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What piece of song lyric you can really relate to?

I'm not talking about the full lyrics, but just a phrase or a sentence that you feel is right up your alley.

One of my personal favourites is from Barmy by The Fall: I got everything I want except for money.

  • This line from Uncle John's Band by Grateful Dead is really simple and maybe kinda cheesy but it's given me motivation and kept me in check a few times:

    Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry anymore. 'Cause when life looks like easy street there is danger at your door

  • "I'm not suicidal I don't wanna fuckin die. I just wanna be able to close my eyes and feel alright, but everyday I feel like dyin."

    Suicidal Thoughts - Josh A

  • Pretty much any Joanna Newsom lyric could qualify but this line,

    "Scrape your knee it is only skin."

    Goosebumps every time. It's such a cathartic lyric that the song has been building to for almost 12 minutes.

  • “Do You Believe In Shame” by Duran Duran

    I heard you speak my name
    Heard you singing The Stones
    Maybe heard you laughing in a line of static
    On my telephone

    So why your eyelids are closed
    Inside a case of rust
    And did you have to change
    All your poet's fire into frozen dust?

    I try to justify it
    To learn from your mistake
    But where's the stupid lie that has to make its point
    With such a pointless waste?”

    Simon wrote the lyric for the song about his friend Dave Miles, who tragically died of a drug overdose.

  • Some are born to move the world

    To live their fantasies

    But most of us just dream about

    The things we'd like to be

    Sadder still to watch it die

    Than never to have known it

    For you, the blind who once could see

    The bell tolls for thee

    ~Losing It, by Rush

  • "Not everyone understands house music,
    It's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

    House Music - Eddie Amador

  • Oh god so many I could ruin this post. Music is my most important processing art, and many of the musicians I listen to are very important to me. So I'll limit myself:

    "We took a weekend, drove to Provo.

    The snow was white and fluffy.

    A weekend in Utah won't fix what's wrong with us

    The grey sky was vast and real cryptic above me."

    The Mountain Goats ~ The Mess Inside.

    Because the work to get better and overcome truama isn't easy or short. I've done a lot of wonderful things with my wife, and we've both come incredibly far from our truamas. But most of the nice things we've done had very little impact on that recovery. To paraphrase a Ray Ramano bit from SNL, you're still gonna be you in Italy.

    "I don't fall in love, I plummet." ~Ashley Virginia ~I Don't Fall in Love

    "You can't stay everywhere you leave a piece of your heart." ~Little Mazarn ~Vermont

    These two go together. I fall in love--with people, places, things, experiences--with abandon. I can be slow to let things in, especially people, because once I do it is quickly a no holds barred environment. It's what the Uhaul key on my necklace means. Because of that, I can't stay everywhere or keep everyone I love. I have to know when and what to let go, when and where to hold on.

    Finally I guess I'm gonna wholly belie all notions of brevity with a whole god damn Diane Cluck song:

    "Somethin' loosened around my heart

    From where it was bound, it fluttered around

    This funny motion first mistaken as attack

    I realize and step back

    With real eyes, I step back

    And let it happen

    Knitted so snug inside my chest

    Iron lungs, ribs as rungs

    Those who care to try and climb me

    Sometimes say it's hard to find me

    Still, in reflex, I would shout

    When I began spilling out

    Weeping clearly as a blister

    "Hey, I'm here, " you almost missed her

    And I have so much for you (Na-na-na-na-na-na)

    Do you know how I get shy to show you?

    I fill up, tender, with a glow (Na-na-na-na-na-na)

    Fluff and puff as I try to show you

    Display my falling feathers

    As they leave me in this weather

    The days, they go so quickly

    Can't even stop them

    Don't even want to"

    Diane Cluck ~Heartloose

    I usually have to listen to this song twice. It's so short, but so dense. Every bit of it shakes me. I don't have time to enumerate the ways this song applies, appeals, affects, and relates to me. Diane Cluck is so important to me.

  • "The world made me feel like I lost myself, my own homies tellin me that I need help, if you got a solution for me you probly HOLLA AT YA BOY IF YA KNOW SOMEBODY" Hopsin

  • Now you come to me and you've got green streaks in your hair

    You walk like Greta Garbo, but you talk like Yogi Bear

    What's going on? What's going on?

    I really don't believe what's going on; what's going on?

    — Al Stewart

  • Throw yourself into the unknown, with pace and a fury defiant. Clothe yourself in beauty untold, and see life as a means to a triumph