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  • I didn't vote because I have no opinion about this and I'm indifferent about earrings

    Though I do find gauges on the nostril or below the lip to be off-putting

  • I did not get it for looks. I wanted a piece of jewelry that was not constrictive. I don't like rings or chains or bracelets. Its more of a personal object I keep on me. That being said I don't really use it anymore as I don't feel like having one anymore so I don't bother wearing any. One thing is I never bought a nice one so by and large I just wore garbage. Let me put it this way. A tshirt with some logo on it does not look better than a really nice plain one color tshirt. Sorta looks worse. But maybe I like that band or comic book or whatnot (or maybe I just got it free and it will let me enter a store). EDITED - going further. I have long hair. Many might say that is unattractive but others would not. I like my hair long though so it just becomes a thing that I have relationships with women that find long hair on dudes attractive or at the very least are neutral about it.

  • It depends for me. I find some of them very cool, and others kinda ugly.

  • As some who has had 20+ piercings over the years and who knows people who have piercings. Generally we don't get them because we think other people will find them attractive, we get them because we think they look good. I'm down to 4 piercings now because of things like jobs, but I do miss them.

    Everyone's tastes are different, while I think piercings look cool. I don't think everyone suits them. An eyebrow piercing can look awesome on one person, and awful on another.
    And some people flat out dislike them. That's fine. So long as people aren't shoving their opinions down people's throats and trying to force them to change, differing opinions are a good thing. The world would be very boring if we were all the same.

    I'm the nerd with tattoos, dyed hair and piercings. A lot of people make shitty comments and I also get a lot of compliments. I don't see the need people have to go up to and say or shout across the street a shitty comment at someone. Their choice in clothing/ piercings/ body art doesn't affect your life. Move on. If someone thinks I look awful, that's fine, that's their view, I'm good with that. But outright going out of your way to voice your shitty comment to someone, that's not cool.

    My point is, your opinion is fine. But if you then attack someone because of that opinion, that's not okay.