Lookout! We got a badass here!
Lookout! We got a badass here!
Lookout! We got a badass here!
I will protect my kids from obscenities by instead presenting them with toxic violence.
This was part of the reason I quit social media. Posts like this that are on people's walls that have 'walking hardon' energy. Like nobody that's confronting you is reading that, just your friends. And you know this.
I don't vote. I care about my children. Somehow these are compatible statements
His children don't nead to hear about things he doesnt like, yet he thinks it's a good example to escalate someone calling him a name to assault/battery.
"dont swear at me with my kids around or i will beat the shit out of you in front of my kids and scar them for life!"
It's also assuming they win. If you physically assault someone they have the right to defend themselves or in many states fill them with lead. None of those situations are good for the children. Watching your parent get the shit kicked out of them or killed on the street isn't how you should be teaching your kids how to not get the shit kicked out of them or killed on the street.
So shooting someone over self defense.. it would seem many people don't know what that is or how it works.
If somone punches you. You cannot just shoot them back and call it even. There has to be an actual threat to your life ending in that moment in order to shoot someone to stop them. If you shot someone for kicking your ass. You'll go to jail for murder. If someone charges you with a weapon, though, then that could be challenged in court as an act towards your life
Poor snowflake, they hurt her feelings :(
Crazy that swearing in front of kids is bad but watching their dad fight someone is good. Maybe less about protecting his kids and more about insecurity.
Ive been yelling fuck elon musk at people in tesla vehicles since way before it was cool!!
"I don't vote" yeah that's just as bad as voting republican.
"I don't care about Elon and I'm not political and I don't vote"
Translated to Magatese
"I sweat Elon's balls and voted for Trump twice and I listen to Steve Bannon podcasts every day"
Honestly, I feel like it's worse. I can understand a hateful fuck being gleeful over shit like concentration camps and whatnot, but to see something like that and be indifferent? I can't relate to that in any way. I wouldn't believe anyone like that exists if the evidence of them weren't so prevalent. It feels inhuman. It's the kind of reaction I'd expect from a toad or an inanimate object.
If they really cared about their kids, then they wouldnt bought the most dangerous vehicle on the roads...
God it would be hilarious if someone tried to pull me out of my car. Those kids will get a real lesson about their dad and consequences.
I left the USA in 2019 but when I lived there, I had a 9mm with me when I left the house including when I was driving or riding my bicycle. More likely this tough guy would end up on the news and his 2 year old would end up an orphan. Only a fool thinks they can run up on someone else in America and it's going to be fine. Main character syndrome.
Kid doesn't need to hear words but they apparently do need to see daddy beat the shit out of someone because his precious car identity fee fees were hurt
Daddy try to beat the shit out of someone.
I'm a man with the confidence to pick a fight with someone over their stupid fucking car in public, think he would take a second to wonder why I'm so confident?
He bought a cyber truck. No, he lacks all critical thinking and impulse control. He'll go to his grave mad and confused
Kid doesn't need to hear words but they apparently do need to see daddy
beat the shit out of someoneget shot because his precious car identity fee fees were hurt
cringe but also, so is being verbally aggressive around children over a car
It's not about the car, but what it symbolizes.
I really couldn't give a shit for your kids if you're essentially okay with mine being sent to prisons in El Salvador. This is known as tit-for-tat (or eye-for-an-eye) and is actually the optimal negotiation strategy.
Don't yell obscenities in front of my kids or I'll beat you to pulp in front my kids.
Also he could potentially get killed in front of his kids. But I guess that's not as bad as his kids hearing a "fuck you".
Does he think the people yelling at his car are on his facebook or something?
These people are attention seekers, which explains the CT purchase in the first place.
Tbf if I was a relative I'd be liable to do so lol. Though I'd keep it PG.
why censor it?
Don't want anybody to try it and get hurt by the dude. He's realy dangerous, you know?
Seems like it's just good, honest, hard working people buying these trucks..
Maybe don’t buy a nazi wagon if you don’t want to be treated like a nazi. Just a thought.
Sounds like he is leaning in to the whole Nazi scene.
Be more concerned about pulling yourself and your children from the flaming death heap when the doors don't work.
He definitely votes Republican lol
And is a solid Christian. The two values pair perfectly.
no, he's a "christian"
I'm not going to pretend religion hasn't been used as an excuse to do a lot of awful shit throughout history, but in terms of actually following the teachings of Christ, Republicans are about as far as you can get from them. Loving thy neighbor, welcoming the stranger from another land, flipping over tables and chasing the money changers with a whip -- so on and so on. And I'm an agnostic who's never read the bible proper, merely snippets, so if I know this shit better than they do, yeah, nah. They're not Christians, they're "Christians".
Quick heads-up to anyone actually planning on committing a potentially illegal act: Do not put it down in writing on a publicly accessible forum next to your name and image.
In my neck of the woods, getting out of your car and charging angrily towards another car will get you shot or flattened.
Seriously. I'm from texas. Some people would happily let him come over to their car and start reaching in punching just to let it cross into castle doctrine/stand your ground territory. I was always taught to just assume people have guns in their cars and to act accordingly.
That does sound very American
I'm not quick to violence or guns, but you're not reaching in my window and dragging me out without you get a couple of Colt .45 pills to the thorax.
Yes, much like myself, the .45ACP is old and slow, but it will handily punch through a car door and deep into a slab of fat dumbass.
Who in America thinks they can just attack a stranger?!
I find it fairly reasonable to ask that you don't swear around kids. Unless they always have their kids with them to be used as a shield. Which, I mean... Elon did it, of course his followers would follow his lead. 🤷🏻♂️
Soo... you don't want your kids to hear some angry words, but you're totally fine with them watching their father commit violence? Yeah, I bet this jackass is in the running for parent of the goddamned year.
"when they r in the car"
Literacy skills that match the opinion 🤣
He has eyes, yet he still bought the thing.
He deserves to be sworn at.
I mean, are you angry at me shouting at you, or are you angry at the fact the side panel 1. has fallen off and 2. was just glued on in the first place, and it doesn't recharge in the cold, and the tyres are shit, and five other things have gone wrong on it and you can't get them fixed, and in person it looks like one of those inbred Siberian tigers v. how it always looked online like a normal tiger, and it's worth about 30% of its purchase value even though you've only owned it for 4 months, and you can't tow or carry anything in it, you can't sell it, and it is rusting?
How on message that this self absorbed fuck thinks randos are going to read his social status prior to flipping him the bird on the freeway for driving a swasticar.
Totally stable. Buy something that screams "look at me!" and then be upset when someone expresses their distaste.
this self absorbed fuck thinks randos are going to read his social status
And yet, here we are.
I'd be more concerned with pulling off body panels, if I were him.
Edit: also, why is it all these people are so bad at writing? How do you get enough money for a Cybertruck while obviously being a moron?
Generational wealth.
Total lack of fiscal responsibility
Wow! This bit of thread sounds like one of those rounds of Cards Against Humanity, where everyone had something that actually fit, and you double take 'cause now you gotta think about your choice.
Exploitatitive financing
I am so glad that he posted this to the place where all other drivers would know to read to hear his wailing, OR MAYBE, this snowflake wants someone to feel like he is a victim and he is just being a good father.
Honestly I think a lot of the people harassing Cybertruck owners and burning Teslas just want to harass people and burn things.
"standing up to a Nazi company is harassment". ah yes, we've reached ultimate liberal brainrot
Still better than being a Nazi supporter.
You're not very bright then
Rearrange my facial structure?
What does that even mean??
You going to tell me a joke
I think it means he’s threatening to aggressively make out with you.
He runs the risk of rearranging my trouser structure
Oh, man. That would make me just escalate the taunting...
Do they drive a whambulance?
I don't get why people are hating on Tesla owners. It's not their fault the owner of the company is a nutsack. They're prob just trying to get to work like the rest of us. Misdirected anger and energy.
Because it makes anyone considering buying one despite Elon being an evil sack of shit reconsider. For the many people living in blissful ignorance because consequences haven't fully hit yet like the guy in the picture, these kinds of tactics are effective. Is it right or fair? Not really. But it is what it is.
The cars sure. But the cyber trucks nope.
Found the swasticar owner
I don't own a car, I'm poor.