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  • Go to June 14, 1946, Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York. No reason.

  • Find Nigel Farage in the field after he survived his 2014 plane crash and… change that.

    Possibly saving the country from Brexit even getting to referendum status, and if it did, possibly changing the result. And then maybe preventing the revolving door Tory governments that fucked up the initial Covid response, since most of what they’ve done over the last decade has been to try and swing voters away from UKIP/Reform rather then actually do things that are good fit the country as a whole.

  • Well, I can think of a couple US presidents from the 20th century that could use a good showcase of the future they caused by throwing Americans under the bus. Either that, or just clone their voices, fake messages that incriminate their actions and get them impeached, release them publicly via distribution to all major TV news outlets discretely, and watch what happens. If nothing else, just getting rid of them completely might be a solution as well, in hopes their vice president doesn't make the same mistakes.

    That, or go back to summer 2024 and tell the guy at that rally to aim a little to the left (or right) depending on which ear he shot.

  • I’d go 50 and 100 years into the future and see when and how time travel has been abused and then based on that I’d decide if I should go back and destroy all of the creator’s hard work before somebody else got a hold of it.

    I’d also probably go back and see my grandma for a while before the dementia got bad. Bring the family to meet her.

  • I'd go to the future and check it out. The question also made me wonder how far into the future one would need to go before they wouldn't be able to speak the same language as anyone?

    • Going by the past, about 500 years or so. But with everything being recorded now, it might take longer than it used to. If you're not going too far just make sure to say good-bye to your friends and loved ones since you'll mysteriously disappear the day you travel ahead.

  • Buy and sell an actually profitable nft. It'll be like winning the lottery without the drawbacks.

    I'd be rich and no one would be jealous of me. In fact most of them will assume I'm lying about my money and not try to rob me. And who would rob an android user with no car or brand names? A rich loser seems to be the best way to live.

  • Can I go forward in time, and then back? In that case, I'd get some future numbers for the Euro Jackpot and play that line.