could try Openreads. The UI is really clean and everything is stored on the device (can be exported / imported). No social media bullshit, just tracking your reading progress and seeing some stats about it.

  • mediatheque Was gucke ich heute in der Mediathek?

    Good Bye, Lenin!

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    Lawnchair - Android Launcher has early access release on play store.

    android Android

    Lawnchair - Android Launcher has early access release on play store.

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    I'll have you know, my fork of a github repo has 3 stars 😎