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2 yr. ago

  • That's so cool! I have the drawing capabilities of your average pool noodle. I'm always so jealous of people who can create visually what they see in their mind.

    You're a very talented person. I look forward to seeing more.

  • Exactly! Are you the artist?


    It almost feels like this could be a comic version of an SCP story. I really love this.

  • Fucking love the look on the mime's face at the end.

  • I imagine this not like a talking mug we might have today, with a battery and a prerecorded message, but instead an almost sentient creepy face like that bajorans treasure chest of horrors.

  • In some places, you pay for utilities before using them, and they shut you fuck off right in the middle of the month if you've used it up. :/

  • I've never watched It's Always Sunny (meaning to, I promise!), but dude on the far left is exactly my type.

  • I've just noticed your username. Haha.

  • You and I should be pizza friends. I will cook amazing pizza. Lol.

  • I can do crispy crust, it's not too hard. But I do also love a deep dish. Lol.

  • Well, as we've established, I have a hard time saying no. So, sure! Lol.

  • ... I've never wanted to pay all my bills at the same time so much before...

  • Replicator. Then use it to replicate the parts to a new replicator. Rinse and repeat, and force us into a post scarcity society.

    Then beg someone to make a holodeck.

  • Getting screwed by a dude I had no interest in, in the back of my car, after driving him to his family's house an hour away.

  • They're useful idiots if they give me their crusts.

  • It's so fucking good, but I'm more of a ham than bacon person. Bacon is too hard for my poor, American, no dental insurance havin' teeth. Lol.

  • Sometimes I fucks with jalapenos, yeah. Especially if I'm high. Lol.

  • Good. Because it's fucking delicious and I don't care what the internet says. We all loved it in the 90s, and nothing has changed. It's still delicious, we just do less coke now.