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2 yr. ago

  • Honestly, normally when I see the huge age gap with actors I think it's creepy/exploitative of the woman, but in this case, she's married to Jean-Luc Picard! Clearly she's getting the better end of that deal. He has a spaceship!

  • Right‽ Total Bill Murray vibes. Plus they worked together on Scrooged.

  • Aww, what a shame. But I'm sure there are many good ones!

  • hyrule

  • Are there fan theories that Zelda and Link are trans? I need to catch up on my fan theories! Haha.

  • That sounds like what the US tried to do with the individual mandate when the ACA (Obamacare) went through. Honestly, I'm surprised. I didn't realize there were systems like that in Europe. I thought pretty much everywhere there had nationalized healthcare.

  • Clearly, there are 5 lights. I don't know how you could be so wrong about this.

  • hyrule

  • What is t4t in this context?

  • Cheddarbroc, his account discovered!

  • Curious if anyone here would care to educate on American on how the Swiss healthcare system works currently? I assume there's universal coverage already, but I don't know how it works.

  • Lotta good answers here, but I present for the academy's consideration: Carol Kane.

  • You hardly need to, it's obvious.

  • Holy crap. Just looked it up, in the US the average amount of nicotine per cigarette is 10mg. It can be up to 20mg!

  • Very cool! Any way you can link to where you bought the hemp? Always looking for new yarn/fiber sources!

  • On technicality I am a mod of the letterboxed (nyt game) community, but only because our actual mod added me because I was more well versed with lemmy at that point. She has done everything, I have done literally nothing.

  • Mr. Data's bussy is versed in a broad variety of...pleasuring.

  • Because they had no budget, and made it out of paper mache and hope.

  • Honestly, as of right now, not really. I gots the brain fog. But azure scapegoat I think is one decent YouTuber. Noncompete may have a video on Cuba, and I believe prof. Richard Wolff does as well.

    I'm not a Marxist, though, so my knowledge of state socialism is cursory other than theory. I'm an anarcho-communist, and my knowledge and interests lie more towards that direction.

    This isn't on housing (I really can't remember which video is good on that topic, but I know it's a findable thing), but how elections work in Cuba. Worth watching:

    I will say, one of the things to note about state socialist countries, even if you disagree with them, is they're often derided for being authoritarian (and IMHO, they are), but they're always less authoritarian than what came before. The USSR had problems, yeah, but it was leaps and bounds better than czarist Russia. Cuba has some issues, but compared to the open air slave-run casino it was before the revolution, it's a damn sight better. And if you compare it to it's neighbors, it's doing amazingly well, even with the insane embargo. Just something to think about, democracy (in the sense of actual control by the people) has increased in each society that has gone that route. Imagine, then, what a place like the US, with our big talk democratic ideals would look like if it did. Just food for thought.

  • I've seen my own asshole, it's not a particularly interesting view. I much prefer seeing someone else's.

  • I was on the major forum for a particular book series for a decade. I'm still good friends with several of the people I met there. It was an amazing experience, and it makes me sad that they're not the same now.