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  • Big fan of beans, rice, and veggies. Cheap, vegan, filling, and healthy, while tasting great too!

  • I always like chopping all the vegetables I have and throwing them into a pot of mashed tomatoes. Throw in some minced meat or small noodles if it tickles your fancy.

  • You can make "khichdi" - It is a Indian dish, but not really, it is more of a procedure - basically get anything you have (rice, pulses, any other grain, just see if they are too hard, give a wash before, and let them soak for some time), add vegies(almost anything works, my favorites are potatoes, onions, tomoto, carrots, basically whatever is available in season), add spices to taste (I mostly just add salt and pepper, but anything is fine, just add a bit more, since all stuff previously added in a taste profile sense is bland) - then cook in pressure cooker (pressure cooker is not necessary, just accelerates cooking). Depending on how much you put - this can serve you many servings. If after cooking, it is dry for you, either have it with curd or youghurt if you want something cooloing, or just add a bit of vegetable broth and warm it up. Just store it well. It is cheap, not necessarily very nutritious (it is mostly carbs, fibre, and plant protien, which is not bad, but could be better). It is easy - no culinary skills required other than knowing how to wash and cut stuff, and operating your pot.

  • OH MAN!!!

    My favourite thing to cook is stir-fry veggie-mix with mashed potatoes.

    I buy a myriad of vegetables in "bulk" (not that much, y'know, but the more you buy the more you have and the less you have to go back to the store) and cut them all up thinly, mix them up, and store them in the freezer. Carrots, cabbage of many varieties, chickpeas, regular peas, onion, french onion, leek, turnip, spinach... It's hard to go wrong with your choices.

    Yes, it does require some prep, as you can see, but it's just a matter of picking your prep day: the day you buy and prepare the veggies.

    When you buy the veggies, you should also buy potatoes. Peel and cut them up in equal chunks; store separately to the veggies.

    That's the prep done.

    Then, whenever you want to eat, you just take some of the veggie-mix, olive oil, salt, and your favourite herbs (garlic, parsley...) and stir-fry the whole thing! Take the potatoes, boil them in salted water, drain the water, mash them thoroughly (I like to mix some spices here too, like cayenne pepper and garlic).

    So delish every time! You can easily get the protein from the veggies, but you could also add tinned fish of your choice, I like tuna.