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  • ...fuck, and now I'm bummed. Dragon Ball was what introduced plenty people (including me) to anime; it's like Toriyama-sensei opened a gate for us and said "see this? It's anime. Have fun!". I'm near my 40s and I still have DBZ T-shirts, to give you an idea of the long-term (and positive!) impact of his work.

    And when it wasn't anime, it was games. I seriously doubt that Chrono Trigger would be loved by so many people without Toriyama designing the characters. (inb4 that's why Crono resembles Goku.)

    May he rest in peace, and my condolences to the family.

  • This fucking sucks. It was only recently for a while, I was watching Dragon Ball clips of fights, moments and everything. Dragon Ball was never really my favorite series, it's only a guilty pleasure that I find myself watching it and having some favorite characters and moments of the show.

    I was more of a Tenchi Muyo/Berserk/Fist of the North Star kind of fan. But I had a soft spot appreciation for what Dragon Ball brought and has done for it's community. I am also grateful that Toriyama brought Dragon Ball back so it could see new heights in the way of where it is, after Dragon Ball GT and Evolution almost killed the series.

    RIP Toriyama-san.

  • Man, I haven't engaged with Dragon Ball in years and it still hit me like a brick. Hell of a news to wake up to.

    RIP another legend.

  • This deeply sad news. When my brother told me I didn't want to believe it.