What bizarre situations have you found yourself in because you couldn't say no?
What bizarre situations have you found yourself in because you couldn't say no?
What bizarre situations have you found yourself in because you couldn't say no?
Ok so I work in the animation industry and was at a industry event in LA
So we usually go to talks in the day, and go to industry parties in the evenings, it's weirdly a tossup on which will be exciting and which will be boring.
So we were just heading out of one party when we got invited to another for some random AR company, we were pretty tired but figured it would be good to go represent our company and what not.
So we hop in a car with a couple of the dudes from the company and they start driving and we're chatting and then they get kinda quiet all of a sudden, an we take a left into skid row, a super right part of town. My friend and I are looking at each other like "are we getting murdered?".
And then they take a right, still in skid row, up to the front of a pretty swanky studio. We're like "Phew, ok, but what is this place doing here!?"
The party was like something out of the show Silicon Valley, everyone was super pro their company, they will be the next Google, definitely can't fail, ext ext. Felt like talking to some kinda hive mind, they just all had the same things to say. I get towing the company line but it was next level.
Then they start a presentation showing off what they do, where they are going ext, and then have someone come up and do a dance thing in a mocap suit with a big projector pointed at him blasting colors and stuff that moved with him, it was pretty neat actually.
The guy in the mocap suit goes up to the mic, turns out it's the guy who voiced Jarjar Binx, and he proceeds to spend the next hour and a bit telling us his life story.
Got back to the hotel and had a moment of "did that just happen? Was this just a weird dream?"
towing the company line
Just an FYI, it's toeing in the idiom, not towing. Thought you might want to know.
Nah, see, you have to physically tow the company line around with you everywhere you go, showing it off to everyone you meet.
It depends on whether the company line runs, or not. If it doesn't, then you'll have to tow it.
We met a guy at the bar that I only knew as "The Brazilian" he definitely was not from Brazil, that was just the nickname my friends gave him. They tell me he seems like a cool dude and he should come back to my place with us. Once we get there, I find out that one of the VERY drunk friends thought that the Brazilian was looking at his girlfriend too much, (he wasn't) and wanted to beat his ass. That's not cool, and not in my house, so before anything could happen, I warned him, gave him a beer for the walk, and sent him on his way. I just told everyone he realized he had somewhere to be and left.
I don't talk to those friends anymore.
Nicely handled, bro.
Well played.
I walked into a Games Workshop with some friends to maybe pick up a board game. My friends quickly realized our mistake and promptly left. I stuck around, so they handed me a sample figurine and talked me through the process of painting miniatures for a few minutes before I thanked them and left, because I didn't want to be rude.
Sorry if I'm missing something, what was the mistake made? It sounds like you guys were looking for a tabletop game shop and found one?
Picked my friend up because a large group of hispanic men were shooting at him. Later I found out he was ripping out car stereos. He ded now. And honestly his death made me reevaluate my opinion on gun laws.
Might also need to reevaluate your friendships.
He's dead now, I have no friends. (Nobody keeps the high moral standards I set for things now) So nothing to reevaluate. Initially I was angry that he got shot, but over time I came to the conclusion that the homeowner that shot him had the right to defend his livelihood and had done nothing wrong. My friend had been in so many close calls, so many times, and still didn't fucking stop. It was his choice and he paid the price for it.
I once ended up smoking crack and having an orgy with a bunch of Kalahari bushmen.
I didn’t speak their language, but I kept just shaking my head no. They wouldn’t listen!
I just met a new friend from another friend, we went out drinking as a group and after that he asked me "Bro do you want to go check out the city hall now?"
It was around 2AM and of course I said yes and hopped in his car.
We went to the city hall which was very far away. His objective was to go and try to lift one of a big famous ancient bowl (it is a superstitious belief that if you ask a yes/no question in your mind, like will I get rich? And if you can lift the bowl up, it'll be true.) The bowl was behind a big metal fence, we can see it but can't reach it. And the security said if we want to get in we shouldn't come at this hour. He drove me back to my place along the way got stopped by the police and good thing he didn't drink much that day.
So, the first time I met the guy and we went to a weird place I never went there again in my life.
After that he brought me along to do many activities. We are still good friends until today.
Being born.