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2 yr. ago

  • You are a good parent. My mom introduced me as a child, and it's still one of our favorite movies, and something we enjoy watching together.

  • In Hinduism, Ananda means something akin to ecstatic or joyous, and swamis will often take it as part of their name. Such as Vivekananda, or Yogananda. I've always loved that, and Vivekananda is a major player in forming my personal philosophies about life.

  • Thats exactly what I have it set to. No furry porn, but tons of regular straight porn. I'm not into furry porn, but a little variety would be nice. Any advice on getting some peen on the homepage? Lol

  • oof

  • I still keep a pencil in my car. I know there's no cassette to play, but my car feels naked with a pencil rolling around the center console or in the little tray on the dash.

  • That's funny, I have found zero furry porn in my feed browsing all. Tons of boobs and poonaynay, but nary a fursona, and exceptionally few penii.

  • I'm going M-dawg on all of them. The "guess the quote" equivalent of letting it all ride on red. Lol.

  • It's so wild the wrong ideas that float around about cops and medical personnel. "If you're a cop you have to tell me" and "if I tell them I did drugs they have to tell the cops"

    I really do tell all the interesting people in my life "tell cops nothing, medics everything" and it's saved a few butts. My mom is the one who initially told me that. She doesn't necessarily approve of drug use, but made it clear to us growing up that if we ever did something and had to go to the doctor, we needed to tell them everything, and they would always keep our secret, but always lie about it to the cops if they were involved. I love my mom. Lol. She's awesome.

  • Well, surprise.

  • No gif has better captured the moment I lost my virginity.

  • I've had some... Interesting friends in my life, and my advice to all of them has been: tell the police nothing, and the medics everything

  • Public support I can buy. Housing first, Medicare for all, cannabis legalization all poll incredibly well. The government doing it, regardless of who's in power? That's fantasy. Lol. I'd be more likely to believe we got transporters, or the Elon musk has a replicator and the rest of us aren't allowed to use it. Lol.

  • I've been trying to find a confirmation on the century it'll be set in for forever, but I suck at finding these things. Is 32nd century setting confirmed? I'm genuinely hoping it is. So much unexplored territory there.

  • Sept. 2024. You're right. Just a bit less than a year.

    The scariest part, though, is that sanctuary cities almost seem like a better alternative than our current approach to the housing crisis of "lol fucking die" :/

  • Honestly, star trek hasn't always hit the nail on the head for the circumstances, but in this case, they got the vibe just perfectly.

  • It's a good time to watch ds9. We're only a year away from the Bell riots. ;)

  • Just slide me a mushroom under your cup, Doug.

  • PSL

  • Pumpkin Socialist Latte Party of Liberation

  • Exactly!

  • Splain? I just finished ENT a month ago and don't remember that?

    In fairness, my brain refuses to hold on to much of that finale. >:-[

  • I am a slut. A proud, slutty slut.

    But I do not have slut eyes. I have the sweet, tender eyes of a docile kitten boy that confuse men when I say things like "make me regret this when I try to walk tomorrow" and "we will consume the rich and destroy the patriarchy"

  • I wish people would stop pretending like we live on a ball orbiting a star. We live on a disc, and Australia is on the tails side, and we each have a star, like a sexy flaming-ball-of-gas Sandwich..