How screwed are you?
How screwed are you?
How screwed are you?
Pokemon fans: 40k Fans Americans:
Fallout is shitty but doable, I like the idea of rebuilding society and I like the technology.
That said, with he new show lore, if VaultTec is able to just keep nuking things that sprout up then ig it's pointless.
I'm going to search for the beached Lookfar. If memory serves, it was abandoned on Selidor, just past the Dragons' Run
Fear and hunger; At least let me be one of the atrocities serving one of the mad gods
Safest bet is to be a child in Skyrim.
Not sure if there's any mods left on the main sites to make them killable.
Well, it is none of these lame ones posted.
Cosmere time! Give me all of that Investiture!
Dementia simulator
I'm an old man in D&D? Yeah, I'm dead
You could always sell your soul to an archfey or something
Personally I would be the strongest cleric under Lliira
the reapers coming to make nearly all life extinct?
ah yes, "the reapers". sorry honey, I don't believe that nonsense. not screwed at all. life's pretty good in this universe.
At the moment, that would either be Bofuri or Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. As long as I don't make an enemy out of the indestructible girl in black armor/a bear costume, I should be just fine.
Star Trek? Hell yeah. The Borg might be a small problem and the Klingon, but no cooking, no cleaning, no need for money.
Being turned into a Gorn breeding sack? Kinda into it
I am confident we will get there. Have faith.
Of the heart?
I don't know. It seems that it is going towards the Star Wars universe though.
It is a fair tale, though it is sad, as are all the tales of Middle-earth, and yet it may lift up your hearts.
The Matrix.
Pretty fucking screwed.
Pokemon seems awful
Ever present terrorism, most towns don’t have food
Animal attacks are more common and dangerous
That doesn't sound that bad
If you take them at face value and not as a gamified abstraction, sure. "Pallet Town" having three buildings is unlivable but it isn't shown that way in non-game media.
The organized crime is rough but that usually gets sorted out by a child at some point so just keep your head down.
These terrorist organizations are at least nice enough to let you attempt to capture a relatively weak pikachu for over a decade. My boss gets mad if I go over my 15 minute coffee break.
Ever present terrorism
No one said you couldn't join them
I guess I hate ugly people enough to join Flare
Well, as far as Path of Exile 2 is concerned, I'll try to become someone's pet. Pets don't fight, are invincible and all they do is follow their owner wherever they go. I'd be able to see wondrous landscapes and all kinds of monsters without a care in the world.
try to become someone’s pet
I would love to know what happened with the person(s) who played Elon’s PoE account. Like great I need the DOGE expose and the revolution, but can I get an in-depth Wired piece on this one particular person or group first please
Assuming I can find Sam and Dean or stay the fuck away from Sam and Dean I would be safe.
Wheel of Time wouldn't be so terrible except that you lose 400 years of technological progress and you're completely screwed if you're a male and end up being a magic user.
Yeah, but... Might get a shot at Rosamund Pike.
Just stop channeling until they
But yea, without modern technology, I'd actually have to go outside? And talk to people? 😱
Each zelda game is wildly different when it comes to the state of the world so i can't say for sure. All i know is i need to protect my pots from that maniac in green
+1 for Zelda fan. But just be pot seller and you're set for life.
I'll take a half.
You'll cease to exist when the Wind Fish gets woken up.
I'm not certain if I'd be more fucked in Factorio, The Elder Scrolls, Terraria, or Stardew Valley. I'd be fucked either way though since I assume I'd be a rando off screen, and not the main character
Stardew you'd at least be fucked in the good way. I mean, just look at Mayor Louis and Marnie
It's pretty safe to be an NPC in thr Elder Scrolls as long as you aren't important or interesting and you're polite to adventurers.
I held off the dragons till I did everything else because I got so annoyed with them killing townspeople in Skyrim.
Morrowind taught me to take over some asshole dark elf's house in Seyda Neen, and powelevel all my skills to 100 before I left the first town so that a random cliff racer, or kwarma forager didn't take out me and any random NPC around me.
Oblivion, beeline to Anvil, buy the house, and again just max out all my skills. Mostly so that the random encounters didn't kill me. I don't remember having issues keeping NPCs alive in that one.
I'm entirely uncertain that any of us normal non magicka wielding randos would survive long in any of the most interesting times of mundus.
Star Wars.
I'll accept it.
I'm good. I mean, there's a hell portal right next to a certain town in the countryside, but even the demons of this world are more "asshole characters and weird animals" than actual-ACTUAL-demons. Plus they seem to have completely handled issues of poverty and such by taming all of nature with magic, even if they still use money and have jobs. Less 'socialism' and more 'post-scarcity society, but with magic instead of tech'.
.... I'm talking about Equestria from Gen 4 My Little Pony by the way.
....... Then again ponies are like SUUUUPER racist, so if I end up there as a human, I think I'd be experimented on.
With a bit of twisting you get diablo1/2 universe
.... For real?
I was a child that didn't understand english when I played Diablo, so I'm willing to take it at face value but like.
For real?
The Expanse fans:
... dies on Eros
Everyone looks partially cartoony and keep talking about a vault.
And the damn neighbour has some weird mutant dog.
And the damn neighbour has some weird mutant dog.
Scrappy is goddamn precious
There is one animated meme making the rounds now, posing the question on whether viewers would want a bucolic near-communist solarpunk future where everyone is happy and has their needs met, or a 40k future of massive mechs that can level entire cities on their own.
I say: why not both?
Crunchy outer shell of 40k that is just enough for a healthy defence of humanity, 90+% gooey solarpunk interior that gives everyone else a psychologically healthy and comfortable life.
Fallout. I'm dead before I realize where I am.
The game was rigged from the start...
Ring a ding ding
SCP fan. I'm fucked.
Oh dude. I hadn't even considered SCP. At least you might meet Alan Wake. Never played the games, but I assume he's an interesting guy if he lives in that universe, and has survived multiple games.
I haven't played the games either, tbh I didn't even know there were games.
I've been reading SCP's for probably over 15 years now though, with varying levels of obsession with it during that time. There is so much lore and interconnectedness now, seeing it grow from just a few stories was incredible.
I love Cyberpunk 2077 but since I'm German I might be mostly okay
Well, depending on where and when in the story I land in Eorzea, it can be a nice and boring existence, one where I get to see all the famous heroes of the age from all across the realm, or a painfully short one.
Wake the fuck up samurai
We have a city to burn.
I think I'd be pretty screwed. I'd most likely be living in some remote, forgotten village, trying to eke out enough of a living to pay the local lord for the privilege, while trying to avoid my home being raided by Aiel, or Seanchan, or Dragonsworn, or one of the other dozen armies roaming the countryside. Or maybe I'd be serving in one of those armies, fodder for the front lines, going up against enemies with no qualms about using the One Power for killing.
There's a tiny, remote chance that I could be studying in one of the schools in Cairhien or Caemlyn, trying to push technology out of the dark ages, which would be pretty cool. But that still comes with the risk of being a target of Darkfriends and the Forsaken, which is less cool.
I'll probably try to channel and then get chased down by a red ajah, then I lose channeling, get depressed, kms. the end
The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.
Shit my insurance rates are going up.
Only if you're in New York.
Or anywhere poor or remotely interesting.
I'm definitely dead the moment the Vogons destroy Earth to make room for a hyperspace bypass.
You never know, you could turn out to be the most important person in the universe. Happened to me once, you know. Wouldn't recommend it.
You might just end up on the replacement Earth without the dolphins.
Not if you befriend an undercover alien writing for The Guide!
My favorite fictional universe is The Culture. I think I'm going to be alright lol.
I just hope we're born in Culture space, rather than one of the less...forward thinking societies.
Also plot twist: our universe is the Culture universe, we just haven't made contact yet. I think it was shown in State of the Art
The State of the Art and Excession are the two I haven't gotten my hands on yet. I'm reading Matter right now and am consistently blown away by how forward thinking the author is. All of his work holds up so well.
Nice invincible verse
It's nice to see how many of yall are quick with whatever your favorite fictional universe is..
I have never put much thought into one I'd deem as a favorite. I like a lot of games, shows, books, and such.. But I don't think I'd be able to pick just one.
Multiverse it is.
Crucially, you don't automatically get to travel the multiverse. You just know it exists now.
My favorite universe is Star Wars. Pretty sure we're already on track to be fighting an evil empire soon enough, just without the cool spaceships.
SCP fan
Ss14. Shit
Space Station 14? The fact you specified 14 instead of 13 gives me hope that it's making good progress.
It's pretty good, check it out on steam!
as a UC Gundam fan
Jupiter seems to escape most of the world-shattering events.
Personal spaceships commonly available?
Lots of unusual, but generally friendly aliens?
The Space Dandyverse wouldn't be too horrid.
The Pokemon fan is probably thinking about catching Ditto and making it turn into every person they find attractive.
If it's a furry they might go for Vaporeon.
certain periods of time in Middle Earth could suck a little bit. I'd love to hang out in valinor during the years of the trees tho.
You would still be human, so you wouldn't be allowed there. Númenor before Sauron's shenanigans would be awesome though.
We are watching the Sprawl Series come to fruition as we’ll speak in real time. Very Screwed…
Good if you want to buy 4MB of stolen ram, however.
So either I die rather quickly or live in a world of lasting sorrow and decay with short bursts of beauty doomed to fail. But at least I can be philosophical about it, right?
Glorious android ass.
Cyberpunk 2077. But I don't have to wonder about it. Its happening already.
At least Cyberpunk got joy girls and working cybernetics. We get Gilead and cyber trucks that short out from a car wash.
I'd probably be all right, Tyria looks nice this time of year. At least as long as the Charr play along.
You're now in the middle of the brand.
i hope I'm fit for starfleet.
There's always the Space Janitorial Service.
My favorite fictional universe is Star Trek, but right now I'm really into The Expanse and that's probably more interesting.
Keng mi luck mi gonya kom sif wabelta nakángego ere setashan dédeya wowk tumal wit rashang ereluf unte owkwa showxa kewe mi livit suck da big felota. Kowltim tenye luck pashang mal. Unte nawang pochuye mi fo mi belta so mal.
I am a trekie too. I only hope to not get reincarnated on one of the planets that got razed to the ground for backgroundstory.
Additionally it could be devastating for the federation if one trekkie gets assimilated by borg
I can’t wait to visit Starfleet Medical to get my back and stomach fixed, live in a post scarcity utiopia, see other worlds, and study whatever I want.
EDIT: I think the worst thing will be contemplating the metaphysics of transporters. But maybe I’ll just never take one.
Anyone care to join me at the Holodeck, I have a vampire & werewolves novel... XD
My own meme and it applies here.
Really depends on the time period though. There were quite a few unpleasantries even in that universe. Klingon War, Dominion War, Borg,...
Lmao I'd be off to requisition a runabout lolol fuck this planet lmao
I’d find some small tropical moon and set up orbital defenses
Springfield here I come
Just don't kick a giant mouse in the butt and you'll be fine. Otherwise, you'll become a political prisoner.
I'll be allright, it is just a small silly ring that I have to throw in a burning mountain. That is surrounded by orcs and other evil beings. While the ring is fighting against me and giving me supernatural powers.
Oh and no pressure, only the whole world will be destroyed and everything I know and love will be gone too.
Yea, Lord of the rings. I'm screwed...
You're way more likely to be a random civilian pressed into service to defend Minas Tirith, if that helps.
I'm dead anyway. But thanks, it may increase my odds slightly.
So... Do I stay as I am or do I become a pony when I end up in Equestria? 🤔
There's no shortage of fanfic about either option, last time I checked (circa 2012)
Oh I know that much. I'm still on 😂 it's just nice to have clarification as to what kind of fic I'm going to end up in 😂
Cum, let's do some friendship!
People on Archer seem extra durable. As long as the main cast stays far far away should be great.
You mean I get to love on the Discworld on the backs of 4 giant elephants on the back of a cosmic turtle?