Dharma Curious @ DharmaCurious @startrek.website Posts 7Comments 949Joined 2 yr. ago

Where the money is
Nah, it's cool and normal. What could possibly go wrong? Should anything try to go wrong, the great invisible hand will stop it!
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Honest to God, I would watch an actual series of this. 10 minute episodes once a day, Martok takes a few calls. It'd be amazing. Paramount+ needs to make this happen.
Never turn your back on a Breen, or a writer after they've given you a sweet, wholesome episode.
Heard this one as a kid, but "gonna murder that pussy" as the punchline.
Per my last email, this is on my radar, but I really don't have the bandwidth to deal with it at the moment. I'm just following up with you really quickly, please advise on how'd you'd like to proceed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't Tanya in HR take lead on this?
I used to be on RAF, the big animorphs forum. They would have loved this shit so much.
We live in a glorious age of information!
Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
Some say oversaturating, others may say the Chosen One Responding to the Call.
I love it. Haha. If you take pun-based requests, might I suggest "a Rom with a view?"
The Celtic, apparently. It's not my name exactly, it's more the name that my name was based, was based on, had an old meaning that meant cushion.
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I like to drive my car somewhere private, preferably at night, and cry/yell for a bit. Then I put on some meditative music, light some incense (yes. In my car), and try to meditate away the sad/angry for about an hour. Then I can go home and be at baseline.
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Put me down for a Trekkie RHPS viewing party! Friggin love rocky horror!
Probably an easy one, I'm sure, but what episode is this, and WTF is that in the background? Has my brain blocked out an episode?
Who's superimposed over Ralphy's face? I can't tell.
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Florida Man is Florida Manning.
When in need, find a Trekkie. Lol
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I love that you can see Trip in shuttle, too. Lol.