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  • I pick locks as a hobby. Your door lock is almost never the point of attack. It's way easier to break the door or windows. Only time picking would be useful is if you need to conceal that you've entered, which burglars don't typically care about.

  • So, disregarding physical brute force (because that lock bypass method will never change), let's say a smart lock today is functionally equivalent to a traditional lock in terms of security. How's that smart lock going to look in 5 years? In 10? When is the manufacturer going to abandon the product and stop providing security updates? It's only a matter of time before whatever firmware it shipped with becomes obsolete. And then it's just one more thing on the list of pwnd devices that unscrupulous actors can access at will. Your friendly neighborhood junkie in search of quick cash might not know the difference, but a list of people that have e-Lock v2.2 would be very lucrative to the types of people that run the current smash and grab operations.

    Soft/firmware obsolescence is a thing with any "smart" device, but it becomes especially egregious when it's built into what are traditionally durable devices like appliances. And even more so when it's something embedded, like a lock, outlet, etc. It becomes "replace that light fixture, or leave that vulnerability on the network." A lock takes that from "someone can waltz into my home network" to "someone can waltz through my front door."

  • From what I've seen? Considerably less secure.

    Many of them feature a normal pin-tumbler lock cylinder as a backup in case the electronics fail, and best case scenario it's going to be as mediocre as any old Kwikset hanging on the peg on the comedy aisle at Lowe's. So you're probably still vulnerable to key theft, key duplication, picking, combing, raking, jiggling, etc.

    Then there's the electronics. A surprising number of them rely on either a solenoid to directly operate the latch/bolt, or a relay that energizes a motor to do the same, both of these are vulnerable to attacks by magnets. A stupid number of them are vulnerable to disassembly attacks. There are trace evidence attacks such as looking at the keypad and noticing where all the fingerprints are, there's just watching you dial the combination...

    And the smart phone app driven ones...sure, let's send a signal that means "I just got home" across the internet. That sounds safe.

  • It's important to remember that no lock is entirely unpickable. It's just a matter of time, skill, tools, and know-how. Generally speaking, if someone is willing to pick a lock, they will be able to pick your lock eventually.

    But arguably even more importantly, most people do not possess the skill, tools or know-how to pick a lock and will not try. So you get the same benefit from just about ANY lock for the vast majority of people that might break into your home, in that any functioning lock will deter them equally.

    Also, even if you have the most secure door locks known to man, even if they are literally unpickable, that will not keep motivated people from entering your home through other means. Having a perfectly secure lock just means that it become preferable for them to break in through a window, by literally breaking in a door, by your crawlspace/basement access, etc. They could also catch you outside the home and use you to gain access by threat, trickery or theft of your keys.

    So, to me, even if a smart lock is less secure than a standard lock they are both going to act as sufficient deterrence for most situations and the tangential benefits of a smart lock can be worth the marginal loss of security. But that's a choice you have to make for yourself.

    Edit: Also, some features can make smart locks massively more beneficial to addressing a break in attempt even while being easier to actually break in. For example, there are can be some secret distress features, like a alert combination that unlocks the door but also secretly alerts the police of a break in. Or notifications that alert you that the door was unlocked even when you aren't home. Smart locks come with vulnerabilities, yes. But also unique features that you can't get with conventional locks.

    • This is the real answer. Everyone has a hard on for a secure lock, when a thief is just going to break a window.

      Consider your actual threat model. You don't have the LPL trying to get into your house.

  • How bad some of the "secure" backup locks are or the failsafe mechanics of those or even just the software of not even cheap products are most of the time real bad and just adds more fail points.

  • well, what do you do if it runs out of battery? electric locks really only make sense on gates and doors in apartment blocks, where it's okay to have it just default to open in case of failure.