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I am a software developer at PornHub
  • It's trigger warning for the self harm risk involved in reading angular.

  • What's the dumbest reason you've learned a programming language?
  • no other languages out there where you can just write some code in VIM directly on the server through SSH and immediately see your results without any further setup

    laughs in coldfusion

  • Tickling rule
  • Is this a study on the best way to handle a kid walking in on mommy and daddy during "grown up" time?

  • Rule
  • And Dubya of course... Misunderestimate, "how is our children learning", "put food on your family", "mission accomplished"

  • Deleted
    Was BioShock Infinite good?
  • So not "is it a good game" but "is the story agreeable artistically and in its implications"

  • Underconsumption Rule
  • Have you checked if he's dissolving caffeine tablets in Brita?

  • I meant to type "npm run dev"... What will happen now?
  • Oh man, that would be a hell of an easter egg if it cleared your terminal and pretended to be a dos prompt

  • What Trudeau and Biden Don’t Seem to Understand | The Walrus
  • But do they understand why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

  • Manifold Intelligence
  • I only consume artisanal, organic, whole-grain memes thank you very much.

  • NSFW
    Eros and Thanatos by Bart Heijlen
  • Obligatory boner joke

  • Republicans Try to Blame Democrats, the Media, CRT for Shooting
  • The archive is blurred out for me, but highlighting everything makes it readable.

    Saying we're too divided and in the same breath casting divisive blame is... Not even surprising anymore.

  • send a chocolate box to your FBI agent
  • Thereabouts but battling cancer for the past decade

  • Featured
    Let's discuss: Age of Empires
  • Personally I don't see any point in playing AoE if you're not going to have a big daddy leading your cavalry

  • Follow the Crypto
  • send a chocolate box to your FBI agent
  • Shelly Duvall was a few days ago, I would put the third as Shannen Doherty

  • pingrule
  • Use two mirrors held perpendicular to each other and you can see yourself as others see you.

    Or, you know, a camera but that loses depth.

  • What's the reason for high refresh rates?

    I was reading an article on the new LG display with a refresh rate of 7680Hz and it says:

    > While a typical refresh rate for a monitor might be 60Hz-240Hz, an outdoor display designed to be viewed from a distance needs to be much higher

    The idea that there's an intrinsic link between refresh rate and viewing distance is new to me and feels unintuitive. I can understand the need for high brighteness for far view distance. I also could understand refresh rate mattering for a non-persistent (CRT) display. But for an Led display surely you can see it far away even if it refreshes once a second?

    Refresh rate normally needs to be high enough to avoid pixels "jumping" between refreshes on high resolution displays, so wouldn't higher view distances allow you to decrease the refresh rate?

    Is the article just spouting bullshit? Or is there an actual link between refresh rate and view distance?

    SLPT: in a rush after a snowstorm? Skip brushing your car off by simply driving fast! The air will brush your car off for you.

    This can also save you shoveling/plowing your driveway, simply drive over the accumulated snow at high speed. Make sure to avoid getting stuck however.

    Who is a fictional character you most identified with?

    From TV, movie, book, fanfic, audio drama, cuneiform tablet, or whatever.

    SLPT: Striking out on tinder? Use AI to make you look attractive and give you the profile of someone with an actual personality.

    Before your first date go to an MMA dojo and insult anyone walking out so you have a cover for why you aren't like your profile.

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