Kamala Harris Picked as Democrats’ Runaway 2028 Favorite in New Poll
Kamala Harris Picked as Democrats’ Runaway 2028 Favorite in New Poll

Kamala Harris Picked as Democrats’ Runaway 2028 Favorite in New Poll

Kamala Harris Picked as Democrats’ Runaway 2028 Favorite in New Poll
Kamala Harris Picked as Democrats’ Runaway 2028 Favorite in New Poll
Ok that's enough social media for today. Sigh
What the actual fuck. They never learn.
Never get tired of losing
Sure, let's do the same stupid shit again and expect different results.
I like Harris just fine and she would have been a far better president than Donnie, but this is how JD Vance becomes President.
Cant we find someone who is not in favor of war crimes to run from the left? How about Buttigieg
I'd be all in on that.
Bold to assume Trump 3 doesn't happen.
So, they prove once again that they don't learn.
Mmore proof the neo liberal democratic party is a controlled opposition party who bows to the will of the same Wall Street military and prison industry profiteers that guide the policies of the right. Trump is going to be handed another 4 years after they repeal the 22nd amendment. this country is a fascist hellscape
Are you fucking kidding me.
AOC and Bernie over here amassing entire legions of working class people and they're over here bashing themselves in the nuts. doing a straw poll with corporate doners pretending like it means fucking ANYTHING.
Perhaps time for a third party...
The problem is that I don't know how you'd get a third party off the ground. Modern third parties all seem to fall into the trap of going all in on a presidential at the expense of any potential down ballot races.
I think Bernie's suggestion of progressives running as independent is an interesting angle as it would be focused on down ballot races by its nature, and if you get enough independent progressives, they could coalesce into a new party down the line.
Seriously. I haven't seen a word from her since she lost. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren, Katie Porter, and of course AOC are posting and speaking publicly every day. Katie's running for governor of California and I will give her my vote when the time comes.
The DNC clearly has its head up somewhere dark and damp. Harris's campaign went flat as soon as they got involved.
We still have three years to go before the next election, assuming one actually happens.
At this stage in the game, the only thing that these types of polls are going to reveal is who has the most name recognition.
In other words, everyone calm down.
Thank you! Any time this kind of polling shows up on Lemmy, users seem to think this is the Plan of the Democratic Leadership Cabal, rather than an incredibly premature name recognition test.
People want to vote for people they have favorable impressions of who they also think others will vote for. Without other frontrunners, who emerge over time, it's not surprising that polled Democrats would recognize and still support the candidate that 75 million people voted for five months ago.
If you want other candidates (I do), identify them and figure out how to help them build their profile now.
It's crazy how fast incredibly premature polling turns into unstoppable freight train that cannot be interrupted by anything but a certified act of God signed and dated with appropriate postage to oh shit oh God what's happening someone should have planned something.
Just like the polls that show McDonald's, Taco Bell, or Chic fil a as America's favorite restaurant in X state. It doesn't take too many idiots to outweigh everyone else.
Please don’t.
No they fucking haven't.
I don't know who they're polling to come up with that trash. Dems didn't turn out for her in 2024 because she had no answers on the economy, and refused to admit Israel was genociding Palestinians, so they sure as shit aren't going to turn up for her in 2028--if there's even an election in 2028--when she still won't have any answers about the economy--which will likely be in full depression territory by then--and all she'll be able to do with Israel is say, "well, it's too late, all the Palestinians have been genocided, oh well).
The pool wasn't about general election. It's about primaries. Insane as it is, it's all about name recognition. People in US will simply vote for the one person they heard about. But it's still early, other candidates still have time to get their name out there.
Mind if I ask a question? Did you vote for her?
Yes. I voted for her because there was no other viable option. Claiming that she's the best choice in primaries, for a 2028 presidential run is absolute nonsense. Running her again would be beyond stupid; it would be like running Clinton (Hilary, not Bill) a second time.
Fuck sake, get someone that's a charismatic populist running on messages of, "hell yes, we're going to tax the shit out of billionaires, we're going to tax them until they're millionaires", with expansion of gov't services and de-privatization as major platform planks. Dems need a Project 2028 that lays all of this shit out on an eyes-only basis so they can get the majority of it through in the first 4 months, too. Not just unwinding the damage that Trump has done to the federal bureaucracy, but EXPANDING it, and hardening it against any future interference from the executive branch.
fucking morons.
people demanding progressives, but no, lets pretend conservative democrats have a fucking chance.
how tone-deaf can you fucking be.
Considering the Democratic Party has done this 3 times in a row and that they refuse to primary wildly unpopular members of their own party.
They are extremely tone deaf and out of touch with what the voters want. It’s why I want the progressives in the party to split off. The progressives are screwed if they stay, so why not leave and have an actual fucking chance?
Bernie Sanders got screwed over by the super delegates who all went for unpopular Hillary Clinton. Imagine how wildly different things would be if he was the Democratic nominee in 2016?
agreed. we have assholes like obama and bill clinton also to blame for sinking bernie in 2016.
they are 100% part of why trump is president right now.
Considering the Democratic Party has done this 3 times in a row and that they refuse to primary wildly unpopular members of their own party.
The primaries are open to anybody who meets the requirements. We don't have to wait for "the party" to provide us with better candidates. The better candidates just have to follow the process to declare themselves a candidate. And then we just have to show up and vote for them.
Bernie Sanders got screwed over by the super delegates who all went for unpopular Hillary Clinton.
Sanders initially said that the candidate with the majority of pledged delegates should be the nominee; in May 2016, after falling behind in the elected delegate count, he shifted, pushed for a contested convention and arguing that, "The responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for this country and what is best for the Democratic Party."[46][54] Ultimately, Clinton won the nomination without relying on the votes of superdelegates; she led Sanders by a substantial number of elected delegates (from primary and caucus votes), as well by a substantial margin in the popular vote.
Also at the top of that page:
In 2018, the Democratic National Committee reduced the influence of superdelegates by barring them from voting on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention, allowing them to vote only in a contested convention.
Imagine how wildly different things would be if he was the Democratic nominee in 2016?
It's sad to think about how much better things could have been, and also if we had had Gore in 2000. But we shouldn't forget that Clinton won the primaries popular vote by enough that the superdelegates' votes didn't matter.
I still feel like Harris had to gave been handicapped on progressive policies from the DNC. There's simply no way, with her record and history, that she wouldn't have campaigned on a completely separate platform than Biden unless he, and the DNC forbid it. Now, that brings about a new set of issues; in which she was unable to stand up to the establishment and say, fuck you guys. She used to be pretty progressive in the senate and it all went away with the VP.
Oh a secret progressive, neat. She could have chosen up until the last few days of the election to jettison the zionist garbage messaging from her campaign and choose to win and she didnt. Her campaign had polls showing she'd lose and why. Unless she literally had a gun to her head I dont want to hear how progressive she is.
On top of that she's married to a zionist and her campaign manager was her husbands brother, also a zionist. If she wants to promise to ditch those two losers from anything relating to politics I'll consider voting for her, otherwise she can piss right on off in every single other time she runs as well. No more zionists candidates. Reform jewish people are fine, but we need to stop trying to prop up right wing warmongers from whats supposedly the left leaning party.
What the fuckkkkk
no just no no no please god no
Good god please no. Not again.
Dems right now.
Jfc. They'll never learn. We really are all doomed.
Just kidding. We were doomed already.
Here's an idea, maybe field a compelling candidate who can beat Trump?
Crazy I know. I just don't know where it comes from sometimes.
If Trump is allowed to run again so is Obama. Not sure how everyone feels about that.
I’m okay with that.
This is why repubs don't have to cheat to win. Democrats will it into existence.
Please understand that they still will cheat if they can, because it's more fun for them that way
Both the Dems and Republicans have failed us...Maybe we should start looking to a third party that actually cares about the people.
Democrats love fucking losing.
They’re gonna keep doing wackier shit until it’s clear they’ve been fucking with their supporters the whole time then say “you really thought we were on your side??” then sucker punch an old lady and run over a dog.
A.) this is a joke right? B.) amusing they think there’s gonna be a viable election in 2028
I swear to god if they pull this nonsense again…
Honestly I don't think she should run in 28. Nothing against Kamala, but we really don't need a moderate centrist insider to bring us back from the damage Trump is doing. The nation would be far better off having a real debate with Pete, Tim, and Alexandria up on stage. Kamala would have too much power over the process, and would use every bit of it. Which of course means that's exactly what's going to happen, probably handing us a narrow loss to fucking Don Jr. or some other moron puppet.
If you don't want a moderate why would you want Pete anywhere near?
I want him on the stage, doesn't mean I want him to win. The main problem with Kamala being up there is that she would own the apparatus, the same way Joe and Hillary did. It's a form of censorship that doesn't help the debate, and leads to bad results. It leads to weighting them based on their influence, rather than ability, policy, and character.
She needs to fuck off. Permanently.
See you in 2032
Yes, things will change in 2032 for sure. You can take that to the bank, jack.
Can't wait until she loses again to the same dipshit moron she lost to and we're blamed again for her horrid policy campaign, again.
Why? Jfc just learn for once.
DNC: "No."
Things the DNC has learned:
Was this a poll of the DNC or registered Democrats? Asking because ad blocker.
The poll seems to cover Democrats and "Democrat-leaning independents," so not the DNC.
Exit: can't find the actual post on Morning Consult yet, but the article features an image where they specify the polled population.
Fuck off loser
I'm GLAD the Democrats are Pushing the Woman who LOST against a Billionaire Nazi who Campaigned on RUINING America and American Lives!
She lost to a carnival barker
This is First Past The Post in action. 2/3 of respondents selected someone other than her, yet she "wins" this poll.
Drop the bottom 1/3rd of the candidates, and revote. Repeat a couple times. This soon after the election, Harris's support is as high as it's going to get. Reduce the number of spoilers, and her numbers have nowhere to go but down.
It's funny how libs think republicans are the only stupid "party".
You got that backward. Republicans have stupid constituents, and the democrats have a stupid party. Republicans have been playing the long game and reaping the rewards of decades worth of planning and posturing. Democrats can't agree on a vision. The democrats strength is also their biggest problem. They're a big tent party that's inclusive to all and all ideas. In practice, that means they lack a single vision to fight for and never long-term plan. If they quit focusing on the fringe and instead focused on the class war, they could have that singular, uniting vision.
Its Lucy and the football for Charlie Brown, and we never learn.
we are so fucked.
Only if she plays the role of Taft in 1912.
We need an actual third party.
For that you need a different electoral system. FPTP tends towards dominance by two parties
We need an actual second party.
We have the illusion of choice
Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and party standpoint to public attention. They must not be led astray by the empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body.
You really think there will be elections in 2028...
Yeah, Putin continues to win elections in his country by a landslide. We'll have those.
The Democratic Party’s sole strategy looks like maximizing their big donor and independent votes. So they keep moving toward center-right.
This Democratic Party is like the monsters in Scooby Doo - the villain wearing the mask of the common person so they can get closer to you before stabbing in the back.
I became an independent in part to get democrats to actually care about me. They don’t give a fuck what I think if I’m a member because they just assume I’m voting for them.
Surely they must mean "Favorite candidate to run away from"....
(I'm kidding, though. I liked Harris as a candidate, but not having a real primary did the Democrats no favors. I blame Biden for not dealing realistically with his aging more than Harris.)
People need to upvote this for visibility, not disagreement. Seems like most of us agree, fuck no.
People need to see what BS is coming.
But then again I'm just assuming that's how lemmy works and if we downvote it will get lost.
I'm sure leftists and 3rd party voters will be blamed again when she loses, again.
I’m not voting democrat again, so they can run her without me.
Oh my fuck. God no. Stop. Please stop. What the actual fuck.
Are you fucking kidding me?
If the DNC is stuck on putting up an “establishment” candidate, why not Schiff? Seems like there’s no way they’re going to back AOC even though I’d guess she would get a lot of energy behind her.
To be honest, if there's still an election in 2028 and Kamala Harris is the democrat candidate, I just won't vote anymore. I've voted regularly since I turned 18, but I can't vote Republican in good conscience and Democrats have abandoned the public. I don't even dislike Kamala Harris, she just has no chance of winning and the DNC seems incapable of learning from their mistakes.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again here. It may be in our best interest to nominate a milquetoast candidate for the presidency in 2028 and for the republicans to win it.
That way when 2030 comes around, the house is packed with progressives, as the party in charge usually fares poorly in the midterms.
Why all of that? Well, because the congress in 2030 gets to draw the election district maps after the 2030 census, and for the next decade, progressives could then be represented accurately.
Now, a solid counter argument is what about the courts? And that’s valid, we likely can’t get both in the short to medium term. The best we could maybe hope for is a blue 2026 in the Senate, which could then accept judges that both the president and the senate agree upon. I think there is a case for some liberalesque populist judges to get through.
No. See: 2020.