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  • Qemu+Kvm with virt-manager is my boy nowadays. But I'm not a heavy user of Vms, just experimented with this to build some Flatpak. But plan on trying out other distributions, just for science. It wasn't easy to figure out how to share a folder, and I could not get drag and drop or clipboard share to work. Still though, its faster than any other solution. I used VirtualBox in the past, which was easy to work with.

  • Virt manager for qemu. I use docker and distrobox for Linux distros

    I recently managed to use my windows partition (for dual boot) as a disk for a qemu. I don't use it but really cool trick anyways. Tutorial here

    Also it's not very healthy for windows since it is not designed for constant hardware changes. But idc all my apps are installed on D: so I can just reinstall it without thinking about it much

    • I tried doing tbe same thing as you on my separate windows ssd gives me a error on bootup and qemu/kvm won't let me boot from my vendor usb I tried only putting the isos and windows cannot find the ssd and hiren just gets a error

  • I tried using virt-manager+kvm to try some stuff out the other day but I failed to set-up some crucial things. Probably me being incompetent.

    Not like virtualization is a big part of my life anyway. I just wanted to try some other distros and such without rebooting.

    If I were to get serious about virtualization I'd need to build a new PC with a second GPU. Then I could stop dual-booting and do everything with VMs. But it'd only be worth it to get serious about learning how to virtualize stuff if I were to do that.

    • You can single pass through but it feels more like your using one os but if that's the case wouldn't dual booting be better