Star Wars Movies (at literature/culture) are canon!
Star Wars Movies (at literature/culture) are canon!
Star Wars Movies (at literature/culture) are canon!
The weirdest thing to me is that beastie boys have been listened to by characters, and they reference Spock and the Vulcan neck pinch in intergalactic.
"I hate temporal mechanics"
Honestly that would be a rather funny scene in a time travel episode.
That one's easy - in The Voyage Home, when they go back to 1986, a busload of people saw Spock neck pinch a guy playing loud music, and Kirk said his name right afterward. Word spread about this and it became a popular urban legend, enough so that the Beastie Boys referenced it in a song 12 years later.
Also in the Kelvin timeline.
This is like how the Sopranos and the Gilmore Girls both reference each other
In software development that's called a circular dependancy!
Originals yes, prequels no.
It took a timeline with WW3 to stop George Lucas’ madness.
Also, Star Trek as entertainment is canon within the Star Trek universe, confirmed in the "Enterprise" TV finale.
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym
Splain? I just finished ENT a month ago and don't remember that?
In fairness, my brain refuses to hold on to much of that finale. >:-[
Live long, and may The Force be with you.
Laser blasts you in the face from his hidden pistol under the table.
Laser blasts you in the face from his hidden pistol phaser under the table.
Also... shall we put that one on Riker?
As soon as the Eugenics Wars ended, Lucas got to work on putting CGI Jabba into A New Hope.
They've probably played the holo-novel adaptation of Star Wars