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Should I even bother trying to fundraise for a car anymore?
  • What is the goal of having the car? Is there another way to accomplish that goal?

  • Your bi-opsy results are in. It's malignant
  • Oh for sure. I'm definitely not trying to take anyone's identity from them or invalidate them, so sorry if it comes across that way. I think dialogues about gender and sexuality are super interesting. I would definitely agree that ace is queer too, I know lots of ace queers and drift in and out of ace myself at times.

  • Your bi-opsy results are in. It's malignant
  • Apparently my tone here is unintentionally offensive so I'm just gonna remove it, sorry.

  • Your bi-opsy results are in. It's malignant
  • For sure. When an older gay tells me they aren't queer I'm not a dick about it, I'm happy to accept any label they want. I just think that normalizing a broader umbrella usage of queer is important long term.

  • "joe's vision" on returns the funniest 404 page imaginable
  • You want to fundraise for your campaign Joe? Sell your Nintendo Power first editions first ppb-gigachad

  • Your bi-opsy results are in. It's malignant
  • I dunno I've had plenty of folks (usually who identify as gay or lesbian) say they aren't queer, they're gay or lesbian. I think it's just that crowd of old guard exclusionary gays usually.

  • Your bi-opsy results are in. It's malignant
  • How would that work?

  • Ross Douthat: Joe Manchin Would Be ‘the Most Moderate Candidate’
  • Honestly the Dems should just see if they can get Trump to run as a Dem since all they care about is winning rather than actually implementing any of the policy they campaign on.

  • "joe's vision" on returns the funniest 404 page imaginable
  • Bit idea: Joe Biden issues page except it's just a list of all of the issues the left has with Joe Biden

  • Homes are unaffordable in 80% of larger U.S. counties, analysis finds
  • Easy solution there is just recommended people spend more on housing think-about-it

    This is definitely what they will do rather than fix the actual problem.

  • Your bi-opsy results are in. It's malignant
  • Honestly this is why I just say everyone that isn't extremely straight is queer. Definitely controversial but if queer means "not straight" then everyone who isn't straight is queer. And most folks agree queer is just "not straight." I dunno what the fuck I am but I ain't straight so I'm queer. It's enough for me and for lots of folks I know. It's much clearer this way I think

  • A second pedo has hit the Subway (TM)
  • Funny enough I am 95% sure that one of our site taglines is a quote from one of this dude's streams (the one about shungite rocks)

  • Yeah, I work out
  • Dirt_Owlbear

  • The Dems are losing support of the left. What are they going to do to win them back?
  • Make it illegal to be left and then say that since we're criminals they don't want our support anyway

  • My girlfriend is really cool and she is stressing me out
  • I've got 3 partners already but for someone this rad I can make space for one more send her my way

  • Vogue FLotUS piece
  • sometimes, agree to disagree, agree to lose.

    Or you know in the case of the Democrats, always

  • But at what cost?
  • Love it when white people decide what another culture is doing that doesn't impact them at all is somehow bad.

  • Struggle session: french people have good food
  • It's not hard to have good food when your definition of good is "I have covered this thing in a butter sauce"

  • I just saw 999,995 people supporting Palestine

    Walked in a pro Palestine rally in my city's pride event today. I was told a million people turned out. Spent the whole route walking holding my cute ass homemade sign and being cheered at and chanted at so loudly and so supportively by the entire crowd that we kept losing track of what we were trying to do. Thousands and thousands of young drunk queers out fists in the air shouting free Palestine for miles. Honestly walking from the staging area and hitting the wall of crowd and hearing their huge support even after they had already been standing out there for hours was beyond beyond amazing. Something I'll never forget.

    I saw 5 Zionists in the whole crowd. All by themselves, not organized at all. 5. All older white people. Imagine standing in a crowd of a million people and being the sole person with your middle finger up at people protesting a genocide. Hilarious honesty.

    Anyway the community at this sort of thing is unbelievable. Anyone who says organizing doesn't work is wrong. It was energizing as fuck and we really helped a lot of angry gays have an outlet today in the middle of our big party.

    I don't know if I have a point to this it was just fucking cool to see all these young gays out here supporting Palestine. The Dems are totally cooked for directly supporting this genocide.

    From the river to the sea. Happy pride everyone. Pride is a protest never forget it.

    By owning a TV you're helping Trump win

    You aren't supposed to watch the debates you know. If you watched the debate you're helping Trump win. The Leader of the Free World doesn't need to be coherent or eloquent or even understandable at all and by pointing out the very rare times in every single debate question where he slipped up you're helping Trump win. Actually by listening to Biden at all you're helping Trump win. If you use the primary source of "things the actual candidate himself said" instead of the secondary source of "things the media says the candidate meant to say" that's actually helping Trump win. In fact if you even own a TV at all or any device that could consume digital media like a laptop or a phone, you're helping Trump win.

    I'm so sick of all these tankie Hexbears looking at reality and pointing it out because you're helping Trump win. You can go back to looking at your media devices after you've cast your ballot for Joe.

    American city builders: Let's build the perfect habitat for pigeons!

    Also American city builders: Wow why are there so many pigeons I can't believe this happened

    Bit Idea: Make my day

    My day was slightly ruffled yesterday

    So I don't need you to make my day, but, you know, you should anyway. For the bit.

    Name something more white late stage capitalist than stock advertisements inside of fortune cookies

    This is a challenge I am posing to the community . Prove to me that there is something worse than this. I can't imagine what it is but I feel like I have to know.

    Is anyone playing Arknights

    Should anyone play this? I started recently and I'm still trying to figure it out. It seems cool but I can't figure out if we're supposed to be the good guys or the bad guys. Also it's gacha trash. But the puzzle TD aspect of it is super satisfying.

    Is anyone playing this, should I keep playing?

    I saw my first cybertruck today in the wild

    It was double parked in the bike lane without blinkers on and with nobody inside of it. If it didn't happen to me I would have sworn this is made up, it was way too on point. I couldn't believe it.

    Power posters of the fediverse, why aren't you posting on Hexbear?

    I see you out there. Posting. You should post here too. Why aren't you? Genuinely curious actually.

    I love the rainbow that magically appeared in the flag in this photo

    Saw this photo from an action and thought it was neat with the rainbow. Nature providing some intersectionality here

    Does anyone know where Anya went?

    I keep hearing all these bikers saying that Anya left but nobody seems to know where she went !anya-heh

    A collection of signs made by children to support Palestine

    My favorite is definitely "GIVE IT BACK YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT!"

    Stay safe out there comrades this thing is just beginning

    On one side, it's good to see a new wave of revolutionary energy sweeping the nation

    On the other side, it sucks that it only ever happens for really big shit like literally genocide. Zoomers are going to burn themselves out on this. Which they should. But then they won't have the energy to keep fighting for the other stuff that we absolutely have to keep fighting for. And that sucks.

    Maybe the zoomers will have more energy than I think. It's up to us to join them and help them so they don't burn out. Like all the other times this could be a start of something greater than it already is. But leftists have to get involved and be involved and stay involved otherwise this is just the run of the mill disorganized anti war protest and it will fizzle.

    Anyway if you can get out there and support folks, do it. If you can't safely do that there are many many other ways to support. You can buy supplies, you can pick folks up from jail, you can paint signs, lots of ways to help without getting in the middle of it. If you aren't sure how to help find some local organizations that are involved and ask them.

    I'm sure a few Hexbears are already out there. So stay safe comrades.

    Perma banning DayOfDoom as a joke was not okay

    Is this another instance of the mod log not telling the whole story? Anytime I see a recognized poster perm banned for anything other than being completely heinous I have to scratch my head a little. Making a bad post and then ban evading doesn't feel like it should warrant a "never come back" kind of response. This is just one example, I've seen it before with others too and have always gone "huh, really?" But maybe there was something they did that was so bad it was purged / doesn't show in the mod log.

    Anyway RIP DayOfDoom we'll miss your weird ass posts. Unless you did something bad that the modlog doesn't show in which case I'll just delete this whole thread.

    Muse - Animals (CW: inside post body)

    CW: Suicide.

    context for CW

    The song ends with the singer telling CEOs to "kill yourselves", which is incredibly based but also could be super triggering

    Anyway this is one of the best modern anticapitalist songs and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise

    CW: Queerphobia: Just had someone shout a slur at me while I was out rollerblading

    Let's break this down, he saw me while I was:

    • On rollerblades
    • Wearing a rainbow tie dye hoodie
    • Hair tied back stuck through my helmet
    • Literally dancing while I do this

    He chose to blow through a stop sign to catch up to me to tell me how much of a f-t he thought I was.

    Uh...thanks for the affirmation I guess? I think it's pretty clear what I'm up to over here. Glad to know I'm nailing the look I'm going for! I genuinely laughed when it happened and I'm at home now still laughing. Sure, that's harmful language and it has absolutely caused me and others harm and will again, but in this context I just find it fucking hilarious.

    Anyway fellow queers stay safe and stay queer out there don't let them get you down !sicko-queer

    Bit Idea: Defend the Indefensible

    Libs are doing this as a bit right? There's no way they actually believe the stuff they say right? Its gotta be an elaborate bit too complex for even us to understand.

    Infamousblt Infamousblt [any]

    Bit idea: DM me your bit idea

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