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NSFW: I am a trans girl who is drunk and high at the same time, AMA!

Give me your worst, Lemmy! Absolutely nothing is off limits. Let’s get fucking weird!

I post this here because /c/iama doesn’t seem to be a thing…

Don’t hold back you jerks!

EDIT: It’s just about 05:00 for me. Night night! I’ll answer any other questions. In a few hours!

  • What's the hardest part of being out as trans, other than the obvious transphobes? The subtle stuff most people don't think about, I mean.

    • Not the OP, but if you are soliciting opinions...

      For me it's the fact that nobody really believes us when we talk about our issues or even the things we personally experience. Even well meaning people, even friends, immediately assume that we are exaggerating or imagining things when we talk, or assume they know better about what is or is not harmful to us.

      Like the obvious hateful transphobes are one thing. But getting that attitude from people one knows personally is tiring and more than a little scary.

      • This may not apply to you but I might be able to offer some perspective from the other side here. I've been very close with someone through their 3+ years transitioning. I often had to tell my friend that situation she is complaining about was not transphobic or say "ok so what?"

        In the beginning she would receive lots of weird looks, rude comments and misgendering. These would crush her and when she thought she was making good progress these comments would drag her back to square one. I understand how traumatizing that must have been.

        But as the transition got more underway and she passed better this was happening less and less but my friend still held those insecurities and kept seeing weird looks and finding "rude" comments in places where they didn't exist. This obviously didn't change how they felt but I think its important for them to understand that this was in their head and can be solved by them being more confident. I gave their examples leeway and only battled on situations where I was very confident but I'm sure there were times I dismissed legitimate complaints.

        She's settled now and is living her life normally only rarely getting slapped with a transphobic comment and when that happens can take it in her stride.

        I believe that yas girling every complaint is unhealthy and does not promote growth. The people around you need to disagree with you and ground you in reality sometimes. And sometimes trans people's complaint are exaggerated or imagined.

        This part may be a hot take but I think even when a trans person did receive a mean comment it can be fine to dismiss their complaints. If they are years into transition and getting upset over someone being mean then they need to find a way to cope better because it's not healthy to let people you don't care about have that kind emotional power over you.

      • This is also common with just being a woman. Womens’ experiences and feelings in general aren’t valued or taken seriously.

      • That sounds terrible. I'm sorry you go through that. internet hugs

    • For me, the hardest part is trying to figure out where I belong. In Viet culture, at a party, the guys hang with the guys, and the girls with the girls. Even when I put a full face on, I never feel like I am one of the girls. It doesn’t help that everyone knew me before I came out. So I don’t fit in anywhere. It’s lonely. My sister Chi Man tries to help, but I am usually the odd one out. This has been going on for years now, so I have tried to make peace with it. This is a lonely life. With that said, I do not regret my decision to live as the person I am meant to be.

      All I need in this life is my son and my best friend. That is enough for me.

      • I'm glad you have a good relationship with your son. :) I'm one of those weirdos that's super close with my mom, and it's an absolutely awesome relationship to have a parent that you're close with. Not enough people get that.

  • What's the weirdest thing that's happened to you since coming out as trans?

    Let's find the benchmark for making the questions weird.

    • That is a great question!

      I need to preface this by saying that my entire friend group is Viet.

      In Viet culture, male and female roles are explicitly defined. That means that, generally, the girls hang with the girls, and the guys hang with the guys.

      The weirdest part is kind of sad. I don’t fit in with the girls because I am not feminine enough, and the guys try to grab my tits as a joke. I don’t belong anywhere.

      My best friend, Chi Man is the one that helps me stay grounded to this earth.

      Otherwise, it’s the usual contract custodian doesn’t get a good look at me, so they warn me about going into the men’s room at work (where I was specifically told to go )

  • Tonight was a lot of beer + a lot of Hennessy VSOP + some really really good coke. Give me your worst, Lemmy. Reddit used to pick me apart. Try and see if you can!

  • Am I trans?

    • I cannot tell you, obvs. My perspective is as a MTF trans person, so bear that in mind.

      For me, my exgirlfriend point-blank asked me: Do you think you are a girl? Suddenly most of my life made sense. I said: Maybe?

      Are you trans? I cannot tell you. What I can tell you is this: find a therapist. Find a omeone you feel safe with talking about your identity. Will they be able to tell you? No. But they can help you navigate this field.

      I wish you luck!

      Do not be afraid of discovering that you are not trans. It’s ok! You have a community within the LGBTQ folks, no matter what. Listen to your heart.

    • Not OP, but to chime in:

      It’s not quite as simple, but one of the thoughts that confirmed it to me was “if I had a button I could push, and overnight my body would change to an ideal body opposite my gender, and I woke up knowing the social norms and being treated exactly as that gender was, would I want to do that”?

      Once I realized I would, the question just changed to “there are health and social concerns that come with it now, it takes forever, and you may never hit your idealized image. Are you still in?”

      Once I realized I was, it was just slow steps to test the waters. Change my online profiles. Go by a different name. Start to ask for my pronouns to be different with my friends and family. Eventually I’m on HRT.

  • Steak, chicken, pork or veg?

    • It’s funny. Tonight, my big sis, Chi Man, had to tell me to put the chicken bone down.

      For me, I don’t much care what protein it is. I absolutely hate wasting food. So for me, getting the meat, cartilage and marrow out of each bone of a meat I eat is the best part.

      If I can help it, eggs are the only protein I desire. Mi Co + eggs and salad is my go-to meal after work.

      Sorry for the Amazon links. I’m still drunk, and that is easier to find.

  • What is your favorite movies/TV shows?

    Is there anything you like that maybe I as an American may not have heard of?

    • Some of my favorite shows are:

      • Running Man (KO)
      • Game of Thrones (S1-6)
      • Flight of the Conchords


      • Premonition (JP)
      • The Chaser (KO)
      • Uzumaki (JP)
      • Audtition (JP)

      The TV shows are great. The movies can fuck your mind!

      • Wow, that's really awesome. I haven't seen any of them, save for the first episode of game of thrones and some of the flight of the Conchords shows.

        I'll have to take a look at them.