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2 yr. ago

  • Maybe? But we we always cut our own

  • "But have you considered being rEsPeCtAbLe‽"

  • What am I missing here? Because it sounds like they're saying they've discovered a new thing that registers to us as sour, not actually a new flavor?

  • I mean, I could understand liberal tears. Liberal blood. Liberal sweat, at a stretch. But liberal cum? That just sounds like you're offering to blow Joe Biden.

  • I mean, realistically, if everyone was addicted to crack, literally everyone, it wouldn't be that different. Crack would be way more available, likely with like, crack restaurants and shit. Poor people would basically crack-starve the way they food starve now. Same shit, different day. Except now we know the governmental officials are high as fuck, instead of just suspecting as much.

    And I imagine my house would be cleaner. Zip zip zip.

  • Security logs for me. "[hour] performed patrol. All well." Repeated hundreds of times per week .

  • I've met this guy. He's horrible. He genuinely believed gul dukat was a truly good person who did the best he could with the situation. That the bajorans might not have been enslaved, but that gul dukat was clearly trying to be a, and I quote here, "good overseer."

    Blew my freaking mind, and it legitimately ended a friendship when I realized this person believed "good slaveowner" was an actual, possible thing to be.

    In fairness, I knew his politics sucked, but I had no idea how badly they sucked. "classical liberal"

  • I've had a really, really tough week, and I needed something this wholesome. Thank you for sharing.

  • I always thought they were called French fries because they're French style, as in cut into long thing pieces. Til!

  • Hey! I accidently cleared all my notifications, and couldn't find your post again. You responded to me on the other one, and I just wanted to say sorry for never replying. Lol.

  • ... is Charlie brown threatening to euthanize snoopy‽

  • Not who you asked, but I use podbean and have recently started using antennapod. Both are really good, but antennapod is open source from what I understand, and I've been able to find more podcasts on it. Only gripes with it are that you can't rate the podcasts on it, and you can't set it play all episodes of a certain podcast automatically. You have to add them to a queue manually and play from the queue. Other than that it's absolutely fantastic.

  • I'm not crying, you're crying.

  • It works

  • !! Truly the life hack we need!

  • The phenomenal mod of made a post on the subreddit letting us know that they were making a community on here because of the reddit insanity. Came over and joined same day and really haven't looked back since. Lemmy is amazing, and all the best parts of what reddit great, without the bull.

  • Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. Me and my mom used to watch it every day when I was a kid. Long before I ever watched ST.

    She's in the hospital right now, and I needed that memory. Thank you for asking this question. It gave me a really good memory to think on. ❣️