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The Watch Dogs movie has finally started filming after 10 years
  • I wonder if they are following the first game story wise.. If they are the movie is automatically going to flop. Aiden was such a piece of garbage the entire time.

  • Removed
    Is sex really that awesome? am I really missing out?
  • Asexual. There's a lot of us around these parts for whatever reason.

    There are levels and layers to sexuality, with some being absolutely disgusted by the idea of anything romantic related at all, while I'd say the opposite end of it being those who are actively willing to engage in sex, but don't get anything physically out of it themselves.

    The biggest thing to note from any asexual person is the general apathy on the importance of sex as a thing to experience. Being one myself, I can't really claim to know amazing it is, but I can guess that if it's what some people think about constantly, get addicted to, and continue to engage in after having enough kids that it's financially impossible to support them.. It must be pretty good for some people.

  • Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu | MTGGoldfish Podcast #491
  • Nadu and the one ring sure are good cards.

    I'm just glad saffron explained what the new impending keyword does. (it's suspend, but creatures start out as enchantments)

  • Sega’s Crazy Taxi reboot is a ‘massively multiplayer driving game’
  • All I 'need' now is for them to ruin jet set radio somehow and I'll be back on the waiting for something interesting to be announced train.

  • I asked what your fave controllers are, now. What is the worst controller you have used?
  • Probably that first NES controller.. Those corners were hell on the palms.

  • egg_irl [transfem]
  • Pretty much anyone on stage or on TV is wearing some kind of makeup. It is incredibly common.

  • What are your favourite controllers?
  • Edited to clarify. And you can roll separated buttons just as easily.. I know because I'd do it a lot on the psp with dj max.

  • What are your favourite controllers?
  • The directional pad is four separate buttons. Up down left right. I want them to be like the c buttons on the Nintendo 64 controller. Separate.

    What ends up happening with me is that I'll press down but not squarely down. There is a good chance I'll press partially to the left or right while using smaller d pads. This causes extra inputs I didn't intend to do happen. The ds made playing tetris much harder on me than it should have for me.

  • egg_irl [transfem]
  • Plenty of men wear makeup. Embrace your inner goth.

    Personal note: this is one of the many gendered things I simply refuse to acknowledge as gendered. There are plenty of instance where it's perfectly normal (thus mentioning goth) and it shouldn't be gender specific to want a more uniform completion.

  • What are your favourite controllers?
  • Yeah, I just wish they'd split the directionals.

  • Removed
    A New Reality Show Will Pay Cash if Players Can Convince Experts the Earth Is Flat
  • Who will be on the show: people with more time than sense.

    People who won't: the dozens of actually intelligent cult leaders grifters who are making a living off flat earth believers.

  • What are your favourite controllers?
  • I do not know what the industry wide obsession is with connected D-pads, but my chunky thumbs do not appreciate it.

    And with that in mind, the Playstation style of controllers are the closest thing to my ideal controller currently on the market.

    Also, I prefer thumbstick under D-pad just in case I need to hit one of those buttons regularly I have a few options.

  • Why WotC Should Ban Nadu [Opinion]
  • It likely should. I just swapped it in as my commander for my group hug simic deck that has no wincon.. And 2 cards in the deck that actually work with Nadu. Just because of the memes.

    And just in case anyone was wondering about simic group hug.. I give people card draw, lands, and symmetrical combo pieces. The plan is to make a 5+ person game not take 3 hours.

  • New Crazy Taxi title will be an open-world, massively multiplayer AAA game, according to Sega
  • Oh. Well I guess I'm not interested in it anymore. That's a shame.

  • Blahaj zone is getting a new mascot and icon!
  • Just cropped it so that it'd appear larger and less busy detail wise. I don't think most people who already know what a blahaj is would have any trouble descerning the intent of the cropped image instead of the full shork.

  • NSFW
    If I don't care what pronouns are used, can I still be an ally?
  • These two things are entirely mostly unrelated. People who do not want to be misgendered for whatever reason use them to avoid being misgendered as often as possible. To be inclusive some allies include theirs also, it shows some level of support and helps normalize displaying pronouns. You can still support others without putting your own pronouns promenantly out there for everyone to see.

    Take me for instance. I identify agenderly but use he/him pronouns mostly becuase that's how I was born and look. I, much like you, don't care about how I'm pronouned, and honestly I prefer however I'm presenting at the time. In life it doesn't change much. But in games it can vary.

    My own opinion on pronouns being that they exist to ease conversation, and so long as they do that, I have no problem using anyone's preferred selection. Up until someone decides their pronouns are so unique that it's not really a pronoun anymore, it's more like a second name. That's when I get a bit petty and will generally avoid talking about whoever that is at all.

  • Blahaj zone is getting a new mascot and icon!
  • I dunno if the whole thing is a bit too busy for the topbar..

    So I guess I'll present a simple alternative:

    Regardless of the particulars, it's super cute!

    To compare:

  • A fragment of your imagination
  • I mean.. Dinosaur depictions changed wildly from when I was little.

    But the neat thing about science is that they can admit that their best evidence might be flawed and they will keep working on it when proven wrong.

    Religion on the other hand...

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Too many to list.

    They all either:


    Got cancelled

    Pandered to a younger audience of which I am not.

  • [AMA] I am a professional construction carpenter. Feel free to ask me anything.

    I've been working in construction for the past 11 years at this point with a few years before that in a part time role. I'm more than happy to lend whatever knowledge or insights I may have about work, life, or whatever.

    I will be checking in sporadically to see if there are questions.

    EDITED WELL AFTER QUESTIONS STOPPED: I'm still active-ish on Lemmy, so if you happen to find this and have a question, I will likely still get back to you.

    am I the problem? Connect image viewing issue

    Watch "Connect image viewing issue" on Streamable.

    Connect image viewing issue

    It seems that I'm unable through either ineptitude or issue to view long pictures. Help?

    Coskii Coskii

    One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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