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Export Gadgetbridge Data to Visualize?

Love Gadgetbridge but the ui is less than amazing. Wanted to see if people had some ways they have exported the data to be visualized by another open source application?

BudgetAudiophile GravityAce
Help understanding audio mixers and switches

Total newbie asking some basic questions. Let's say I have 3 devices that I want to connect to and simultaneously transmit audio to a single bluetooth headset...

Could I use a 3.5mm audio mixer with those three devices as inputs and a 3.5mm to bluetooth adapter to then send the sound to my bluetooth headset?

Now, let's say I'd like to also switch between the 3 devices with my bluetooth headset to use both headphones/mic. Would I be able to use a 3.5mm splitter, split the sound from the devices to both the audio mixer and an audio switch with the output of the audio mixer plugged into the 4th slot of the audio switch and the 3.5mm to bluetooth adapter plugged into the output of the audio switch and either choose the mixer as input or each of the 3 devices individually?

If that works, I think I heard that splitters make volume lower than normal from output devices? Would I then put an amplifier between the 3.5mm bluetooth adapter and the audio switch?

This is all seeming like it would work in my head but I have literally never worked with any audio equipment before so, figured I'd ask.

Also, is this totally overkill and is there a way easier way to solve my issues?

What do you do when toddler denies simple facts?

Just turned 3 toddler has been saying factually untrue things and trying to get me to agree/repeat these things. They won't let me just ignore their statements and push for an affirmation. Not affirming leads to tears and a tantrum. I've been just saying 'ok' or 'I think you're wrong but ok' but mostly letting things go if they seem trivial like: 'Ice cream is not cold!', 'It's not dark yet!', 'Snow isn't white', etc... I've been mostly targetting statements they make about other people and their feelings or desires like 'You're not tired!', 'She doesn't want to sing.', 'He's not hungry.', etc... and letting the meltdowns happen in those situations but my spouse is concerned that I'm making toddler believe they can have their own facts outside of reality and that I should push back every time something factually inaccurate comes up. I feel like this behavior is probably developmentally normal and like everything else, we need to target specific things to work on one at a time. Thoughts?

I have an LCD 512GB, should I get the OLED?
  • I am personally not upgrading. The original handles the types of games I play well. Are you finding lack of functionality with your existing system that would improve with the new version?

  • Fake Bluetooth Pairing Pop Ups
  • Is your device discoverable as soon as you turn bluetooth on? You can get a bluetooth firewall from FruitMobile and it will warn you when your device is about to go into discovery mode and you can stop it.

  • Root vs ADB Uninstall for Debloating

    If I only wanted to degoogle and disable other manufacturer's bloatware from my Android device, is using adb to "uninstall" the system apps from user 0 pretty much as effective as rooting and using something like debloat terminal while rooted or are there bypasses that make rooting the better option? I'm not concerned about reclaiming the space used by these disabled system apps in this case.

    Root vs ADB Uninstall for Debloating

    If I only wanted to degoogle and disable other manufacturer's bloatware from my Android device, is using adb to "uninstall" the system apps from user 0 pretty much as effective as rooting and using something like debloat terminal while rooted or are there bypasses that make rooting the better option? I'm not concerned about reclaiming the space used by these disabled system apps in this case.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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