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Downvote me all you want, but I have to complain. Most bad things in the series would never happen— especially to Harry— if people just talked, explained, or defended themselves like human beings.
  • I would like to highlight Harry's character development throughout the series. Although he made several questionable choices in GOF, OOF, and HBP, we should consider that he is a teenager throughout most of the series. Teenagers, umm, well, aren't great decision-makers. As a teenager, I mostly acted mainly on impulse instead of rational thinking.

    And talking about individuals defending themselves, not all perspectives find a receptive audience. A perfect example is in OOF, when Dumbledore testifies before the Minister of Magic about Voldemort's return. His statements are met with scepticism and disbelief, mirroring a similar experience Harry had trying to convince others at Hogwarts.

    If you want to share counter-examples, I'd be happy to hear them.

  • I wish humans could get firmware upgrades
  • Patch Notes v2.0:

    • Fixed a bug where you would freak out for no reason. Anxiety levels now reduced by 50% - enjoy a smoother, calmer and more stable experience!

    • Upgraded memory capacity by 50%. Say goodbye to forgetting where you put your keys or that one relative who changed your diaper once. You're welcome!

    • Removed those pesky 'Remember that time you embarrassed yourself in front of everyone?' pop ups. Time to move on, folks! No more cringe-filled flashbacks from now on.

    Stay tuned for more updates on the Human OS and also a huge thanks to our contributors.

  • TIL about a collection of math problems, known as “The Millennium Problems” that will earn the solver a $1 million prize The Millennium Prize Problems - Clay Mathematics Institute

    In order to celebrate mathematics in the new millennium, The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts (CMI) established seven Prize Problems. The Prizes were conceived to record some of the most difficult problems with which mathematicians were grappling at the turn of the second ...

    A collection of mysterious and unsolved math problems, also known as "The Millennium Problems" are 7 extremely challenging and complex mathematical problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute in 2000. Solving any of these problems would not only advance our understanding of mathematics but also earn the solver a prestigious $1 million prize. To date, only one of these problems (The Poincaré conjecture) has been solved, leaving six intriguing and unsolved mysteries awaiting discovery.

    Idle Cooking

    It's not about the cooking, it's the f*ck ton of dishwashing left.

    For those of you who use instant messaging services like Signal or WhatsApp, what do you use as your profile picture?

    Used to have a funny picture of my cat as my profile picture on Signal, but I removed it later on. Now, I don't use one on my personal accounts.

    If you were to create a Horcrux, how many would you choose to make, and what would you pick to contain them?

    I'd make 3 Horcruxes. One I'd place in a stone or seashell and chuck it into the ocean. I'll put another in a NOKIA 😂. Since living beings can also be made into Horcruxes, my third pick may be a Phoenix.

    3 browsers

    I know you can play the game at chrome://dino, but it doesn't evoke the same nostalgic feeling of a 10yr old me turning on aeroplane mode and spamming space bar to try and beat my brother's high score. Good memories.

    TIL that the first person to receive a speeding ticket was going 8 mph.

    According to Guinness World Records, the first person charged with speeding was Walter Arnold from Paddock Wood, Kent. On 28 January 1896, Arnold was seen going 4 times the allowed 2 mph speed limit in his Benz. The constable pursued him on his bicycle, issuing a ticket for £4 7s (roughly £260 in today's money), of which 10 shillings was for speeding.

    What's a moment you loved from the books that never made it into the films?

    My favourite part is when the prophecy could have applied to Neville or Harry. This meant that Voldemort had the option to kill either one of them. Ultimately, he chose Harry. However, there was a possibility that Neville could have been The Boy Who Lived. It's a shame this plotline didn't make it into the movies.

    It's fun to speculate how the story would have proceeded if it was Neville Longbottom & The Philosopher's Stone 😂.

    TIL that the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

    When Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, he did paint her eyebrows, but over time, they wore away due to cleaning and maintenance to the point where it’s no longer visible today.

    What are your favourite books from the series?

    Although I do like The Deathly hallows, Half Blood Prince takes the cake. The tale of Tom Riddle's past, Slughorn, Felix Felicis, Draco's reluctance to join the dark side and Dumbledore's ultimate demise is very enthralling. Prisoner of Azkaban takes a sweet third place.

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