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lnxtx (xe/xem/xyr)
lnxtx (xe/xem/xyr) @ lnxtx
2 yr. ago

  • And instruction nr 2 page 51, step 256.

  • is on sale for auction

    wikipedia Wikipedia

    Toilet paper orientation

  • Typo, it's !

  • onehundredninetysix 196


    196 196


  • Nah, it's a standard journalism style.

  • Do you mean we should bury them like a trash in the landfills?

  • Funny:

    The New Orleans Police Department said in a statement that “law enforcement is working to determine applicable charges in this incident.”

    And Streisand effect:

    The show continued without interruption, and it did not seem as though the person was shown on the broadcast of Lamar’s performance.

  • Bro, wear hi-viz, you will be ok.

  • Smile, or they are holding hands together and hug?

  • Zróbcie coś dla ludzi, a nie dla ukrytego lobbingu.

    Po roku, nie ma "efektu wow", ludziom nie żyje się lepiej.

  • can you read this text:
    "Ꮋ0ᛖοԌⅼуᏢʜѕ áᚱе ᏟhäʀɑсᎢᎬᚱႽ thàτ Lоοᛕ ⅼіᛕË ᏞëtTêᚱᏚ"
    what does it say?

    GPT-4o mini:

    The text appears to be a mix of characters from different alphabets and scripts, which makes it difficult to interpret directly. However, it seems to be a stylized way of writing "Hello, there! Look like letters." The use of various characters gives it a unique visual appearance, but the underlying message is still recognizable.

  • I like your interpretation 👍

  • The Europe: we helped so much, trying to join you to the EU, NATO, and you do this?
    We need answers.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars

    Glasgow Pavement parking ban comes into force

    nottheonion Not the Onion

    January 6 rioter pardoned by Trump is killed by police in traffic stop

    nottheonion Not The Onion

    F1 drivers who swear could be fined up to €80,000 and lose points, say new FIA guidelines

    aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia

    Never seen him this happy

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Ostatni dzień mostu Siennickiego. Tor wodny będzie zamknięty

    fuckcars Fuck Cars

    The War Against Headlight Brightness

    fuck_cars Fuck Cars

    The War Against Headlight Brightness

    wikipedia Wikipedia


    wikipedia Wikipedia

    Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp.

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    Dog in the Dark

    noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense

    US army says two navy pilots shot down over Red Sea in ‘friendly fire’

    youcantparktheremate You can't park there, mate

    I don't remember this parking test

    dontdeadopeninside Don't Dead - Open Inside

    <- Toilet They Can But! Not Get Out!!

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    The craziest tram system I have ever seen - Alexandria Egypt

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Silly Drawing Requests


    wikipedia Wikipedia

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    Tradition Just Pressure The   Is Peer From Dead