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Kleiner Rant: Deutschland-Ticket.
  • Den Eltern erfolgreich per Remote-Zugriff geholfen, obwohl diese mitgeholfen haben, und die ganzen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen der Bahn umgangen, um trotz aller Widrigkeiten ein Ticket dort zu erstehen. Ich glaube, für solche Leistungen wird der Turing-Award verliehen.

  • Germany legalises cannabis, but makes it hard to buy
  • Someone below suggested that it removes commercial incentive to get people addicted, which makes sense to me. Additionally, those clubs will serve as a support group, if anyone does struggle with addiction or other unwanted side effects.

  • Politischer Geschlechtergraben – Junge Frauen haben keine Lust auf rechte Männer
  • Ich stimme den anderen Kommentatoren generell zu, möchte aber noch herausheben, dass es insbesondere um konservativ vs. progressiv geht.

    Progressiv bedeutet, dass sich verhältnismäßig schnell und stark mit neuen Themen und Ideen beschäftigt wird. Das erfordert, dass sich sehr viele Menschen, mit sehr vielen persönlichen Themen und Ideen, aneinander reiben. Das geschieht vermehrt in Städten, aber eben auch insbesondere an Unis. (Wobei man mittlerweile auch über's Internet eine entsprechende Reibemöglichkeit hat.)

    Gibt einen sehr guten Artikel, der das und Infektionskrankheiten und so ein bisschen die ganze Welt veranschaulicht:

  • Paris Votes To Triple Parking Charges For SUVs
  • Awesome, I hope this catches on, or at least serves as a tiny argument why egoists might not want to buy SUVs.
    In our small town, you practically can't park an SUV on most parking spaces without reaching into the also-far-too-narrow sidewalk or street, but law enforcement is far too lenient for the egoists to care.

  • Politischer Geschlechtergraben – Junge Frauen haben keine Lust auf rechte Männer
  • Links wie rechts locke der Algorithmus die Leute in immer radikalere, intolerantere Blasen.

    Das ist mittlerweile auch meine größte Befürchtung. Es passiert so viel auf der Welt und es wird über so viel berichtet, dass du jemanden wirklich 24/7 mit Nachrichten zu schütten kannst und trotzdem noch alles mögliche auslassen kannst, was nicht in's politische Lager passt.

    Das sorgt dann dafür, dass sich beide Seiten gut informiert fühlen, auch immer wieder in ihrem Schubladendenken bestätigt fühlen, weil der Algorithmus oder die Bubble genau das herauskristallisiert, und wenn man dann mal mit jemand spricht, der/die in's andere Lager geschoben wurde, dann fühlt man sich, als wäre die andere Person komplett realitätsfern oder uninformiert, weil sie eine andere Realität präsentiert bekommt...

  • Größere Autos: Pkws in der EU immer breiter
  • Soweit ich das immer mitbekomme, wurde der Trend in den USA losgetreten, wo SUVs steuerliche Vorteile genießen und keine Beschränkungen beim Benzinverbrauch haben, weil sie als Arbeitsfahrzeuge einsortiert werden.

    Dass Autohersteller sich nicht beschweren, wenn sie mehr Platz für Elektronik und Co. haben, insbesondere auch bei E-Fahrzeugen, ist natürlich trotzdem der Fall.

  • Erkältung / Grippe. Eure Strategie?
  • Ein Liter Orangensaft vor'm Schlafengehen auf Ex. 🙃

    Also meist knalle ich mir das schon präventiv rein. Sonst eben gut einheizen. Und Kamillentee hat letztes Mal auch gut gekickt.

  • [Julia Evans] HEAD and heads
  • Well, to reference Julia Evans another time:

    head and HEAD are specifically the third meaning of 'branch', i.e. the newest commit on a branch, but can also refer to a commit not on a branch, when in that detached head state.

    And while I'm not enamored with these names either, I can't think of a word that I like better for this meaning.

  • 15 December 2023
  • Recently, I saw a toddler ask her mom why a snowman decoration was wearing a scarf. And the mom decided to go the playful route and said that the snowman is probably cold. So, the toddler followed up asking why the snowman is out here and not inside the house, where it's warm? To which the mom replied that it would melt, if it was inside...well, uh, not this one, as it's a decoration made out of wood.

    And like, yeah, these are some tough questions.
    Do you just explain to a toddler that humans put up decorations, which don't always make infinite sense?

  • Fad
  • I mean, yeah, I am also assuming that she was no expert on the matter. We're saying that it was an understandable opinion for a lay person or even someone who kept up with the bigger titles. It certainly wasn't easy back then to know about all kinds of games...

  • What do you do when toddler denies simple facts?
  • Not a parent, but personally I would also err on the side of correcting them, as they're still heavily exploring the world. Partially, they're figuring out the world by making statements they believe to be wrong and do actually want you to confirm that they're wrong.

    But yeah, if they're throwing a tantrum, they may rather be looking for more input than that. More attention or a playfight of wits even, so to speak.
    Asking them "why?" as many others suggested, seems like a good start here.

    Personally, I would also try just feeding them tons of information, like if they say that snow isn't white, tell them that it is, because it reflects all the wavelengths of light. Obviously, they won't understand what that actually means, but it gives them something to think about and in the sense of the playfight, they'll be satisfied, too (i.e. defeated and learned something).

  • Omg, nooo.
  • Nah, FOSS stands for "free and open-source software". There was a time before paid software was a thing, so the "free" there stands for freedom.

    In a lot of ways, it means the same as open-source (access to source code and allowed to modify+redistribute it), but it's more idealistic and political, looking to prevent software from restricting what users can do.

  • Fad
  • Yeah, these days it's obvious that video games are the next logical step in media consumption. First we had audio. Then we had audio+video. Now we have audio+video+interaction. You can literally watch a movie inside of a video game, if you care to.

    But back then, the audio and video qualities of games weren't yet terribly developed. You could still easily find board games, or heck, sports, that were more complex than Pac-Man and Space Invaders.
    I can definitely see that one would think, it's a novelty and not be able to imagine how cineastic games would become, or that some even contain books worth of history lessons.

  • [Solved] Trees supposedly take 30 years *before* they absorb CO₂. Why?

    I often hear science-adjacent folks stating that a tree needs to be 30 years old before it starts absorbing CO₂, usually paired with the statement that it's therefore pointless to start planting tons of trees now for slowing climate change.

    Now, as far as my understanding goes, the former statement is very obviously nonsense. As soon as a tree does photosynthesis, it takes carbon out of the air, which it uses to construct cellulose, which is what wood is made of. Really, it seems like it would absorb most CO₂ during its initial growth.

    I understand that it needs to not be hacked down + burnt, for it to actually store the carbon. But that would still mean, we can plant trees now and not-hack-them-down later.

    I also understand that some CO₂ invest may be necessary for actually planting the trees, but it would surprise me, if this takes 30 years to reclaim.

    So, where does this number come from and is it being interpreted correctly? Or am I missing something?


    Edit: People here seem to be entirely unfamiliar with the number. It might be that I've always heard it from the same person over the years (e.g. in this German video). That person is a scientist and they definitely should know the fundamentals of trees, but it was usually an offhand comment, so maybe they oversimplified.

    Price of solar dropped 89% in ten years

    Solar now being the cheapest energy source made its rounds on Lemmy some weeks ago, if I remember correctly. I just found this graphic and felt it was worth sharing independently.


    Die Suche nach dem Amaretto

    Gerade beim Einkaufen hat sich ein Seniorenehepaar munter durchgefragt, ob denn schon jemand den Amaretto im frisch umgestellten Supermarkt gefunden hat. Irgendwann wurde auch eine Verkaufsfachangestellte verständigt, die dann leider mitteilen musste, dass der Amaretto bereits ausverkauft ist.

    Bei der Kasse habe ich die beiden dann wieder gesehen, wie sie aus ihrer Tasche einen Salatkopf und eine Schale Tomaten auf's Band legen. Muss wohl ein besonderes Salatrezept sein. 🙃

    Why *is* everything going to shit?

    Was just trying to explain to someone why everything is going to shit, specifically companies, and realized, I don't fully get it either.

    I've got the following explanation. The sentences marked with "???" are were I'm lost. Anyone mind telling me, if they're correct and if so, why?

    > The past few years, central banks were giving out interest rates of 0% or even negative percentages. Regular banks would not quite pass this on, but you could still loan money and give it back later with no real interest payments.

    > This lead to lots of people investing in companies. As long as those companies paid out more money than those low interest rates, it was worthwhile. But at the same time, this meant companies didn't have to be profitable, because they could pay out investors from money that other investors gave them???

    > This has stopped being the case, as central banks are hiking interest rates again, to combat inflation???

    What we plan to remove in Plasma 6 What we plan to remove in Plasma 6

    Icons on the desktop! The minimize button! Visible Panels and docks! Just kidding, don’t have a heart attack. :) Well actually there are some things… just not those! The full list can b…

    What we plan to remove in Plasma 6
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