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  • Lol yes. Frankly would take a vegetable over trump.

    I think the panic is from people who would still prefer Biden, but are worried that his performance will hurt his standing with undecided voters (the most baffling demographic in the world)

  • In what scenario is conscription acceptable? (if any)
  • Thanks for your thought. What about a situation where you know everyone won't be killed, but the defeated country will no longer be democratic/open? In other words, you'll live, but the quality of life will be much worse for the foreseeable future

  • In what scenario is conscription acceptable? (if any)
  • So if for example every person's name goes in the hat, and then conscripts are drawn at random? I only clarify because in a situation where every able body is fighting you've already lost, there needs to be logistics, maintaining utilities, growing food, etc

  • In what scenario is conscription acceptable? (if any)

    Prompted by another thread about conscription in Ukraine.

    If you're thinking about something and reach a conclusion that's super outside the mainstream, you could be right, but also could mean you should reinspect your assumptions.

    I saw a post on lemmy about how we could prevent 133 holocausts by promoting animal rights and veganism. The article opened by doing some math about how many dogs you could torture and kill in order to be equivalent to taking a human life, and then how many animals humans kill, and concluded that we're committing holocaust equivalents many times over.

    I have respect for people who question the status quo and think seriously about morality. Thinking about slavery, it used to be argued "this is the natural order," "this is actually the moral thing to do" and so on. It wasn't easy then to stand up for what we now see as the obvious moral position. So I have some receptivity to this type of argument.

    That said, I think back to when I was a Christian (atheist now), and was fully bought into the anti abortion movement. They argued that fetuses were human, that we were committing fetus holocausts all the time. Taking that view to its logical conclusion, one could justify things like killing a few (abortion doctors, judges) to save many (fetuses).

    The author of the vegan piece was not advocating for such things. But one could ask why not. I think the fact the conclusion (133 holocausts) is so far outside accepted views should prompt some examination of the starting premises. (Is any killing of an animal for food the same as torturous factory farming, should we do something about animals that eat other animals etc)

    I'm glad I read the piece because there's value in hearing other perspectives. We can't see ourselves and our own blind spots. I would have responded in-thread but that community description said "not a place for debate", so tossing out this thought here.

    ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • When the country is doing stupid shit like invading Iraq I'm opposed to the draft. When it's defending against an existential threat which is on native soil, I don't have as much sympathy for people avoiding the draft.

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • I'm saying it does matter. When you go to a business and say you can buy a widget for $1000, or for $500, and they both do the same thing, the business will choose the cheaper one. Sure, lobbying will get businesses some favors, loosen some regulation, get some subsidies, but at a certain point it's not enough, the economics take over.

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • You're right that people have been thinking about and working on renewable energy for a long time. However what's only become true very recently is that it's cheaper to generate energy using renewable sources than to use fossil fuels. That's a massive milestone because when a new power source is built it will more likely than not be renewable.

    People making sacrifices is important, but what if you weren't only giving people the opportunity to help the environment, but also to improve their bottom line? Makes the pitch a lot easier and helps us to build momentum in the right direction.

  • A fence that casts piano key shadows
  • Lol their joke is that the layout doesn't actually match a piano. Normally there are seven white keys and five black keys. So E# isn't a thing, that's just F. And B# isn't a thing, that's C.

  • PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.
  • Grow up.

    I'd vote for a plank of wood before Trump, and it's not because I believe the plank of wood is doing the right thing in Gaza. Someone is going to become president of the United States, and unfortunately for now that's either a Republican or a Democrat. Trump will be worse in Gaza, in addition to being much worse on a whole bunch of other issues.

    Ultimately I'd like to see many parties, no more electoral college and ranked choice voting. But I live here and now, so I'm going to vote for the option that's least harmful.

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” Clean Power and Storage Wars

    When people find out what I do for work, it’s not unusual for them to ask, “Are we doomed?” My usual response is, “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” We know the people willing to destroy the planet for personal gain are still

    Clean Power and Storage Wars

    I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

    Idea: government funded parties with attendees selected by sortition: "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Party" "Lincoln County Party"

    Every week or every month each level of government throws a party funded with taxpayer dollars, and attendees are selected at random from the residents and given advance notice of the party schedule.

    What should I know about buying / replacing a garage door opener?

    My default buying process is research + spreadsheet creation, this time thought I'd ask the community here if you have any experience / wisdom with garage door openers. Thanks for any help!

    Additional info: Single car garage built in the 1950s in the U.S. The current opener is a lift master, just eyeballing it probably from the 90s. The door could be original? I don't know. It's wood, seems fairly substantial.

    Yesterday and this morning started having issues with the door just stopping in the middle of opening or closing. When it stops, the remote button becomes unresponsive for a few seconds. When it starts moving again it goes the other direction so you have to keep pressing and try to get it to close/open before it stops again. This morning I ended up pulling it down part of the way because I'd gone through several rounds of up, down, up, down. It doesn't seem to want to move manually which isn't surprising. Worried my car is going to get stuck in there before work so I figure should probably be proactive here.

    What are legitimate arguments for legalization of gambling?

    Question inspired by the news that Dave and Busters is supposed to be adding gambling to their games. And of course there are the sports betting apps.

    I get that all things being equal we should let people do what they want to do. But I don't see much of a benefit, and a lot of downside to allowing the spread of gambling.

    Some disaster has befallen society: you have to secure a month of food for you and three other people. How do you do it?

    Let's assume no zombies or other supernatural occurrences, but could be plenty of people being shitty, consequences thereof, or natural disasters

    Edit: to expand on this, presumably if society has temporarily or permanently collapsed there would be issues with things like deliveries, security, digital transactions, utility service etc. Feel free to use whichever scenario seems most likely to you, I'm asking more because I was thinking how screwed I'd be if I was just out of food after say, seven days.

    What does it take to get a constitutional amendment ratified in the U.S.?

    I don't mean the actual rules of passing it, I mean what organization, activities and funding are necessary to do so.

    The last one passed was in 1992 and it was just about congressional pay. Last one before that was 1971. Is there some kind of play book? It seems to happen so infrequently that it would be hard to study and conditions would vary enough that the last effort wouldn't be useful as a model.

    ("The amendment process is very difficult and time consuming: A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states." Link)

    If you could guarantee that one action you undertake would be successful, what would it be?

    We're talking actions limited to something one human could achieve - so not wishes, but could be something amazing or rare like "become president"

    Conferences for the .1% breed skepticism Conferences for the 0.1% Breed Skepticism

    Plus: The trouble with rent inflation and the hope for a new B-school AI tool.

    Conferences for the 0.1% Breed Skepticism

    "...These kinds of private conferences, where business and cultural leaders interview one another free from the pesky, prying grasp of the press or public, are becoming increasingly common."

    What's that machine they use at the eye doctor to bend/refit your glasses?

    I like getting glasses off of Zenni but they never seem to fit quite right, mostly the arms. Would be nice to be able to make adjustments.

    YSK if you've built a computer and it won't boot, sometimes the issue can be resolved by taking the memory out and putting it back.

    Or by only putting one stick of memory in, or changing the slot you're using.

    I was assembling a computer and everything seemed to be correct, the fan would spin up, I'd get some lights, but there was no image on the screen, not even the BIOS. I saw someone else make this suggestion and didn't think it was likely to work, but it did. First I just tried one stick, and it booted. Then I tried both sticks and it didn't work, but I reseated and then it did.

    (Also worth pointing out that your motherboard should have diagnostic lights which if you check the documentation may point out which component has an issue)

    Thinking about Lemmy's demographics many here may have heard of something like this, or have more helpful suggestions about troubleshooting which would be welcome. But thought I'd write out a little post about my experience to contribute to Lemmy SEO supremacy.

    Movies and TV Shows LesserAbe
    Watched "20 Days in Mariopol" tonight: about an AP team of journalists trapped in the Ukrainian city while it was besieged by Russians 20 Days In Mariupol - An AP News & FRONTLINE Collaboration | Official Documentary Website

    FRONTLINE and AP’s Sundance Audience Award-winning documentary 20 Days in Mariupol follows an AP team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol, Ukraine, drawing on filmmaker Mstyslav Chernov’s daily news dispatches and personal footage of his own country at war.

    20 Days In Mariupol - An AP News & FRONTLINE Collaboration | Official Documentary Website

    Amazing and horrific footage. Definitely not easy to watch, but worth seeing.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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