Anyone remember anything about 2021
Anyone remember anything about 2021
Anyone remember anything about 2021
I remember some dumasses tried to overthrow the government in the US
They are all in jail though or executed now though right?
I think you meant Executive'd. They are running for government roles now.
Proud Boys and stuff
2021 had GME meme stonks and was the start of NFTs. Also COVID vax started coming out.
I liked lock down. It made me feel normal and accepted for being a shut-in for once. Now, I'm just a loser again.
I enjoyed the empty roads going to and from work.
Jan 6th
Party all summer. Oh wait, variants.
I personally got my PhD and moved states to start at my new job. So it was a busy year for me.
Yes, it literally was a continuation of 2020. That's how years work
If you worked in healthcare, there was a pretty clear delineation. We got vaccines and people stopped fucking dying so much.
I opened 2021 to one of our chronic dialysis patients getting admitted for Covid, so severely short of breath they needed to go to the critical care stepdown unit, and I thought "this is it " By the time I was able to arrive at the hospital to run their dialysis, this person was already off oxygen and up walking around their room.
Come to find out, they had been vaccinated. I'm told that was one of the first people in the State of Massachusetts who got Covid after being vaccinated, and the difference in severity was so dramatic I'll never forget it.
That and movie theaters reopening are the only reasons I remember 2021. It was just a lot less scary even though I was still working like crazy.
It still blows my mind that so many people thought (and in many cases still do) that the vaccine had some nefarious purpose.
I remember 2021 mainly for arguing with morons online about it.
Log4j is hard to forget if you're involved in IT
But like, did you actually have any network intrusions? Because I recall the hoopla and pushing scripts, but never once actually heard of anyone being actively exploited other than a few big players
Well, that's like every year for me. My memory sucks.
You had long COVID before it was trendy
I really have this. It's like I've lost a whole year of my life.
I remember it, but I cheated by getting cancer that year.
Oof, glad you're still here. How are you doing now?
I've been in complete remission for over a year. All it took was reprogramming my immune system to kill cancer.
Any more lifehacks to share?
Pandemic was the best time of my life. Everyone I know(except for one guy) hated it. Me and my buddy enjoyed the shit out of it.
I lost my job, got paid redundancy, and got double unemployment payments. It was dope.
Oh man we saved SO much money not eating out, even still doing curbside pickup once in a while we saved thousands
Same I loved it, but that was because it let me skip the last year and a half of highschool essentially.
There was that ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal, and Squid Game.
both of those things feel like they are from 2016 or 2018
"it's called a motor race, ok? We went car racing."
No Michael. This is so not right!
Y'all remember the early days if covid when we were buying toilet paper and accepting imminent death?
I most vividly remember the Italian experience where some guys sister died of covid at home, and they were just like "wrap the body with a sheet and leave it somewhere safe, we'll come get it in a week if youre still alive then."
I remember the early reports of covid surviving for 5 days on surfaces, and thats when I was like "Whelp, we're fucked."
Fortunately I had accepted imminent death decades ago so while everyone around me was having existential breakdowns I could wander around, hand out hot water bottles, tea, and fuzzy blankets, and see how many times in a row it can be Taco Tuesday before they start to question their sanity.
Yeah, Italy had a fun time in February and March of 2020.
Yeps. My kids were home and my wife was a nurse going into one of the hardest hit areas of US each day. I ended up working from home the first few months until enough stuff broke that I had to come in. I lost about one person I knew per month for the first four months.
I personally loved the lockdowns
As a parent, our experiences are diametrical opposites haha
I'm using a mood app, and apparently 2021 was one of my best years ever. Isolation, taking hikes, cycling a lot and less social obligations.
It's still 2020, change my mind.
I bet in 3 years we're gonna say the same thing
In fact, it is 1083/12/2023
My entire memory of 2021 is just vtubers
Only reason I remember anything about ‘21 is cause I went to rehab, and the Jan 6th insurrection happened
Outside of that, I couldn’t tell you a single notable event
Hope your doing well now :)
Ye, I’m doing good. Appreciate it :)
I remember catching Covid 3 times. Hooray for being "essential" in a place full of assholes.
Wasn't 2021 the year in which Meta announced the Metaverse?
It's the year the love of my life destroyed me. I'll never forget 2021. I still love her. I lost my soulmate.
It's okay to feel that way, even if you manage to turn down the intensity. You're still whole and deserving of love, friend.
Intensity has dropped but even as recent as last night cried again. It's a complex situation that includes us still being friends.
Honestly? I couldn't remember anything either. But then I looked at my camera roll and had a fun trip down memory lane! Lots of discord DnD and TableTop Simulator, outdoors adventures, and memes. It was a good year for memes.
Best year of my life, got over my ex of 20 years leaving me, GME happened, met my now fiancé, got paid for not doing any work for a few months then quit my job.
My main memories of 2021 are Sealab exploding.
Damn Pod 6!
Was in a deep depression hole and was very isolated. I'm very glad I managed to overcome that.
ABBA. That's the single most important thing of 2021. Their new album. Remember
My grandma and Betty White died
I just remember that somewhere in the balkans some sort of police office day counter broke and started adding days to december like 45 of dec 2020... maybe it was edited but it felt funny.
I remember one thing about 2021.
The iMac finally got its colors back.
Wait, you guys remember 2020? That's when it all went downhill for me.
Do I remember 2020? Let me tell you. On my birthday that year, I discovered my wife cheated on me. Yeah, I remember 2020 quite well.
Sorry to hear that man. Hopefully things improved for you in the subsequent years.
Worst year of my life.
I forget if it was 2021 or 2022, but didn’t we have a ton of headlines saying we would be entering WW3?
Oh right! Fall of '83. How could I forget?!
Believe you're thinking of Spring '20
I remember my parent's divorce and some vague stuff.
2021 was vaccine and mask year for me, as a healthcare student. I remember it because I started my internship period, and the human contact got me out of my 2019 depression. I got a pretty good order of rotations and didn't get COVID so I can't complain.
Remember the first round of vaccination? This like 22 year old gave me mine and while we were chatting he told me how he was in med school. Hey real world experience
I think I had major surgery then
God those years are all a blur. It feels like I've had a chunk of my life stolen from me
Unfortunately it's burned into my memory one way or another, yet it still blends into the surrounding years.
One of my best friends moved out of state and we went to Colorado to send him off, I got back and my dad was sick (not COVID at least), he passed away exactly a week before my birthday. The next month I went on a trip to Vegas through work (I was encouraged to keep the plan despite the circumstances... Ultimately it was a positive experience overall).
A remarkable year personally in good ways and bad, but another stone in the stream of upheavals in recent years overall.
Can someone please explain the bottomright one?
Think it's just a dude looking like he's going through shit, kind of in the same vein as Keanu on a bench.
Time has really been flying since the pandemic
I broke 6 figures for the first time in 2021. My income gains over the pandemic were word and unexpected.
Anyone feeling this way was traumatized by the crap the Democrats and Fauci did in 2020 and 2021. "Rules for thee, but not for me."
This is why half the country votes Republican, and I can see where they are coming from. Anyone who experiences this "pandemic skip" and still thinks their politicians handled it correctly has Stockholm syndrome.
God damn those Democrats for the lock downs that happened under a republican government. The international pandemic was all the doing of the lousy Democrats. Grrr
The lockdowns were on a state and local level, enacted by Democrat governors, mayors, and legislation, and you know it. And of course the Democrats didn't cause covid. The idea that the government can dictate what's essential and what isn't sounds like fascism to me. Especially when you've got a bunch of these "science believers" vacationing in Florida and Texas so they don't have to abide by the covid restrictions they pushed for in their own cities and states.
Both Republicans and Democrats are different breeds of fascism and stupidity at this point, and if you can't criticize your own side, you're in cult.
Or, you know, from any of the many countries in the world that are not the USA
A lot of countries were far worse. I still can't get over what happened in Australia, and I feel terrible for North Korean citizens.
Fuck you. You are brainwashed by a stupid cult. Donald Trump is a weak loser conman and you are inherently worse than that for falling for Q nonsense. You don't even know who was president in 2020.
Well look man technically that's true for everyone working a job then, it's just what degree of acceptable and at what point is it visibly disturbing not for others but also to your own mind so to speak