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French elections: Far-right candidate to withdraw after Nazi cap picture emerges
  • Grandpa decided to move back from Argentina.

  • Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza
  • "welp we ran out of bullets to kill palestineans with, so truce until joe gives us more"

    most onion ass shit ive ever heard

  • Anon smashes his head
  • Sincerely hope thats creative fiction and that there isn't someone who cracked their skull and thinks losing motor control is normal and okay.

  • The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • The obvious thing would be the 14th amendment due process clause. Can't have a fair and unbiased case against someone if they're the one judging it. Thats been affirmed as far back as The Federalist.

    Beyond that, though I said it'd be up to the remaining 3 judges, I'm pretty sure it'd have to go up through the court system, and as Trump has shown, that can be slowboated to the end of time, or until those SC judges wisely decide to retire/get forcibly "retired", after which the charges get dropped and everyone goes on their merry way, and then the courts (crazily enough!) establish again that the pres does not have that kind of immunity so history doesn't repeat itself.

    But I already know Joe wouldn't play that kind of hardball.

  • It's exhausting...
  • "They go low, we go high", has absolutely rotted Dem brains. Going low has worked pretty fucking well.

  • The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • Feel like the next logical step is to throw the 6 justices in question into jail. They obviously can't rule on their own trial so...

  • THE CRITIC | Official Trailer [HD] – Ian McKellen, Gemma Arterton, Mark Strong, Lesley Manville.
  • Can't see that title without thinking, "It stinks!"

    AMA about being old.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • You're alright, solid 451/451.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • double plus ungood reading skills

  • What is your favorite though provoking movie?
  • The Great Happiness Space. Its ostensibly about a male host club in Japan but shows how everyone is looking for, and selling happiness to others. Gals pour money into hosts to get their fake love and some will then turn around and work at soaplands themselves. Depressing really.

  • 30-degree heat is the new normal in Lithuania – experts
  • Thats 86 degrees F for those of us who speak freedom/cheeseburger.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • Like Lex Luthor, who hes fought on several occasions? Or more like the Court of Owls, one of his recurring set of villains?

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • Why don’t communities on Lemmy require “karma” minimums? Because admins remove bots and trolls. If reddit were not a completely toxic site, they could have done so as well.

    1. From a technical standpoint: There's no karma, just tracking amounts of posts/comments.
    2. There's no automod to enforce it (Well maybe idk, not integrated I know that much.).
    3. There's also the fact that the entirety of of the lemmy fediverse probably gets less posts overall each day then r/funny gets in just spam. It's really easy to manually boop 5-10 spammers in a given day. 5-10,000 though? Not happening. Top that off with even a small percentage who might be trying to dodge technical hurdles put in their way? Lot harder.
  • Redbox’s owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll
  • That's correct. You're very smart! Way to go!

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • The first thing you’ll learn when you start using Reddit is that karma matters.

    To an extent, but not really that great of one. Once you're past like... a hundred, you're fine basically everywhere of note.

    Lots of communities have a minimum.

    Basically every community of note that I modded did. Kept out a lot of shitters. Sure some regular folks might've gotten hit in the crossfire but omelettes, eggs, and nothing better from the admin side to stop the previously mentioned shitters.

    There are communities dedicated to building karma.

    We'd ban people who used those ngl, cuz guess who else used those subs?

    There are secret clubs for high karma earners.

    They aren't as interesting as you might think. Source: Was in several. Lot of similar names shooting the shit. Secret mod subs were like that too tbh.

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • Karma matters early on posting on reddit cuz many subreddits blocked negative karma posters via automod. Later it became more granular with subreddit specific karma. After several years there I had 6 digit karma spread across all my regular haunts which granted me a degree of freedom to get downvoted wherever cuz I had stockpiles to dip into.

    On lemmy that doesn't apply.

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • I only post links on the one place I mod on lemmy that interests me. Occasional links elsewhere if theyre relevant.

    My commentary I just post. If folks like it, great, if they hate it, great. There's no karma here so idgaf.

  • Smooth
  • My brain: smooth and cute

    Your brain: gross and wrinkly

  • "independent journalism"
  • Whos autobiography/memoirs would you like to read?

    For the sake of discussion lets presume it both (a) exists and (b) has been translated to a language you know.

    Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears

    A candlelight vigil celebrates the life and legacy of someone... Sometimes ... It's something else. A vigil for the former hooters building in kanawha city star

    Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears
    William Henry Harrison should not be rated as a bad president, he should be the bar we rate the rest on.

    Slightly late for President's Day in America, apologies.


    Saw this article about the presidents being rated. William Henry Harrison came in 41st.

    The thing to know about him is he was president for a month and then he died. That was his impact. He died. He didn't noticeably improve or worsen things (Based on his inaugural speech he might've been bad but he never got to act on it) because he had no time to because he died. Which consequently means he should be the null point we can base every other president on.

    If the country was left even slightly better then you got it? Then you did a better job then Harrison. Was it left worse? Then you did worse. Did 40 presidents all make the country better and only 4 leave it worse? Tough to believe.

    Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog

    The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether an Oregon city can enforce its ban on public camping against homeless people. The announcement came as part of a short list of orders released from the justices’ private conference earlier in the day adding five new cases to the court’s merits doc

    Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog
    Russia's egg crisis is spiraling out of control Russia's egg crisis is spiraling out of control

    An attempt was made on the life of the head of a Russian poultry farm this week as egg prices continue to soar.

    Russia's egg crisis is spiraling out of control
    Gaming Stern
    TIL about a fighting game move so brutal it can destroy the cabinet it's used in.
    X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out

    Internal documents show companies like Airbnb, Coca-Cola and Microsoft have halted ads, or may do so, after Elon Musk’s endorsement of an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

    X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out
    What would be the odd addition to your dream house?

    Somehow you've gotten your dream home. The cabin in the mountains, penthouse downtown, castle nestled deep in the woods, nuclear bunker in the hills, or whatever. Whats the bit you'd add that might raise a brow from others? The fireman's pole? The slide? The moat? The hidden room behind a bookshelf where you keep your stuffed animals?

    Whats a hobby/craft that you wouldn't expect that has an incredibly high ceiling either monetarily or in sheer skill?

    For example, I'm sure the average joe doesn't know just how expensive calligraphy pens can be, or how deep the rabbit hole goes on video game speedruns.

    Stern Stern


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