seriously, it's the one thing keeping the web usable
seriously, it's the one thing keeping the web usable
seriously, it's the one thing keeping the web usable
It's so funny when people don't have any blockers and the same websites you visit just look like online casinos.
Like a late-stage GeoCities website when the server-side Javascript injection had gotten completely out of hand.
This website is great!
Sees it in Chrome:
My desktop browser is good but I haven’t figured out how to get ad blocking on my phone browser.
Something that allows plug-ins will do the trick. Firefox on Android feels less light weight etc but it's worth it because of ublock
Nothing makes me happier than going to read an article and clicking “no” on the “please disable your ad blocker to support us” pop up.
I'm seeing more sites now not even providing the option to click "no". I can't remember the company that provided this library but I feel like any hackers (ahem you assholes who are hacking the IA) want to do some good, they need to be taken down a peg.
It seems to be the same company. If I find it I'll update this comment.
If they don’t give me the option I won’t read it.
You see popups?
And then try using a VPN and you’re like some kind of criminal and you have to identify 37 crosswalks and busses. And that shit’s all broken anyway so you have to do it again when their integration with whatever captcha service is fucking up.
oh my fuck literally. i had to do like 6-10 recaptchas back to back the other day because i wanted to go to with a vpn.
I had to stop using google search altogether because every single time it would give me an unsolvable capcha. duckduckgo sucks donkey dong but at least it doesn't make me do that
Advertisers should pay people to watch ads, why do they expect attention for free?
They pay the business who owns the ad space, who in turns pays the website or app for their space. You pay for the app or website content by watching the ad.
It's a terrible model, but you are being paid (in content) for watching ads.
Yuck no, I pay for the content not the ads. That implicit arrangement is false advertising then
I'm pretty sure advertisers a scared of paid ad free subscriptions
I wouldn't even mind ads if they weren't so obtrusive. The ones that take up 70% of your screen between one liners are the worst.
Uuughhh I felt like on one of "these" websites.
Good choice of links
Praise be to the glorious adblockers this day and all days. Amen