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What's the best dish prepared by your mom/grandma?
  • Give me the recipe

  • What good things are going on with your weekend?
  • Finally got web workers to work in WASM

  • Locked
    Why can I see some communities while logged out, but not while logged in?
  • Locking as this post violates rule 5.

  • :D‎
  • :D

  • I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • Why is it that people think Linux distros are for programmers or tech people only? This is the reason why we don't get many people on Linux distros.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Except I am not a troll. How can people actually want to eat lab grown food? How is it any different than eating processed food I wonder

  • YSK: StreetComplete app for Android, a way to fill map data in a game like way
  • Holy fuck this is great. I'll be using this thanks.

  • Chat control: Politicians, industry raise alarm over EU’s unprecedented messenger surveillance plans
  • This bullshit again. I thought this was rejected or put on hold a few months ago?

  • Fraudsters of Lemmy, how would you commit fraud if governments embrace cryptography
  • While I do think it would strengthen the security, anyone that can trick someone into giving them their SSN can also trick that someone into giving them their private key.

    This would be advantegous for everyone, but private keys would still be stolen.

    I'm all for a cryptography embracing government though. A GPG key is far superior to a short number sequence that can be predicted easily.

    Although not great, where I live, at least, we have a way to digitally sign digital documents using public key cryptography.

    One thing is that I believe we will eventually have cryptographic keys assigned to us instead of those insecure SSNs. But who knows when that will become reality.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Lab grown meat that is unhealthy as fuck. Lab grown meat is no longer meat, so you can't call it that.

    I want to eat meat that was a part of some animal, not lab grown food.

  • Deleted
    What you do when you have TOO MUCH free time?
  • Spend my time in TF2. By the time I become aware of the time, it's already 8pm.

  • Anon tries to be witty
  • famburger

  • This is just adorable
  • I meant to say "how", not "hoe". I think you should've been able to figure that out by context.

  • Why is there no good photo app?
  • I don't think there is any good one. For privacy, you can install Google Gallery then disable network access to it.

  • Removed
    Putting Privacy Focused Free Speech VPS Providers To The Test.
  • Reminds me of something that has happened in the past. Something about a german painter.

  • This is just adorable
  • That woman speaks as if she was in a harem with the least chance of being the only one to marry with the protagonist. But yes, I can imagine how that probably is adorable. I'd like a wife like that myself.

  • Why is Go syntax so messy
  • I agree. I find Rust's syntax much better than Go's.

  • [QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?

    I've been using arch for a while now and I always used Flatpaks for proprietary software that might do some creepy shit because Flatpaks are supposed to be sandboxed (e.g. Steam). And Flatpaks always worked flawlessly OOTB for me. AUR for things I trust. I've read on the internet how people prefer AUR over Flatpaks. Why? And how do y'all cope with waiting for all the AUR installed packages to rebuild after every update? Alacritty takes ages to build for me. Which is why I only update the AUR installed and built applications every 2 weeks.

    Ideas for a federated anime tracker

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello Lemmings. > > I will be attempting to make a federated anime tracker this summer, but I am not quite sure what features people would want and how I would get the details for animes, mangas, etc. > > For the latter: > What I thought was to either scrape other anime websites continuosly in the background, but this most likely is against the ToS of every anime tracking website, such as AniList or MAL. > (I actually asked for special access to their DB because apparently you can request access to it, but I've been left on read by the two staff members) > My second idea was to make it an anime tracker website where animes are only user-submitted. And the user submissions would be approved by assigned moderators. However, I think this would be quite inconvenient. > I'd like to get your opinions and/or ideas for this. > > For the former: > So if you have any requests or suggestions, please drop it down in the comments section. > > Thanks in advance.

    Ideas for a federated anime tracker

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello Lemmings. > > I will be attempting to make a federated anime tracker this summer, but I am not quite sure what features people would want and how I would get the details for animes, mangas, etc. > > For the latter: > What I thought was to either scrape other anime websites continuosly in the background, but this most likely is against the ToS of every anime tracking website, such as AniList or MAL. > (I actually asked for special access to their DB because apparently you can request access to it, but I've been left on read by the two staff members) > My second idea was to make it an anime tracker website where animes are only user-submitted. And the user submissions would be approved by assigned moderators. However, I think this would be quite inconvenient. > I'd like to get your opinions and/or ideas for this. > > For the former: > So if you have any requests or suggestions, please drop it down in the comments section. > > Thanks in advance.

    Ideas for a federated anime tracker

    Hello Lemmings.

    I will be attempting to make a federated anime tracker this summer, but I am not quite sure what features people would want and how I would get the details for animes, mangas, etc.

    For the latter: What I thought was to either scrape other anime websites continuosly in the background, but this most likely is against the ToS of every anime tracking website, such as AniList or MAL. (I actually asked for special access to their DB because apparently you can request access to it, but I've been left on read by the two staff members) My second idea was to make it an anime tracker website where animes are only user-submitted. And the user submissions would be approved by assigned moderators. However, I think this would be quite inconvenient. I'd like to get your opinions and/or ideas for this.

    For the former: So if you have any requests or suggestions, please drop it down in the comments section.

    Thanks in advance.

    Suggest a Laptop for me.

    Hello Lemmings,

    My 5 year old gaming laptop finally needs to be replaced. I need a new laptop for programming and light gaming. I no longer game on a laptop but a desktop. Though being able to play even outside would be nice so the laptop should be able to play at least Team Fortress 2. I'll be installing a Linux distro on it. My budget is around 800-1000€. The screen should be 14 or 15 inches. The battery should last at least 6 hours while not doing anything heavy as video editing or gaming.

    anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation system GitHub - Asudox/anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm

    A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm - Asudox/anote

    GitHub - Asudox/anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm

    cross-posted from:

    > Sup, I've been working on this project for the past few months and now it's finally finished. It's a MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation system written in Rust. It's still being trained on the background as I've only started the training today in the morning, so tomorrow, the results you get can change. > > You can try it out here: > > Please give feedback!

    anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation system GitHub - Asudox/anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm

    A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm - Asudox/anote

    GitHub - Asudox/anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm

    cross-posted from:

    > Sup, I've been working on this project for the past few months and now it's finally finished. It's a MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation system written in Rust. It's still being trained on the background as I've only started the training today in the morning, so tomorrow, the results you get can change. > > You can try it out here: > > Please give feedback!

    anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation system GitHub - Asudox/anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm

    A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm - Asudox/anote

    GitHub - Asudox/anote: A MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation algorithm

    Sup, I've been working on this project for the past few months and now it's finally finished. It's a MyAnimeList-based anime recommendation system written in Rust. It's still being trained on the background as I've only started the training today in the morning, so tomorrow, the results you get can change.

    You can try it out here:

    Please give feedback!

    [REQUEST] Data for testing the accuracy of a new recommendation algorithm requested

    Hello Lemmings,

    I've been working on a new anime recommendation algorithm the past 4 months and now I pretty much have the algorithm done.

    To test the accuracy of the algorithm, I am requesting any MyAnimeList user with 50+ completed animes to post their MyAnimeList username along with their overall top 3 genres in descending order. This will then be compared to what the algorithm guessed.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Thanks a lot, guys. I finally released the project! You can find it here:

    [REQUEST] Data for testing the accuracy of a new recommendation algorithm requested

    Hello Lemmings,

    I've been working on a new anime recommendation algorithm the past 4 months and now I pretty much have the algorithm done.

    To test the accuracy of the algorithm, I am requesting any MyAnimeList user to post their MyAnimeList username along with their overall top 3 genres in descending order. This will then be compared to what the algorithm guessed.

    Thanks in advance.

    Should I use Rust and Go together or just Go?

    So I want to make a new project. It will have a website and an algorithm which will handle the requests. The thing is, web development in Rust feels harder than say in Go or Python. So I thought maybe I could somehow make bindings in Rust for Go since the faster the algorithm is, the better. However, that seems to complicate stuff as well. So do you think I should just rewrite the current algorithm in Go? Is it fast enough for it to not be a noticeable difference?

    Edit: Thanks for the suggestions and advice! I decided to go with Rust for the website with Axum and the algorithm as well.

    Fediverse spammer group's executive Amex got arrested


    Asudox Asudox


    codeberg: matrix:


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