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How many goddamn wars over this do we need
  • Goddamn, why is it always Knoxville with the racist stuff. We're not all bad!

  • keyboard defender
  • I have one of these. It's pretty awesome.

  • I am sick of old men.
  • Didn't Biden literally just say "she was 12, I was 30" in relation to saying hi to someone in the crowd? Not saying that's normal, only acceptable answer here is he was chatting with a friend's child at some point, but also, where is the reference to him fucking her?

  • To those of you who drink tea: What brand of tea do you drink?
  • Twinings pure mint is the tits, and a great night time alternative to chugging 12 mugs of Yorkshire throughout the workday.

  • On the Internet, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually a kid?
  • Heyyyy I'm at least double digits in age.

  • Big problems require solving root issues
  • No one prefers a public, uncomfortable shit over a private, comfortable one (other than for kinks). People shit outside of toilets the same reasons pets do - inadequate conditions, medical issues, or to make a point about something they care about. Rather than take the thing away, deal with the problem.

  • Rate of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After ‘Roe’ Was Overturned
  • On the flip side, I was up and working out three days after my bisalp. And my friend who got a vasectomy was bedridden for a week. I think they're pretty comparable, it's just a game of rock paper scissors whether you'll have the easy or the hard recovery.

  • Rate of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After ‘Roe’ Was Overturned
  • It's already super hard. I was lucky and found a doctor who understood, but I'm not young. People in their 20s face a whole bunch of bullshit, enough to get in the way and prevent them having the procedure. It's fucked.

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • Stickers should have a greater sense of self worth and keep it together when people are trying to tear them apart.

  • What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • A law that prohibits labels from being too sticky that you can't reuse the packaging. For example, I should absolutely be able to easily peel off the labels from empty wine bottles and glass jars so I can reuse them.

  • This will be YouTube in 2025
  • I love otamatones.

  • Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • Make jokes about not being busy. Make them boldly in slightly non appropriate circles. Then lean with the same amount of conviction into compliments. Agree with full heart, be non apologetic with the same force used to joke about how little work you have.

    This duality is powerful because on the one hand you clearly have nothing to hide, and on the other hand you're painfully truthful. Works a charm. Then go have brunch on the clock.

  • What makes you stand out?
  • Thank you, it was worth the crucial muscle groups sacrifice.

  • What makes you stand out?
  • I don't know what the reason is, but I have a large friend group of almost exclusively males, and I am a respected, listened to female, who can easily command the room. I can also deadlift twice my body weight.

  • Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging "faster than ever" to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say
  • I feel like this was always the plan. Put the plebian frog in the pot of 9-5 corporate hellscape and slowly boil it. We're all too exhausted to fight.

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • Tech, specifically AI automation. My LPT is that most services are just using GPT4 in some capacity. Automated workflows are not plug and play, credentials expire, variables change, limits are exceeded, etc. Rather than pay a random company to build and maintain something for you, you can save a shit ton by just hiring someone in-house who knows Zapier or Make and having them build the workflow you need.

  • [discussion] This is what walkability means for me
  • I have two baskets and saddlebags on my bike and this shit would easily fit.

  • A Serbian Film

    Read at your own risk, as some reviewers wrote, you can't unknow things once you learn them, and this movie's description is all of the terrible things.

    Why are my farts hurting my ass?

    I have gas from eating lots of bread, which is not unusual, but for some reason today's farts hurt my ass.

    They're not those super hot farts, they're just really... pressurized? They come out loud and proud and it feels kinda violent. Any ideas?

    I did the comb thing

    I didn't get any sickies, just a stank face.

    How does a startup 'close'?

    Hypothetically speaking, a startup gets some rounds of investment from VCs, operates for a few years, and run out of runway. What do these final months look like? Do the investors try to get their money back?

    What's the hype with Stanley cups?

    I work from home and drink from mugs and I don't tiktok, so this whole trendy cup thing is really confusing me.

    Do they uncurse bad water or something?

    What's your favorite thing to dream about?

    I absolutely love flying dreams, not for the actual flying, but because I always use my skill to get out of bad/unwanted situations. I'll be in a foot chase and I'll just zing off into the sky. I'm also the only one who can fly, so I show off a lot.

    Blurry Pictures of Cats Lenny
    Blurry picture of a snuffler
    Lennnny Lenny

    I'm just here for the free vacation.

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    Comments 258