I went to a specialist physiotherapist. One of the top in my state. She was adamant that if you're using a multi monitor setup, that the main monitor be DIRECTLY in front of you, with the secondary one off to the side. This was to stop you always looking at a partial angle.
Better to spend most of your time looking directly straight, and looking over to one side regularly, than to always be looking on an angle.
That monitor is like it was designed to destroy your body.
Just be careful. It catches up width you. (Boom tish)
I actually find that having the ultrawide has been better for my neck as I use the centre of it as a 16:9 coding area with two 8:9 sides for docs, browser etc. I move my neck less and only my eyes. It’s awesome!
They're usable, but it looks kinda weird. But 49" in portrait is really impractical, I wouldn't go with anything bigger than 27" for portrait mode, and it shouldn't be ultrawide.
A 360 ring of curved monitors. You could get two pixels, and accelerate them around the ring in opposite directions then collide them at close to the speed of light.
I would understand that for gaming, specially simulation stuff like car/planes or similar... But when working that sounds crazy, unless he has big as fuck dashboard with all kind of things being monitored.
Definitely a case of 'to each their own'. I've got one at home, I never want to go back to mucking around with two monitors whether it is for work or gaming.