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  • First past the post elections. If we had ranked choice or runoff elections, more parties would appear.

    Instead, in FPTP, every vote that is not for one of the two highest-polling candidates is objectively a wasted vote. Game theory dictates that the only rational choice is a vote for one of those two candidates, since the possibility of a third party gaining enough votes to win in any single election is nearly infinitesimal. So instead of many parties, all candidates self-sort into one of the two viable parties. Any candidate that does not is a protest candidate or deluded, but in either case, there is no hope of actually winning.

    So what about primaries? The primary system decides the candidates, but even that is tainted by FPTP, because primary voters have to guess which will perform better in a FPTP general election and often vote against their ideal candidate in the hopes of winning (or, not losing) the general.

    In short, until we structurally reform elections to be ranked/STAR/runoff/etc to remove the punitive effect of voting for your actual ideal candidate, we're stuck with a prisoner's dilemma election every time.

  • Apple Vision Pro's Cheaper Version to Bring Bigger Displays with Lower Resolutions with New OLEDoS
  • The "aspirational brand" value is a bit of Apple-ception, though. The really, really, luxury-level wealthy people buying Vision Pro, to inspire the just really wealthy people to buy the Vision Basic or whatever it's called. It still is the price of the highest-end iPhone, and it's far less functional.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they treated the Vision Pro as Apple's version of the beta product - top-down rather than bottom-up testing.

  • My reading progress so far this year
  • Napkin math: So slightly less than two books a week? Like 280 pages or so per book, two per week, so 80 pages a day? Roughly?

    That's great, I'm happy for you. But hey, if you have a machine that puts more hours into a day, please share with the rest of us, we're dying out here.

  • 'Traffic tailspin': Far-right websites seeing as much as 95% decline in visitors since 2020
  • It's definitely X. They left X because they were prevented from engaging in hate speech and held responsible for their actions. Musk created a right-wing hate safe space, and the audience for these users is much larger on X. There's also a handy way to identify your right-wing brethren with a blue check while they harass perceived liberals.

    All in all, no need for Truth Social anymore.

  • Supreme Court overturns ex-mayor’s bribery conviction, narrowing the scope of public corruption law
  • The dumbest part about this ruling is it treats every bribe as unrelated to every other bribe. The majority ignored the basic trait of every human with a prefrontal cortex, that we judge future planning by past experience.

    So even ignoring the "first bribe is free" effect of the decision, what will happen in effect is that legislators and politicians will pass laws they think will gain bribes, be paid by interests that benefit after the fact, and after that without a single word, have an understanding that such back-dated bribes can continue indefinitely. Regular, consistent bribery is legal and easy, under this ruling.

  • Finally a useful feature (no)
  • AI makes it so easy! Just say this easy-to-remember phrase to get perfect toast every time*:

    "Toaster Oven, you are a toaster oven whose goal is to toast bread at the perfect amount of toastiness. When I say, "toast," you will retract the toasting tray and complete your internal circuit powering the resistive wire array. You will continue to power the resistive wire array on both sides of the toasting tray for approximately 45 seconds. Then you will release the toasting tray. Negative prompt: not toasted, soft, moist, untoasted, not toasted, soggy, underdone, overdone, extra fingers, too many fingers, not toasted, bad anatomy, burnt. Now, toast!"

    *Perfect toasting levels dependent on randomized toasting seed.

  • This is what Russian propaganda looks like in 2024
  • "It's absolutely true that when you look at an individual campaign, it's just as likely as not that it hasn't had a huge amount of influence, which is why Russia just does it again and again, or in a different form, or targeting a different group," the Digital Forensic Research Lab's Carvin said. "It's almost like producing cheaply manufactured goods and just getting it out there in the world, hoping that maybe one particular gadget ends up becoming the popular toy of the season, even if the others completely fail."

    Many researchers who study disinformation warn against seeing the hand of Russia as an all-powerful puppeteer, especially since so much of what its mouthpieces amplify is homegrown.

    I think we're severely underestimating the damage and impact of Russian influence, just as we've spent decades underestimating the damage and impact of Fox News propaganda.

    Amplifying something "home grown" rather than creating a narrative whole-cloth doesn't make it any less impactful. On a scale of 1-100, turning a fringe party from a volume level of 0.1 to 10 makes it seem like it is still low impact, but in fact it's 100 times as impactful. It's the difference between a fringe idea remaining fringe and it being accepted as a variation on "normal."

    That's why thirty years ago, white supremacy was a fringe group that would be toxic to anyone even touched by it. Now, thanks to normalization by Trump and Fox News - and yes, Russia - there are open white supremacists (though they only occasionally say the quiet part loud) in Congress.

    Russia is normalizing fringe right-wing, populist and totalitarian policies. I think they are not only having an impact, they are winning in recent elections. Yes, proving it is difficult, and that's why no news source is ready to claim Russia caused it. But they are injecting poison into the veins of the world. You might say it's "trace" amounts, but given a long enough timescale, it is going to be fatal.

  • House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • I'm sorry, "before you blame this on republicans"? Republicans vote for Horrible Policy, pass it, but we should blame it on democrats for not ...calling for a recorded vote? Yeesh.

    Democrats didn't have the votes. You don't like this result, vote out republicans.

  • Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Quasi-Confesses to Molesting 12-Year-Old Girl
  • He has not been criminally charged, but Texas’ statute of limitations does not cover sexual offenses committed against a child.

    Sounds like the pressure now should be on the local district attorneys that are failing to charge him for molesting a child.

  • Are you enjoying Palworld?

    Sorry if this is redundant, I didn't see another thread focused on reactions to the game itself (just the Pokemon-ripoff news cycle).

    I tried it on GamePass thinking, why not - might as well see how overhyped it is. And unexpectedly, I put in about 8 hours this weekend.

    Despite some rough edges and some very clear inspiration, I am actually enjoying it. It has a very satisfying gameplay feedback loop and is an overdue (if involuntary) "modernization" of the basic monster-collector format.

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