bobs_monkey @ bobs_monkey Posts 3Comments 2,851Joined 2 yr. ago
Same shit in the US to anyone that has two brain cells to rub together.
They're still huge in Vegas for hangovers, although IV stands are taking their place.
That's some clear mud you've got there, who's your mud guy?
"How do you want your steak cooked?"
"Still mooing"
My theory is that the new method for data vacuuming is charging a benignly small fee to make it appear that you're paying for a service and not getting raided, as opposed to using a free service where you assume they're harvesting you like an apple tree.
Funny, I never experience this issue on my Linux install.
The top never makes out as well as the bottom
That could go in several directions, worth a shot
Interesting, is that included on the live image or is it something I need to grab when the image first boots?
I was referring to self hosting a calendar service per the original post
Pretty spot on. I run EOS, mostly because when I decided to get off Windows two years ago I tried it out and it hasn't broken yet (at least not to the point I couldn't fix it). My biggest draw was ease of installation, as I didn't really have the time nor desire to go through a full Arch install. The mechanics of the OS, package management (both pacman and AUR), are identical (EOS does use dracut by default instead of mkinitcpio for image generation, that threw me for a loop when I had to fix it a while back as I'd never used it before). Any questions are easily answered using the Arch documentation. I've had to fix my install twice in the last few years, the most recent being systemd-boot deciding to be an asshole after an update, but I've been very happy with it.
It's usually included in any email setup.
I think most paid email providers also include calendar, contacts, etc. I know Proton does, but I also know their CEO is praising the 4th Reich, so I dunno.
You can also self host something.
I too have a Jeep
This is their logo:

The whole container on a ship idea is their entire premise. The ship (docker) is a unified application/os layer to the host, in that containers can work plug-n-play with the docker base layer.
Was it the same dude that kind of rad with a whole kink/sexual theme in general? Iirc his entire living room was like emulating a waiting room to a sex dungeon, it was pretty out there.
Ah that makes sense. I was being sarcastic, but here:

Does that help?
This handy little trick called zoom
African or European? Asking for a friend.