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Upcoming Ship and Vehicle Loadout Changes Spectrum - v7.0.3

RSI’s Spectrum is our integrated community and player interaction service, including chat, forums, game integration, and Player Organization facilities. Player Organizations (“Org”...

Spectrum - v7.0.3

>Hi all, > >As part of the ongoing development of vehicle systems, particularly with Resource Network and Engineering gameplay on the horizon, we've taken the opportunity to look across all our current vehicles ingame and revisit some of them in terms of both default item size and quantity.Reviewing both player feedback as well as analytics on usage and performance it was clear some ships/vehicles were underperforming and needed adjustment. Some vehicles were adjusted to bring them in line with others in their class to ensure competitiveness and some were adjusted because they simply had a abundance of power output that wasnt necessary anymore. > >You may have noticed recent vehicle promotions and releases have strayed away from the typical max 1-2 Power Plants/Coolers/Shield Generators to higher numbers such as the Zeus and Retaliator having 4-6 Shield Generators for example and these updates will roll out similar changes across other ships and vehicles. > >In addition to the changes below you can also expect handling & health changes to some vehicles to make sure they do not stray too far from their intended design behaviour, the Redeemer for example will get a buff in flight handling to compensate for the reduced shields and weaponry. > >The following are the new default sizes/amounts for the specified item types per ship, e.g if something now says "1x S2 Powerplant" that means it now only has a single S2 Power Plant rather than gaining an additional S2 on top of its current Live loadout. Weapon changes are specifically listed for the relevant hardpoints. > >AEGS Reclaimer >- 1x S4 Cooler and 1x S4 Shield Generator > >AEGS Redeemer >- 6x S2 Shield Generators >- Manned Turrets now 2x S4 Weapons > >AEGS Vanguard >- 1x Medium Power Plant (Sentinel has an additional Small Power Plant) > >ANVL Carrack >- 2x Large Power Plant > >ANVL Gladiator >- 1x S2 Power Plant, 1x S2 Shield Generator >- Wing missile hardpoints now all S4 >- Wing weapon hardpoints now both S4 > >ANVL Hurricane >- 2x S1 Power Plants > >ANVL Valkyrie >- 4x S2 Shield Generators >- Remote Wing Turrets now 1x S4 Weapon > >ARGO MPUV-1C & 1P 1x S0 Power Plant > >ARGO Mole >- 1x S3 Shield Generator > >ARGO RAFT >- 3x S2 Shield Generators > >CNOU Mustang Gamma & Omega >- 1x S1 Shield Generator > >CRUS Starlifter C2 & M2 >- 2x S3 Power Plants > >CRUS Starlifter A2 >- 3x S3 Shield Generators > >CRUS Star Runner >- 1x S3 Shield Generator > >DRAK Caterpiller >- 3x S3 Shield Generators > >DRAK Buccaneer >- 1x S1 Shield Generator > >DRAK Vulture >- 3x S1 Shields Generators > >ESPR Prowler >- 4x S2 Shields Generators > >MISC Freelancer (All) >- 2x S2 Power Plants, 3x S2 Shield Generators >- Manned Turret weapons now 2x S3 > >MISC Hull A >- 1x S2 Shield Generator > >MISC Hull-C >- 2x S3 Power Plants, 4x S3 Shield Generators > >MISC Prospector >- 3x S1 Shield Generators > >MISC Starfarer (All) >- 3x S3 Shield Generators > >ORIG 350r >- 1x S1 Power Plant > >ORIG 400i >- 1x S2 Power Plant, 1x S2 Cooler > >ORIG 85X >- Remote turret weapons now 2x S2 > >ORIG M50 >- 1x S1 Shield Generator > >RSI Constellation (All) >- Manned Turret weapons now 2x S3 > > >Thanks for reading and remember, all stats are subject to change.

mangas banished from collective memory
  • Besides the already mentioned Usagi Drop there's also Gal Cleaning and its many sexual assault focused .x chapters after it got axed if I remember correctly - don't think many people talk about it these days.

  • CIG working on a new game? - Star Citizen Spectrum
  • I'll wait for more info before taking out my pitchfork but boy do I hope this isn't a new game. They can't be this stupid, can they? If they'll even hint at doing something new before the stuff we're waiting for is finished and released I'm done with the project for good.

    Lets hope this is some kind of side app connecting to SC or something.

  • An in-depth look at Romance in video games
  • I think an important step would be to not be afraid of creating characters with actual... well, character. It was somewhat mentioned in the video but it seems like devs are unwilling to make NPCs with their own likes and dislikes, ones that might disagree with players instead of being all over them no matter what. This might be a slight exaggeration but boy do I wish we had more "real" feeling NPCs in games. I'm sure I'm not the only one who couldn't care less about being the most important being in the universe and would rather be treated as an equal part of the world.

    From a mechanical standpoint, relationship system in Scarlet Hollow feels like a good step into making interactions more natural (here is a detailed look by one of the devs) but I realize it's a lot of work for something a good chunk of players won't care about. I understand why this isn't something many (especially bigger) devs would be interested in using but it's still a disappointment.

    Maybe AI will be able to help somewhat with this problem in the future but I'm not going to hold my breath on that.

  • Todoroki Hajime - BANCHO

    30 minutes of pure brainrot to accompany today's ReGLOSS MV. Yes, it's official.

    ReGLOSS - Feelingradation [OFFICIAL MV]

    Happy anniversary to ReGLOSS girls! Also, 3D Live on Sep. 28th!

    [Katawa Shoujo] A dating sim about handicapped girls... by 4chan? And it's good????
  • Oh, I didn't try to imply you did. It's just I've seen a lot of talk about this route being more... rough (on a story rather than quality level), so to speak? If that's the case I'm just not in a headspace for something like that and would rather play it when I'm in a position to better appreciate what's there. Maybe I just misunderstood people's thoughts about it, that's also a possibility.

    Either way I do want to go back to it eventually, if only to spend some more time with both characters (I do find them fun whenever they show up in other routes).

  • Featured
    Manga Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2024, Week 37]
  • I also learned about Yotsuba to when looking for something to practice with (still haven't touched the Japanese version ironically enough) but yeah, it's a great series even as a normal read. Quickly ended up among my favorites.

    Nan Hao & Shang Feng feels like looking at my friends from school at times. I don't think their adventures were that crazy but many chapters made me go "yeah, that looks familiar". Is there anything similar from the female perspective? I'd be curious to see how that compares to real life experiences.

  • [Katawa Shoujo] A dating sim about handicapped girls... by 4chan? And it's good????
  • A lot of comments I've seen about Shizune's route suggested it probably wouldn't be something I'll enjoy, that's why I decided to skip it for now. I might give it a shot some day but for now I'm just happy with all the other great stuff in the VN.

  • Featured
    Manga Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2024, Week 37]
  • Yeah, sponsored chapters are completely explicit about what they are (here is an example if you'd like to check one). It's not a huge percentage of the overall series but it's something I'm rather allergic to and had to mention.

  • [Katawa Shoujo] A dating sim about handicapped girls... by 4chan? And it's good????
  • Katawa Shoujo is great!

    I played it years ago and decided to replay it again a few months back. My initial playthrough was limited to Hanako's route (got a bad ending which I'm kind of baffled by after the replay) so this time I wanted to try out the other ones as well. Rin's story ended up being a surprise highlight of the whole process in a way I wasn't really prepared for (had some very familiar thoughts showing up there). Her whole story just clicked with me and wouldn't let go until some time after finishing it.

    All the other routes were great as well (haven't touched Shizune/Misha one) and I'm glad I decided to give it another shot for an expanded experience. It was worth it and made me wish for more games with disabled protagonist/characters (without using it as their main characteristic obviously).

  • Featured
    Manga Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2024, Week 37]
  • I've been on a holiday trip last week which means I finally had some time to dig into my backlog a bit. Here's some brief thoughts on what I managed to get into:

    • Yotsuba And! / Yotsuba to! - I've been reading it on and off but had to put it down due to lack of time. I just went through the remaining 2/3rds of the series and caught up completely. It's an extremely adorable story and I love it with all of my being. It also made me look at myself and do some light self-discovery which is nice. Can't wait for more.
    • Gyaru Cooking / Gal Gohan - I wasn't really feeling this one until chapters 13-14, when Fujiwara makes her first appearance (Nagisa's addition was even better). I think it was a decent series over all but didn't really resonate with me so I finished it more due to inertia rather than being seriously pulled in by the story. I never really got fully on board with Miku or Shinji as characters and only few of the gal jokes worked for me. I also wasn't too hot on the ending but eh, it went about as I expected.
    • Nan Hao & Shang Feng - I've read a few random chapters of this one before but always planned to go back from the start some other time - well, the time has come. It's not all gold but even the mediocre chapters are pretty good and when a joke lands, it lands hard. It's an extremely stupid series, I love it! Mostly anyway... One thing I do not care for is the amount of sponsored chapters - I despise ads in general so calling this annoying would be an understatement. Can't have everything, I guess.
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil / Youjo Senki - I started this one shortly after the show ended, not sure why I stopped but whatever the reason I did it early enough that I forgot pretty much everything about this adaptation except for the goofy animal representation of all the countries. I like this version quite a lot, it captures both the humor and brutality of the story in a great way and provides some additional info about what's going on both in Tanya's head and behind the scenes. I want to read the original light novel as well someday though that will have to wait.

    I'm still catching up with the latter two but I'm pretty happy with the results, especially since I spent most of my time resting away from the screen for a change. There's still A LOT of stuff to go through but any dent in a backlog is progress.

  • 800 Player Server Test Starts in about 30 min (update: last minute issue delaying it until tomorrow morning)
  • Thanks for the details. Isn't RMQ already in? I remember it being mentioned in regards to personal hangars before 3.24 release (umless that's what you mean by new).

    Either way, I wish them luck. We could really use some networking improvements.

  • Featured
    Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • I tried playing Bahamut Lagoon, a Japan only SNES TRPG, but had to stop due to some technical issues with the unofficial translation. The little bit I did manage to play (prologue and the first scene after that) was interesting enough so I'll definitely try again, I just need to get back to my PC so I can research what's wrong with it.

    To keep with the theme I started Jeanne d'Arc, the PSP TRPG, instead. I like the art style, animated cutscenes and gameplay. Not a huge fan of the fantastical elements but they're not a dealbreaker either. I'm not sure what to think about the story just yet - I like it for the most part but there are some things that make me a bit wary since they might potentially turn into tropes I'm not going to be happy with. It's a "wait and see" for now since I'm still pretty early on. It's good so far.

  • Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 4.0 - Conflict Resolution


    • George Rankin, Senior Level Designer
    • Zac Preece, Senior System Designer I
    • Glenn Kneale, Level Designer I
    • Eddie Hilditch, Assistant Environment Art Director
    • Loek Gijsbertse, Lead Environment Artist


    • Reminder that Pyro is a free-for-all zone (yay for shootouts while shopping).
    • NPC will have improved "classes and archetypes".
    • Some locations will be marked as special zones where NPCs will stay during combat.
    • They hope server meshing will improve server FPS.
    • Incoming NPC classes:
      • "Techie": light armor, SMGs, more aggressive.
      • "CQC": shotgunners, even more aggressive.
      • "Juggernaut": heavy armor, LMGs.
    • NPC traits are coming.
    • One of the factions will have pet Kopions fighting alongside them.
    • Factions will differ in gear, combat skills and available quests.
    • New joinable factions:
      • Headhunters (more "rush" based combat, tier based armor: higher lvl = more tanky)
      • Citizens for Prosperity (accurate during combat, more "civilian" gear)
    • Both of the above fight against Xenothreat.
    • Xenothreat fights more cautiously and defensively.
    • More insight into some of the new settlements in Pyro.
    • 4.0 will add watchtowers for snipers (player and NPCs) to settlements.
    • Pico daleks confirmed?

    Another combat focused episode, it's Pyro after all. Also reminder that 3.24 is out, albeit a bit broken for some.

    Edit: Fixed the faction name.

    Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (2024) - Teaser Trailer

    HD remaster of the first Croc title will be released for “all the current consoles and PC". There's no specific release date beyond "2024" at the moment.

    Here's an article with additional info and screen shots. Main points:

    • HD graphics keeping the original art style
    • updated controls
    • digital museum containing development assets, design documents, concept art and more
    Aqua's graduation stream is in 10 hours

    Let's send off our favorite onion gamer maid with a smile everyone!

    [holo no graffiti] See You!

    ( T_T)7

    [DISC] A Story About Smoking At The Back Of The Supermarket - Ch. 40 A Story About Smoking At The Back Of The Supermarket Chapter 40 - Manganelo

    Read A Story About Smoking at the Back of the Supermarket Chapter 40 - Sasaki, an overworked salaryman, goes through an average stressful day just for a single light at the end of the tunnel: Yamada, the always-cheerful clerk at his favorite convenie

    A Story About Smoking At The Back Of The Supermarket Chapter 40 - Manganelo
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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