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Disability benefits to be cut "ruthlessly" as keeping disabled people alive is a "waste" of money, says UK government.

"Even more stringent benefit cuts are on the cards." "Ministers are planning billions in cuts to disability benefits." "the House of Lords economic affairs committee said this might not be enough."

FFS just legalise euthanasia already. I'd rather get a quick injection than starve to death out on the streets. Even the Nazis were kinder to the disabled, gassing them to death quickly.

  • This shit makes me sick. Most of my friends have mental disabilities and some have physical disabilities. I'm friends with someone that is wheel chair bound, and has to work 2 jobs because her disability checks don't pay enough and she needs assistance. She can't even get married if she wanted to because the government will cut her disability payments. She deserves a better life but is stuck in this shitty system.

    • You bring up an important point that I don't see talked about enough. Disabled people don't have marriage equality for this reason.

      • It's partially why I haven't sought a professional diagnosis from a psychologist. My therapist confirmed my diagnosis though. I'm married so if I was to earn disability payments after paying $3000 or so for a diagnosis, my already low payments would be cut in half because I'm married.

        The only reason I've ever even considered seeking disability payments is because I'm among the unlucky statistics of autism that is historically unemployed.

  • The money model, best articulated in Russell’s 1998 book, Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract, posits that disabled people are not, as they are often framed in dominant culture, a “burden to society,” but are actually a valuable resource. As Russell explains: “…persons who do not offer a body which will enhance profitmaking as laborers are used to shore up US capitalism by other means.” Disabled people are a nexus around which the capacity for surplus labor power can be built (often financed in part by federal money)—whole sectors of our economy have sprung forth from the money model, which has normalized the commodification of things, systems, and places that maintain disabled bodies in pursuit of squeezing profit from the money which passes through disabled people towards their survival and care. For example, nursing homes, Russell argued, are not places of rest and comfort, but a strategy for commodifying the “least productive” so that they can both be “made of use to the economic order” and free up the labor supply of those who love and wish to care for them. This system benefits neither the workers nor disabled people, only what Russell called the “owning class.” US disability policy, instead of being oriented around supporting the needs of disabled people, sanctions and facilitates the capitalist capture of nearly all aspects of disablement, impairment, chronic illness, and disability, including the way that “reasonable accommodations” are commodified (as explored by Ruth Colker in her essay for this symposium).


  • “Muh population decline. We need the population to grow! But also let’s do eugenics and cull people with disabilities! Law of the jungle baby!”

    • They only want the population of workers to grow, they want to eradicate all non-workers.

      • Jobs are becoming more and more selective.

        Nepotism becomes the only way to get a job, it’s just called “networking”

        unemployed people are left to starve to death

        unemployed people = perfectly fine people porky turned his nose up at.

        Austerity is a genocidal tactic